Update with Solomon

  • This is a government of manipulation, exploitation and extortion-Comrade Emelieze

    Download 33Download 1 31The present administration in Nigeria revolves around manipulation, exploitation and extortion.

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    This  assertion was made by the convener of the Federal Workers     Forum, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    'The present  government  Nigeria is grounded in extortion, exploitation and manipulation. This is leadership by example, go to the markets, market men and women are following the footsteps of those who are a the helm of affairs.There is no end in sight in the ongoing milking of millions of Nigerians by the oppressors. The oppressors have been molded by greed and for-self-only attitude. This is a period of inhuman increases in the costs of goods and services-most especially foodstuff. Comrade  Emelieze sated.

    The Local Scene

    The purchasing power of millions of Nigerians  have, all this while, been disabled by the prohibitive prices of goods and services.

    Curiously, as Nigerians are busy grappling with the violent crimes in the land, the lawmakers in Edo state have already taken a decision on kidnapping in the state.

    Sadly, so many states, where cultism is already part of daily living,  are very reluctant to move  against the cultists. Why is this so?

    Perhaps, this is suspicious, when consideration is given to the saying:''He who pays the piper dictates the tune.''

  • ASCSN Crisis: The Days of Locusts Are Numbered—Comrade Emelieze

    Download 32Download 1 30The days of locusts in the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN) are numbered.

    This assertion was made by the National Coordinator of the Federal Workers Forum, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The dark days of the locusts are numbered in the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, and corruption will soon be eradicated in the association. My appeal to members is that they should abide by the decision of the National Industrial Court on the matter; there is light at the end of the tunnel.'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

    The Local Scene

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    An unspecified number of residents of Ibadan, Oyo State, have, over the years, been dispossessed of their landed properties by those they look up to through dubious means.

    Fraudulent government officials and judicial officials, in addition to unscrupulous law enforcement agents, have played major roles in this respect.

    Indeed, those in charge have continued to formulate policies that aid the annexation of private residences.

    The forgery of property documents is commonplace, even as litigation piles up in different courtrooms.

    Communities in the ancient city have been overwhelmed by criminal elements, who stop at nothing to accomplish the wishes of those in charge, while those responsible for the protection of lives and property look the other way.

    It is a very disturbing narrative.

  • False Doctrines

    Untitled 201 2The devil is at work when a believer does not follow Jesus Christ. Most people tell so many lies to cover single lies.

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    That is the situation in Nigeria today.

    The church knows the truth and the word of God, but so many refuse to follow the truth. So many have failed to live righteous lives.

    The trend now is to brainwash and cajole people into slavery through signs, wonders, and miracles shown to them.

    This replaces the word of God they ought to have been taught. They cajole and brainwash people to part with all they have through false doctrines.

    The Local Scene

    The mysterious deaths and killings that have become part of daily living in different parts of Nigeria call for concern.

    Those in charge carry on as if all is well. But this is not the case.

    Efforts should be made to reverse this ugly trend, while citizens embrace self-preservation as the most reliable rule.

  • Rejoice in the Lord

    Download 31Download 1 29We have every cause and reason to rejoice in the Lord.

    The Lord provides for our needs.

    He protects and guides us on all that is right and just.

    He has also equipped us with the gift of discernment.

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    Joel 2:21:

    ''Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.''

  • Our love for God

    Download 2 23Download 3 19The love for God is an indication that we always do what He wants.

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    God wants us to love and respect each other and also to live together in peace.

    But, unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case in this clime.

    However, an Ibadan-based Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi, appeals to leaders and followers to love God in order to enable the fizzling out of the disturbing security, political, and economic situation everywhere.

    ''Our love for God should not wane or decline, as the love for God is the basis for addressing all challenges confronting humanity.'' Pastor Ajayi concluded.

    Read Deutronomy 5: 16-21

  • The need for a paradigm shift

    Download 1 28Download 2 22The standards set by those with questionable characters in leadership positions in Nigeria have become tales of horror for millions of citizens wherever they find themselves.

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    Without a doubt, good governance can only be achieved when questionable characters are prevented from holding public offices.

    Indeed, the value system has a very significant role to play in the quest for a society revolving around justice and equity.

    For the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of the Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke: ''The Nigerian situation is pathetic—curb corruption and effect positive change. Make good governance work for the people. When thieves and fraudsters finally democratically take authority because criminals want power, there will be worse dictatorships than in the time of any monarchy or oligarchy (Socrates 470-399 BC).

    Is this not our democracy that is lewd and driven without regard for merit or excellence, but propaganda, business, and money? We need a paradigm shift from the highest bidder syndrome to free and fair elections for democracy to respect justice and equity principles for peace and bequeathable sustainable development.''

    Download 2 21Prof. Olagoke, who spoke at the grand finale of the Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide 2025 Ishrat, also warned young Nigerians to seek wealth in legitimate ways.

    ''Young Nigerians must make money in a clean way. Your prolem is not Mr. President, your problem is not Mr. governors because they are all products of a bad environment. Nigeria's major problem is its salary structure. The equation of democrac is all about justice, management, peace ad sutainabe development. Nigerian workers are complaining that their saaries are poor. Nigeria is not having living wages. Nigeria's political system is virus-driven, and that virus is inequality." Prof. Olagoke submitted.

    The uninspiring attitude of public office holders has, over time, attracted expressions of worry and concern across the landscape.

    Deceit, lies, and manipulation are the only readily available tools of governance in this climate, just as millions of Nigerians have become disillusioned and despondent.

  • Terrorism-Internal cleansing is necessary-Comrade Emelieze

    Download 1 27Download 30In most recent times, the Nigerian military has lost an unspecified number of personnel in the ceaseless fight against violent crimes.

    This is disturbing.

    Indeed, these heinous and grievous crimes are not abating while criminals are now so brazen and bold to confront those saddled with the responsibilities of safeguarding lives and property.

    Even though those in government have, for a long time, covertly supported undesirable elements, their faceless status has not helped matters.

    Mourning and condolences, which have already become a routine for public officeholders, are inadequate to reverse the ugly trend.

    For the convener of the Federal Workers Forum, Comrade Andew Emelieze, the top echelon of the military should go beyond physical force to address the worrisome situation.

    ''The Nigerian military has sacrificed too many of its personnel in the war against insurgency. So many lives have been lost. This shows that force should not only be relied on to bring an end to insurgency. Therefore, the root cause of this evil should be identified and addressed. Nigerians should be allowed to sit down and write out a new constitution on how they want to live, to decide their relationship, without recourse to force and falsehood.'' Comrade Emelieze concluded.

    The adoption of the suitale psychologial mindse, identifiying and  cleansing of the moles witin and te sensitive nature of assignments over the years ave staken back seat.


  • Nature's Intervention

    Images 1 5Cc7a55e6ce15b52c7b28315b7db1a001Members of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN) are patiently waiting for the end to the prolonged crisis in the association's leadership ranks.

    The crisis that has persisted for so long revolves around self-interest and greed.

    Indeed, members and others from different unions in Nigeria look up to the National Industrial Court (NIC) to put the crisis to a permanent end.

    The convener of the Federal Workers Forum (FWF) and the All Workers Convergence (AWC), Comrade Andrew Emeleze, urges workers in the country to be peaceful in their conduct.

    ''Our hope lies in the judiciary; members should be patient and go about their lawful duties with diligence. We are full of hopes that the judiciary will bring an end to the lingering impunity and corruption in the ASCSN. Let us be patient.''Comrade Emeleize stated.

    The judiciary, without doubt, will serve as a reprieve for distraught and disillushioned members, even though one of the parties to the crisis may have continued to work tirelessly to pervert justice.

    Sadly, those responsible for the leadership failure, at all levels of government, may perhaps be the role models for the individuals who have brought about the prostrate condition of the labor movement in the country.

    Millions of Nigerians are not only disappointed by the happenings in different parts of the country, but angry that their fellow human beings have continued to take them for granted with impunity.

    Those in charge have exhausted all their available tools of repression, oppression, lies, deceit, manipulation, coercion, and violence.

    Nature has set in to correct the infractions, acts of commission, and omission.




  • The true meaning of Discipleship

    Download 8 2Download 7 5Why on earth do you think that, for his disciples, Jesus Christ chose a group of fishermen?

    What particular qualities could they have possessed to equip them to share his ministry?

    They seem to have been a close-knit group whom Jesus Christ had possibly known for some time.

    Download 5 9

    But clearly, the moment when they decided to leave everything and follow him was deeply etched in their memory.

    When Jesus said he would make them ''fishers of men,'' what expertise and experience could they bring to such a task?

    Only Phillip was called by Jesus directly. The others came at the bidding of their friends and families.

    Yet, when they found Jesus for themselves, it was as if he had been searching for them all along.

    Nathaniel eventually found Jesus Christ, only to discover that Christ found him long before he recognized who it was pulling at his heartstrings.

  • Good deeds

     Download 4 14Download 5 8Doing good now is better than doing good later. Read Luke 23:41

  • Be Prayerful

    Download 1 26Download 2 20Prayers do not necessarily have to be long and eloquent.

    However, it is important, that such prayers come from a sincere and humble heart.

    In addition, it is also imperative that prayers are silent and straight because God hears even before we start our prayers. Read Psalm 102:17

  • The Upright

    Download 29Download 1 25Many Pharisees were good and upright people, who Jesus Christ counted among his friends.

    But it was those who misused religion who angered him so much, particularly when they excused unjust actions and unfair attitudes with pious platitudes.

    People might be scrupulous about small details of religious observance, giving to the temple a tenth of all their produce, even to the smallest herbs.

    But if they were unscrupulous in their treatment of others, Jesus condemned them in no uncertain terms.

    Which sins do religious people tend to condemn most readily today?

    How much prominence do we give to justice, humility, and reverence as the most important values?

    How often do we speak out against hypocrisy, greed and self-indulgence ?


  • Backsliding

    Download 6 4Download 7 3Once you become born again, avoid the temptations of backsliding. 

    In the present world, temptations abound; everywhere you go, it is now left for you as a true believer to resist such temptations.

    Do not become an enemy of yourself; meditate on the word regularly when you notice you are treading the wrong path.

    Look up to God, and painstakingly avoid looking up to man.

    Resist any attempt to backslide by anyone; it could be your friends, your colleagues at your place of work, your relations, or anyone close to you.

    Be steadfast. Hosea 11:7

  •   Time as Nemesis

    Download 4 13Download 3 16It is disheartening to come to terms with the fact that intimidation, threats, attacks, and manipulation are now tools of governance at all levels of government. Very strange and laughable. 

    Leadership has been redefined to include deceit, manipulation, and lies, among other things. 

  • The Watch Man

    Download 4 12Download 3 15You have to realize that the people you pay to keep watch over you and your property can only function to the maximum of their human ability.

    Their watchcare is not absolute, and therefore you must look to the greater Guardian, God, who is your keeper and your helper.

    If you are lying down in your home, you will sleep securely because the God who keeps you will not slumber, nor will He allow anyone to move your feet from their resting place.

    In these times, out of envy, jealousy, and hatred, men attempt to dig a pit under your feet in order to cause you to fall or in order to make you lose your position, your balance, your honor, or your office; but if you look up to God who dwells in heaven, if you trust in Him through Christ, no one will ever be able to move your feet away from security to destruction.

    He will keep you as the shepherd keeps his sheep so that you do not become the prey of wolves.

    Read 2 Kings 9:17

  • Nurturing the humility to serve

    Download 27Download 1 24We want our heroes to remain on their pedestals so that we who aspire to be like them may hope one day to share in the honor and privilege they enjoy.

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    Jesus Christ's humility shows itself in his readiness to serve us. Ours shows in our readiness to receive His service.

    It is said that it is better to give than to receive.

    But it is sometimes harder to receive; it puts us in debt to the one who gives and robs us of the pride of being in the position of giving to others. Read Porverbs 18:12

  • Don't' be burdened

    Download 7 2Download 8You must always pray fervently to God to come to your aid, by giving you the strength, courage, and means by which you will meet all the burdens of this life.

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    If you are burdened by an unconfessed sin, then your life will bring forth fruits of sin. 

    And to regain joy and happiness, the sin must be confessed to God.

    For if you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

    As you shoulder your burdens, give your heart to Christ, for it is when you truly do this that your heart will know peace, in your home, society, church, and wherever you worship God. Read Isaiah 30:6

  • Keep Hope Alive

    Download 4 9Download 6 2There is hope that sustains you.

    In these times, the only thing that sustains you as a believer is the hope in the living Lord.

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    Regardless of the  damaging activities of those with evil intentions, you must keep hope alive.

    There a lot the Lord has in stock for you that will keep you going through the journey of life.

    When your hope is yet to be fulfilled, do not despair; you must keep your hope in Him until He executes it in a way that is in accordance with His own will for you.

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    Your hope must be strengthened by your faith in the living Lord, who stands by His own at all times.

    Hope sustains you in the crises of threats and adversities. Read Lamentations 3:24

  • The gospel's word of liberation

    Download 4 8Download 5 5We can sometimes harbor romantic illusions about what the Church should be like, a company of saints in shining armor!

    But then we meet some local congregation, and we become disillusioned.

    It is never a good thing to live with illusions.

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    The reality about the Church is much more splendid.

    It is among this frail, struggling, sinful community of folk that we find heroes and heroines of the faith who outshine and outshame those whom the world admires for their power, their wealth, and their strength.

    The gospel speaks its word of liberation, not through the powerful but through the oppressed. May God make us humble enough to receive it from them. Read Hebrews 11:7


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  • A dehumanized mental psyche

    Images 1 4Download 3 12Nigerians have expressed visible worries over the activities of criminals operating in commercial motorcycles, vehicles with tinted glasses, vehicles with foreign plate numbers, and vehicles without number plates.

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    They argue that most crimes in different parts of the country are committed through these motorcycles and vehicles and express surprise over the way the criminals beat the scrutiny of law enforcement agents along the road.

    Innocent citizens who reside in Lagos, Ibadan, Benin City, Port Harcourt, Warri, Onitsha, Aba, Kaduna, Kano, and Abuja, among others, have continued to recount their tales of woe to whoever cared to listen.

    Sadly, the law enforcement agents, saddled with the responsibility of ensuring law and order and the adherence to the road safety rules and regulations, have for long adopted a conspiratorial attitude, mainly because of the benefits that would accrue from aiding and abetting criminals.

    Nigerians are now of the opinion that the laws of the land are either no longer functional or  those in charge and the law enforcement agencies are deliberately sabotaging the enforcement of the laws for their self-centered motives. 

    A victim of the worrisome state of insecurity in Ibadan, Nigeria, who spoke incognito, reveals his experience.

    ‘’There is a beer parlor opposite the Iyanganku Magistrate; it is among the several shops that share the same fence with the police barracks. A door inside the beer parlor leads into the barracks. Visit the beer parlor and observe those who patronize the beer parlor, and you will agree that those who break the law have the blessing of the persons whose statutory functions include the protection of lives and property, he stated.

    The general feeling is that some criminally minded law enforcement agents make use of criminals as proxies in carrying out their statutory functions, which has resulted in the harassment, intimidation, and arrest of unsuspecting citizens.

    Of worry is the adopted official status of lawlessness, indiscipline, and criminality in different parts of the country.

    Indeed, illiteracy and ignorance have also contributed significantly to the scheme of things as presently constituted.

    The mental psyche of millions of Nigerians has been dehumanized and degraded; this has resulted in unthinkable occurrences.

    These occurrences have consumed a sizable chunk of those in charge.

    The widespread, uninhibited prevalence of  lawless acts, to millions of Nigerians, is an indication that there is already a failure in leadership; with no visible remedy in sight for now.

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  • Be Vigilant

    Download 24Download 1 20Your little action goes a long way in revealing the will of God in your life.

    Limitless opportunities abound in little responsibilities.

    God puts together little actions here and there to make something big out of it for you.

    Those little actions, which are not noticeable, pave the way for the fulfillment of great accomplishments.

    It is now left for you to identify these great opportunities that abound in the little responsibilities you carry out day by day.

    Be painstaking in all you do and take responsibilities with all seriousness. Read  Nehemiah 4:14

    Be vigilant detractors are everywhere.

  • A Disturbing Political Representation

     Images 26Download 2 17Chief Obafemi Awolowo was a political leader of Yoruba extraction who lived by example.

    His leadership impacted positively on the Yoruba people in all spheres of life. However, it is doubtful if those who hold sway in this dispensation followed in his footsteps.

    Chief Awolowo had a formidable political structure that outlived him. In his time, political meetings were held at his Ikenne home in Ogun State.

    After the passing on to glory of Chief Awolowo, in the days of military rule, Chief Adekunle Ajasin took over the mantle of leadership, and meetings were held at his Owo home, Ondo State.

    During this period, the National Democratic Coalition (NADECO) came into being.

    After Chief Ajasin did his beat, Pa Abraham Adesanya  took over the structure up till the end of the military era.

    In the course of Pa Adesanya's leadership, those who could best be described as pseudo-Awoists and pseudo-democrats were accepted into the fold; sadly, the true and real progressives were barred due to the fact that they took up appointments in the military regime of the late despot, Gen. Sani Abacha.

    Now known as Afenifere, the group restricted its membership while maintaining a closely knit relationship with the Alliance for Democracy (AD).

    At a glance, Afenifere was composed of the first generation of Awoists, the second 11, and the unknown elements. 

    The unknown elements eventually hijacked the structure through unconventional means.

    A prominent first-generation Awoist was a one-time governor of Lagos State, Alhaji Lateef Jakande.

    However, Chiefs Bisi Akande and Segun Osoba belong to the second 11, while others were not yet into reckoning during the functional period of the group.

    At a point in time, Chief Ebenezer Babatope, the director of organization of  the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN), then stated that in 1982, during the last convention of the UPN, Chief Awolowo expressed the hope that a time will come when the good elements in the conservatives ill join the good elements in the progressives to form a synthesis.

    But present happenings in the political sphere have defied this theory; rather, polarization and division are tools that have brought about the present scheme of things.

    Of note is the fact that the progressives of the time past embarked on laudable programs such as free education to empower the Yoruba people.

    Sadly, capitalist-inclined policies and nocturnal ideals and preferences are the working tools of today's leaders in the southwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria, to the chagrin of the disillusioned and impoverished people.

    The new definition of the progressives includes, but is not limited to, the payment of school fees in primary and secondary schools, the introduction of multiple tax regimes, and the preference for mediocrity and people with doubtful educational qualifications to carry out government duties. So sad.

    Today, the mindset and body language of the political leadership at the center is best represented by  their  followers on the streets, offices, worship centers and other public places across the country. Very disturbing.

  • Examine Thyself

    Download 23Download 1 19People react to the pressure of  events and never to the changes of their character and attitude.

    Status quo or disruption? Breaking down the U.S. election's impact on Japan

    Make it a duty to examine yourself periodically and spiritually, to determine your closeness to the Lord or distance from Him.

    Most Christians live on the surface of life.


    Once you expose your heart and life to Jesus Christ, who is the light, then all illusions will be  stripped away, and the gate will open for the healing and redeeming power of Christ in your  life.

    Accepting Christ will give you a direction and make you to know yourself.

    Knowing yourself will prevent you from committing sins, while if you don't allow God in you, you will never discover God.

    Read Daniel 12:1, John 4:25

  • The Food Question

    Images 24A safe affordable and plentiful supply of food is a national security issue quote 1Nigerians are proud to live in a country with a land area of 923,773 km2, with varied vegetation and types of soil suitable for various agricultural purposes.

    In 1960 and the years following, up until the early 1970s, Nigeria's economy was between the agriculturally friendly ''grassroots'' and the ''white collar'' city-oriented center.

    All that had to do with the production of goods was concentrated in the city, while a large percentage of Nigerians resided in the villages, with farming as their major occupation.

    The villages, then, lacked major amenities of life.

    Governance during this period was with a chain of challenges.

    Then, most of the earnings from exports were from agriculture, while 65% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) also came from the sector.

    Nearly 50% of government revenue in 1960 could be traced to agriculture.

    Today, as in the 1960s, the provision of quantitative and qualitative education, quality health care delivery, and the absence of social and economic infrastructure are just a few of the long list of challenges that confront the government.

    In 1973, when crude oil emerged as the mainstay of the economy, the government took a ''nap'', having noticed the 'light at the end of the tunnel.'.

    That 'nap' was at great cost, as can be seen in the unfolding events of the present time.

    In 1980, crude oil constituted 81.1% of government revenue and 96.1% of export earnings.

    Indeed, the growth of the economy was tied to projected earnings from crude oil exports; this was despite the fact that signs had begun to manifest on the imminent collapse of crude oil prices in the international market.

    With fiscal and current account deficits occasioned by unstable crude oil prices, resulting in internal and external imbalance, and the state governments contending with monetary challenges, Nigerians insist that those who are at the helm of affairs at all levels, presently, know little or nothing about governance. 

    The cries of hunger and poverty has now become the chorus on the lips of millions of Nigerians.

    Their only hope lies in the newly elected political office holders in the new dispensation. Shall they be able to deliver the dividends of democracy? Time will tell.

  • The Steady Drift

    342231221091455969320240116084701636Those in security circles around the globe insist that a government that is responsible and accountable to its people does not give deadlines, ultimatums, and time limits to criminals.

    They go on to attribute insurmountable insecurity in several countries to either the covert involvement of the government itself, its admirers, well-wishers, or agents.

    These personalities stress that such a government must have identified and isolated fifth columnists within its ranks before it ever thinks of commencing a maximum cleansing of the criminals impeding good governance.


    But sadly, this is not the case in Nigeria, as unfolding events have proven beyond reasonable doubt.

    Nigerians have concluded that the government does not have ready solutions to the kidnappings, killings, and other violent crimes, while they daily pray for God’s intervention.

    Even the security summits that have already been organized in the past several days by some interest groups, with some state governors in attendance, have been seen by Nigerians as mere jamborees.

    With the continuous spate of kidnappings, killings, and other violent crimes not abating, Nigerians have come to the conclusion that the country is already in a state of emergency, though the government is yet to make such a declaration.

    They attribute the agitation for the establishment of state police by a few self-serving individuals to the uninformed perspectives of these individuals.


    Of worry are the great difficulties experienced by government praise singers and bootlickers to accept the hard fact that the present administration can no longer address the overwhelming insecurity in the land without reaching out to personalities and institutions it had hitherto ignored.

    What is the situation?

    The present administration continues in its condolence culture, for which the citizens have known it for.

    For how long shall this go on? Nobody knows.

  • The Steady Drift

    342231221091455969320240116084701636Those in security circles around the globe insist that a government that is responsible and accountable to its people does not give deadlines, ultimatums, and time limits to criminals.

    They go on to attribute insurmountable insecurity in several countries to either the covert involvement of the government itself, its admirers, well-wishers, or agents.

    These personalities stress that such a government must have identified and isolated fifth columnists within its ranks before it ever thinks of commencing a maximum cleansing of the criminals impeding good governance.


    But sadly, this is not the case in Nigeria, as unfolding events have proven beyond reasonable doubt.

    Nigerians have concluded that the government does not have ready solutions to the kidnappings, killings, and other violent crimes, while they daily pray for God’s intervention.

    Even the security summits that have already been organized in the past several days by some interest groups, with some state governors in attendance, have been seen by Nigerians as mere jamborees.

    With the continuous spate of kidnappings, killings, and other violent crimes not abating, Nigerians have come to the conclusion that the country is already in a state of emergency, though the government is yet to make such a declaration.

    They attribute the agitation for the establishment of state police by a few self-serving individuals to the uninformed perspectives of these individuals.


    Of worry are the great difficulties experienced by government praise singers and bootlickers to accept the hard fact that the present administration can no longer address the overwhelming insecurity in the land without reaching out to personalities and institutions it had hitherto ignored.

    What is the situation?

    The present administration continues in its condolence culture, for which the citizens have known it for.

    For how long shall this go on? Nobody knows.

  • Wanted Urgently-Qualified and Experienced Teachers

    Images 22Images 23 The first term of a new session across private and public secondary schools is underway in Nigeria. Parents and guardians are out there, doing whatever it takes to ensure that their children and wards continue their education.

    Curiously, in a number of major cities and state including Ibadan, Oyo state;private and public school proprietors, proprietresses and owners of schools are still in urgent need of qualified and experienced teachers to justify the ridiculous fees  they charge.

    Nobody knows what happened to the workforce.

    However, the underlying challenges could be traced to the action and inaction of the government, staff of the ministry of Education and the law enforcement agencies among others.

    Indeed, the policy of education of a number of state governments is defective, this is in addition to the unwillingness of pupils and students to learn.

    The behavior and activities of pupils and students on the streets of Ibadan are a good reflection of the bleak future that lies ahead of young people in Nigeria.


  • Violent Crimes-The Position of Spectators

    B0c883fbf462248bdd715fb95c7c9262Images 21

    The consensus among Nigerians is that the arms build-up in different parts of the country has its background woven around the aspirations of actors in the socio-political scene in the land.

    The arms build-up festers side by side with poverty, hunger, and brigandage, while the land has over time become fertile for trading in illegal arms with evil deeds as the major focus.

    Indeed, state actors are familiar with the negative effects of injustice, inequality, nepotism, and favoritism, but are, sadly, handicapped by self-centered interests and incurable greed.

    Interestingly, the competition for power and privilege has resulted in the loss of precious lives and the wanton destruction of the properties of innocent and harmless citizens. The debate among Nigerians now is on what constitutes the major functions of state actors.

    The illegal influx of arms and ammunition has continued unabated through constitutional and unconstitutional channels with the active connivance of those who ought to be well-informed on security matters.

    As violent crimes soar nationwide through the use of sophisticated weapons, Those-in-Charge have adopted the position of spectators to the amazement and chagrin of Nigerians.

    Believers are not only friends of Jesus Christ, but are also friends of one another.

  • Government Attitude and Workers' Devotion to Duty

    Untitled 16Images 20At the present time, in Nigeria, only a handful of civil and public servants take their duties seriously and wholeheartedly.

    Their attitude is directly related to the position of government in the three tiers on issues of workers' welfare and conditions of service.

    Indeed, the focus of those on government payroll in any given line of duty or assignment is what is in it to gain and not what ought to be done. In other words, selfless devotion to duty is no longer there.

    Assigned tasks in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies are no longer done properly and promptly. A sizable number of workers no longer possess a sense of responsibility. Who is to blame ?

    For several years now, the monster of indiscipline has continued to fester, with due process as the major casualty. The struggle for ''power'' among government workers is the most prominent activity going on in most offices.

    Sharp practices are the order of the day. This is partly as a result of the sectional democracy in vogue today.

    At the federal, state and local government levels, workers, who are co-opted to generate revenue for the government, make good use of the opportunity to protect their future.

    The source of inspiration for this category of workers includes stories of government workers who retired in 2010 and are yet to be paid their gratuities.

     Workers ought to be devoted and committed to duty, to avoid negative reports from their superiors.

    The worrisome question everywhere at present is : has the insensitive attitude of government ensured workers' devotion and commitment to duty ?

     A Disturbing Community Leadership

    For a while now, the chairman of the Molusi street, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state Landlords and Tenants Association, one Akeem, alongside Indian Hemp smoking hoodlums, who operate from the unfenced IMG Schools 1 and 2 Ibuko, Molete, Ibadan, attacked and dispossessed innocent residents of their valuables.

    Just on Tuesday, at about 6.15pm, the chairman alongside his boys, attacked and dispossessed a resident of his personal belongings a few metres from the primary school, along the road.

    Similarly, a police rank and file serving with the Oyo state Police Command, has for long operated a brothel, where questionable characters hibernate. The brothel located along Oyegbami street, Olorunsogo, Molete, has been a subject of worry for the residents in the community, considering the status of the owner.

  • Young People Drift into the Iredeemable Circle

    Images 19Images 5Vital literacy indicators reveal a deplorable condition in the Nigerian educational system.

    Indeed, the adult literacy rate is embarrassing, while the number of out-of-school children has reached an all-time high rate.

    Trailing the falling standard of education at all levels, is the ever-increasing rate of drop-outs today.

    With particular reference to the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of education, cultism, gangster ism and prostitution have become the popular choice for undergraduates, students and pupils in educational institutions across the states of the federation.

    Shortage of qualified teachers, lack of teaching aids, recreational facilities in schools and basic infrastructure are just a few among the sore points of schools in Nigeria.

    Of serious worry are the poor sanitation, overcrowding in classrooms, poor conditions of service for teachers, which has resulted in the poor quality of teaching and poor quality of classroom products.

    All put together, have become negative signposts of the school environment. 

    Sadly, poor educational management, a reflection of the poor inter-sectoral allocation, multiplicity of agencies with duplicated functions and inadequate coordination, have all made education administration in most states questionable and fraudulent.

    The weak support for education by governments at all levels is a manifestation of the ineptitude of government officials.

    The government’s deliberate neglect of the management of the education sector may eventually result in the total collapse of the public education system.

    The shortcomings of government have heightened the stakes for private investors and made the education sector very lucrative.

    Sadly, the complicity of the government and society, over the years, has prompted the uncontrollable behavior and acts of young people particularly in Ibadan, capital of Oyo state and other major cities in Nigeria.

    Surprisingly, the adults watch helplessly as this category of Nigerians drift into the irredeemable circle.

    With the profit motive as the major emphasis and driving force, educational institutions are now germinating like pure water factories in every nook and cranny of Nigeria, while at the same time, such institutions are turning out educationally unacceptable products.

    With all these in mind, Nigerians are urgently asking :

    Can governments at all levels make education available, relevant, accessible and affordable to all Nigerians ?

    Can governments at all levels ensure immediate and long term social and economic returns from education ?

    Are public educational institutions, considering their present state, competent to produce a skilled workforce ?  Answers to these questions are in the public domain with stakeholders vigorously avoiding these questions.

  • The Mao Zedong Model

    Download 2 15Download 1 16Mao Zedong, popularly known as Chairman Mao, was successful with his noble goals for China through despotic means.

    His leadership was severe, dictatorial and personalized.

    For as long as Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution lasted, thousands of Chinese died of starvation and inhuman labor.

    Mao and his co-travelers argued that the same was the price their people had to pay for re-education.

    This brand of governance ensured the extermination of the heroes of the civil war and the old party chieftains by the President's armed squad.

    Chairman Mao is perhaps the role model of those who hold sway in Nigeria today.

    Indeed, the Kaduna state Governor, Mallam Nasir El Rufai is among several other political office holders, who adore President Muhammadu Buhari.

    Those in support of this argument insist that on a number of occasions, the Kaduna state Governor knelt down to greet and/or consult with the President. They maintain that this is only a sign of respect in the traditional African setting.

    However, those against this order of things, stress that the underlying factors revolve around hypocrisy and boot licking.

    Nigerians are yet to stop complaining of constitutional breaches and the unabated trampling of the rule of law in the dust, without noticeable changes by the powers that be.

    From recent events in the country, the economic reform programs of the All Progressives Congress(APC) led government at the center and in the states, are modeled along the thinking of a free market economy.

    It is doubtful if the government, in most recent times, has managed the economy for the benefit of Nigerians.

    Of worry is the state of manufacturing industries, which could be said to be epileptic, even as food security is a mirage, insecurity is the chorus everywhere, while crude oil remains the major hope of the present administration.

    Interestingly, the future growth of the Nigerian economy rests comfortably on diversification and focus on visionary and creative people-friendly economic policies, although the government still over-relies and over-depends on crude oil to fund its programs.

    Can the present administration turn around the troubled economy ? Nobody knows.

  • Prisoners of Debt

    Images 4Quote a debt is just as hard for a government to pay as it is for an individual no debt ever will rogers 106 9 0963People are uncomfortable with language, which suggests hierarchies and power relationships. However, we are happier with the language of equality.

    None of us is entirely happy with the thought of being a prisoner of a servant.

    These are words which have few honorable associations with us.

     So what is the mystery which Christ proclaims ?

    It is precisely the liberty we most desire, a liberty which is a mystery or infinite treasure because it makes us all members of the body of Christ.

    In Christ, we are offered the true equality of belonging.

    These days it is very difficult for people to feel that they belong to anything.

    We are deeply scarred by the kinds of greed or apathy which set whole communities against each other.

    Let us pray for global healing between nations which have made servants of each other and prisoners of debt; let us pray for world unity.

  • The People lament

    Images 14Images 2Millions of Nigerians are complaining that hunger and poverty have taken root nationwide. 

    The insecurity in the land has disabled the productivity of farmers in different parts of the country, while political office holders have been overwhelmed by their pecuniary and self-centered interests.

     State actors insist that millions of farmers have benefited from the agricultural subsidies of the government, but the prohibitive cost of food items punctures this claim. For a considerable period of time now, the import of agricultural products has far outweighed exports, confirming the insinuation that state actors are insincere and about the true situation of things in the agricultural sector.



  • Attributes of Leadership 7-Enthusiasm

    Untitled 2EnthusEnthusiasm is an intense and eager interest in and devotion to a cause, a pursuit or an ideal.

    An individual possesses a state of mind that does not surrender readily to difficulties, but overcomes them.

    A leader must possess enthusiasm. Little can be accomplished in leadership without it.

    Genuine interest, knowledge and achievement are crucial in creating enthusiasm in leadership.

  • Gerard Schroeder

    530533In 2004, German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, resigned the leadership of his political party, the Social Democratic Party(SDP) trailed by criticism of his welfare programs.

    Schroeder had insisted that his administration would not change direction, following mass protests by the opposition party.

    He also resigned as the party Chairman as a result of complaints to the party over a freeze on pensions and the introduction of medical fees.

  • Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand

    Download 2 13Download 3 9The Prime Minister of Thailand between 2001 and 2006,Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand, mismanaged and frittered away the country's resources, running into billions.

    The country's Assets Examination Committee indicted him for corruption and other illegal acts, including becoming extraordinarily wealthy after five(5) years of governance.

    Shinawatra went into exile to Britain when corruption charges were about to be filed against him. While sojourning in Britain, he bought the Manchester City Football Club for $168 million.

  • Attributes of leadership 6-Tact

    TactImages 1Support New Federation

     A leader with focus must possess the sensitive perception of the feelings of the people, to serve as an input to do what is required, graceful and considered things in every situation.

  • President Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo

    Download 4 5Support New Federation

    In 2002, President Gnassinbe Eyadema of Togo ordered the release of 5000 prisoners.

    174 of the prisoners were from Lomé Civil Prisons, 82 from Kara in the North and 62 from Aneho in the South.

    Although a cross-section of Togolese citizens insisted that most of those freed were political detainees, the government stressed that they were common law offenders.

    President Eyadema took over the reign of power in a coup in 1967.

  • Attributes of Leadership 5-Experience

    Download 2 12Support New Federation

    Experience is the definite foundation for courage in addressing crucial and fundamental matters in ensuring a background of success in solving a great number of relatively unimportant matters. 

    It also includes decision-making skills devoid of delay and initiative in implementing crucial decisions that revolve on the wealth of experience an individual has garnered over time.

    Experience is the basis of all that would be successful.

  • Lessons in Insecurity : The Nigeria Model

    Download 2 11Download 3 8Adolf Hitler labeled the extermination of the Jews in Europe,''the Final Solution'', while the military dictatorship in Argentina, which embarked on an unprecedented killing of its citizens, code named the same ''The Process of National Reorganization''.

    The activities of bandits, insurgents and herdsmen in Nigeria which have claimed thousands of lives are similar to the above-mentioned.

    Between 1976 and 1983, millions of citizens lost their lives in Argentina.

    Death squads operating under secret circumstances and under the cover of the state, murdered about 11,000 people, which is now described as ''The Disappeared''.

    Two million people escaped persecution, while hundreds of babies born to ''The Disappeared'' were either sold, bartered or murdered.

    Indeed, happenings in different states of Nigeria, including, Borno, Benue, Taraba and Plateau and Zamfafra states, among several others, indicate the Government's adequate knowledge of the situation, while unabated killings go on.

    The relocation of the Inspector General of Police to Benue state, one of the troubled spots then, did not reverse the status quo.

    On March 23, 1976, General Jourge Videla, Head of the Argentine Army, overthrew the Government of Isabelita Peron, a former nightclub dancer. In this country, no civilian government has completed its tenure, except for Juan Peron, who spent only one tenure in office.

    However, in Nigeria, a two term governor of Lagos state, is in charge, even though the country still experiences symptoms of economic hunger, poverty, mass unemployment, corruption and a high level of insecurity.

    The Ejercito Revolucionario de Pueblo and the Montoneros, leftists, took to kidnapping and killings to express their displeasure over bad governance in Argentina. In Nigeria, kidnappings and killings have gone on unabated. Political watchers put the blame at the doorstep of government.

    Presently, Nigerians are worried over the government's inaction, as the country gradually slides into anarchy.


    Sadly, the open stealing of  smart phones has become bibg business in Ibadan, Oyo state and other states of the federation

    Accusing fingers are being pointed at political office holders who have failed to deliver the dividends of democracy.

    Interestingly, the body language of the National Assembly, is an indication that the lawmakers are yet to realize the need for the entrenchment of the rule of law and due process in the polity, just as impunity is now the order of the day


    In 2009, the Defense Minister of Madagascar, Cecile Manorohanta, resigned her appointment on the grounds that she would not be part of a government that kills its citizens.

    Also, the people of Madagascar vigorously opposed the attempts by President Marc Ravalomanana to lease one million acres of their land to a Korean firm, Daewoo, for intensive farming. 

    The people have deep ties with their land and, as a result, view the President's action as a betrayal.

    The same scenario is playing out in Nigeria.

    The insecurity in the land has made foreign investment impossible, while the disenfranchised and poor majority look into the gloomy future for reprieve.


  • General August Pinochet of Chile

    Images 13Images 1 3In 1973, General August Pinochet facilitated a coup d'état, in which the Socialist President, Salvador Allende, was murdered.

    In 1990, when General Pinochet ended his rule, the country's treasury had been greatly depleted.

    He passed on to glory at the age of 91 on the 10 December 2006, with charges of corruption trailing his death.


  • Revenue Generation as a Priority

    Download 2 10Download 3 7In 1974, the committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities put in place a panel of the two admissions experts-Mr. L. R Kay, Secretary, Universities Central Council on Admissions of the United Kingdom and Mr. Pettipierre, Director of Ontario Universities Application Center of the province of Ontario, Canada-to examine issues and problems arising from the system of admissions into universities then.

    The panel submitted its report to the committee.

    Sometime in February 1976, the Federal Military Government also put in place the National Committee on University Entrance, with Mr. Michael. S. Angulu as Chairperson, the committee comprised of 14 other members, who represented various other interests and bodies related to matriculation examinations, university placement and post-secondary education in the country.

    In February 1977, the Angulu-led committee submitted its report and recommendations.

    After going through the recommendations, the committee of Vice Chancellors, the National Universities Commission and the officials of the Federal Ministry of Education made their own recommendations to the government.

    Again Decree 4 of 1993, now mandated the board to conduct admissions in collaboration with higher institutions.

    And in March 1977, the Federal Government accepted the recommendations and went on to constitute the Board now known as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), while a year later the board became a legal entity with the promulgation of Decree 2 of 1978.

    The Federal Government then went on to appoint Mr. Angulu as the first Registrar and Chief Executive of the Board in 1977.

    The mandate of JAMB is to ensure uniform standards in the conduct of matriculation examinations and placement of suitably qualified candidates into higher institutions in Nigeria.

    In December 1989, the Federal Government repealed Decree 2 of 1978 and, in its place, promulgated Decree 33, which empowered the board to conduct admissions into Polytechnics and Colleges of Education all over the country.

    Although the functions of JAMB do not include revenue generation, with over one million candidates purchasing the entrance examination forms in recent times, the Board is now a major revenue earner for the government, while several other irregularities shadow the operations of the board.

    A cross-section of Nigerians are of the belief that limited educational exposure could be an obstacle to achieving positive results. 

    However, today, higher institutions conduct independent post UTME tests, which have been trailed by lamentations by parents and guardians of the enormous costs about implications for their children and wards in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria.

    Despite the rigorous process of admissions, the end products are not of satisfactory quality.

    Without doubt, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) seems overwhelmed by its challenges, most especially after the introduction of the Computer Based Tests(CBT).

    These challenges, which are enormous, have characterized every examination the board has conducted in recent times.

    With no hope for a possible reversal in the near future.

    Even though the results of its most recent examinations have been released, thousands of candidates insist that a lot is wrong with the conduct of the examinations, which the board has consistently ignored.

    The dynamism and vision of the present leadership of the Board is debatable, if the comments, remarks and questions of candidates and their sponsors are anything to go by.


  • In the Interest of Digital Literacy

     Untitled 10In Nigeria, millions of citizens, most especially the poor and vulnerable, remain without internet access. 

    For a long time, internet users have had to put up with very substandard services. 

    This is as a result of inefficiency and inadequate infrastructure. 

    Sadly, most of those who are fortunate to have internet access use it negatively. 

    Indeed, digital literacy is a major challenge across the country and this has translated to limited internet use in most sectors of the economy.

     Youths have taken to crime due to the attitude of the leadership at all levels of government, while pornographic content has exposed minors to immoral acts.

    Of worry, is the lack of funding for research and infrastructure for Information and Communication Technology(ICT) by today's leadership. 

    The Backbone

    The Nigerian youth involved in crime is not acting alone, some of those in positions of authority are his or her backbone.

    This becomes glaring when an individual takes a keen interest in unfolding events.


  • The Leadership Challenge

    Images 3 1D57bbedaf68920001d33728b3a0b1058What would aid good governance is not in place. Rather, unnecessary criticism and condemnation of trailing the activities of Those-in-Charge visible are setbacks.

    Unguarded remarks, utterances and reckless statements and comments amplify the leadership abilities of an individual, positively or negatively.

    Sadly, the trend among leaders in most climes, is to take positions on sensitive issues without thoughtful analysis of available facts.

    Indeed, paying attention to details and aspects considered to be irrelevant ensures a very high degree of intelligent fairness that is essential for success in leadership.


    Mao Zedong, popularly known as Chairman Mao, was successful with his noble goals for China through despotic means.

    His leadership was severe, dictatorial and personalized.

    For as long as Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution lasted, thousands of Chinese died of starvation and inhuman labor.

    Mao and his co-travelers argued that the same was the price their people had to pay for re-education.

    This brand of governance ensured the extermination of the heroes of the civil war and the old party chieftains by the President's armed squad.

    Chairman Mao is perhaps the role model of those who hold sway in Nigeria today.

    Indeed, the Senate President is among several other political office holders who adore President Ahmed Tinubu.

    Those in support of this argument insist that the lawmaker is a regular visitor to Aso Rock for unknown reasons.

    However, those against this order of things, stress that the underlying factors revolve around hypocrisy and boot licking.

    Nigerians are yet to stop complaining of constitutional breaches and the unabated trampling of the rule of law in the dust, without noticeable changes by the powers that be.

    From recent events in the country, the economic reform programs of the All Progressives Congress(APC) led government at the center and in the states, are modeled along the thinking of a free market economy.

    It is doubtful if the government, in most recent times, has managed the economy for the benefit of Nigerians.

    Of worry is the state of manufacturing industries, which could be said to be epileptic, even as food security is a mirage, insecurity is the chorus everywhere, while crude oil remains the major hope of the present administration.

    Interestingly, the future growth of the Nigerian economy rests comfortably on diversification and focus on visionary and creative people-friendly economic policies, although the government still over-relies and over-depends on crude oil to fund its programs.

    Can the present administration turn around the troubled economy ? Nobody knows. Donate

  • The Perpetual Absence of Visionary Leadership

    Images 2Quote leadership is solving problems the day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is colin powell 23 51 64The improvement in the system of transportation, to a very great measure, increases the physical extent and economic size of a country.

    However, in the Nigerian context, a number of factors have negatively affected the transport system and this has resulted in an astronomical rise in the prices of goods and services beyond the reach of a majority of the population.

    The prohibitive transportation costs coupled with the multiple taxation across the country and the unabating insecurity have all succeeded in ensuring that Nigerians remain in a perpetual state of hunger and poverty.

    Curiously, levels of government have channeled generated revenue from multiple taxes, unproductively, to real estate, while Nigerians continue to daily count their landed property losses.

    Indeed, the government at all levels have always contended with inadequate financial organization and the relevant knowledge.

    Sadly, economic stagnation is now a major characteristic in most cities that are contending with overpopulation. Petty trading and individual investments in consumables have become the preference of the people, in the absence of proactive, visionary leadership.


  • Calming Frayed Nerves

    Vision 1The burden of a nation is too multi-dimensional for a single power broker to manage.

    There are entrenched interests in the military, security services, a section of the judiciary and also the bureaucracy, while the population at large remains distraught and impoverished.

    Indeed, to inherit a badly managed and shattered economy is disturbing to those who know what is in stock aside from the high level of insecurity.

    Those-in-Charge need not feign ignorance about the pressing issues at stake, but go all out to tackle the issues, even as reservations, doubts and suspicions grow among the populace by the day.

    The Situation

    It is now very glaring that millions of Nigerians-outside the workforce- are contending with hunger, poverty, unemployment and a number of other hardships.

    This  has resulted into a sizable number the citizens embracing crime as a means to an end.

    Those -in-charge are only scratching  the surface while the situation deteriorates daily.


  • Living with Evil

    Evil 5The evil deeds of some state governors are limiting factors when they involve interfacing with law enforcement agencies.

    Indeed, the situation has become so bad to the extent that the people no longer trust political office holders to guarantee the safety of lives and property.

    Sadly, a number of state governors are very reluctant to move against cultists who have continued to wreak havoc in the affected states.

    Interaction is preferably by representation, because a lot is still hidden, that is gradually coming to light.
    Indeed, the evil that men do lives with them and has become their shadows.
    No responsible law-abiding and right-thinking Nigerian will subscribe to calls by some individuals to cooperate with criminals. Perhaps


  • Good Governance

    EconomicIt is to the knowledge of millions of Nigerians that the basic social-economic institutions have been destroyed.

    The challenge now is how to fix the nation's health, education, judiciary and other institutions or ensure a satisfactory turn around.

    In developed countries, economic activities are the backbone of politics and, as such, distortions or reversal of economic policies or long-term strategic national objectives are rare.

    Sadly, little or nothing has been achieved to guarantee a good economic foundation, which ought to be the back-rest of politics.

    This is reflected in the awkward power-sharing, power rotation and inequitable distribution of resources and good governance.

    The kind of economic reforms by the government would go a long way in determining if Those-in-Charge are neophytes in the Herculean task of governance.

    Aiding and Abetting Criminals

    For so long, cultists such as one Wolex and Lekan Adewale of 8 Kehinde Aderibigbe steet, Olorunsogo, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, have been terrorizing, robbing and attacking innocent Nigerians in the above-mentioned community and so many others. Although the law enforcement agencies feign ignorance, the confidence exuded by the criminals, who have continued to commit heinous and grievous crimes with impunity, exposes the deep involvement of the police in violent crimes, not only in Oyo state but in different parts of the country.

  • Education in a Democracy

    Education 1The future seems bleak for children and the youth in Nigeria as the cost of education at all levels goes beyond reach. 

    The leadership at all levels may not be sensitive to the difficulties the citizens are passing through to meet the increasing cost of education.

    Sadly, the children of these leaders are in choice schools around the globe.

    Democracy ensures that citizens have access to uninhibited and quality education.

    But in this case, the cost of education may not justify the service delivery in the education sector.


  • Before it is too late

    Images 12The use of alcohol, illicit substances and hard drugs by students and youths has reached an all-time high in different parts of Nigeria. 

    It has in fact become a social problem and menace.

    Indeed, in states where Those-in-Charge generate revenue from illegal structures, illicit substances and alcohol are sold in makeshift kiosks along the road, under bridges and motor parks.

    The insinuation is that the cream in society may be benefiting from the sales.

    That is why it goes unabated.

    These hard drugs have negatively affected the behavior and appearance of students and youths.

    Of worry are the grievous and heinous crimes that are committed on a daily basis under the influence of alcohol and hard drugs.

    It is high time the government at all levels take decisive steps to salvage those affected before it is too late because it has started having adverse effects on the socio-economic fortunes of the giant of Africa.


  • Wishes and Expectations

    Govt 20The key elements of tyranny include, but are not limited to, insensitivity, brutality, random arrests, incarceration and unresolved cases of killings.

     Curiously, the prohibitive price of the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS) is already having multiple negative effects on the economy, even as Nigerians persist in their daily lamentations of the unbearable hardships that have been their lot in recent times.

    Indeed, governance on the platform of deformed democratic institutions attracts tyranny, which is not in tandem with the wishes and expectations of Nigerians.

    Interestingly, the people are yet to identify any conceivable reason for the policy direction of Those-in-Charge towards the worrisome and disturbing situation that called for urgent deliverance.

    The cost of living is on the rise on a daily basis and Those-in-Charge continue to appeal and cajole citizens to take their sufferings as sacrifices that must be made for the anti-people policies that are ravaging the land. 

    Self Preservation in the Midst of Evil 

    These are very dangerous times in so many states in Nigeria, which have, long before now, become the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. 

    Indeed, the overlords in the states have succeeded in remodeling their domains into havens of all that defies morality and decency. 

    Of worry is the increase in the cases of death revolving around drink and food poisoning, in addition to sexually transmitted diseases. All the afore mentioned are weapons of destruction by those obsessed with temporal power. 

    Curiously, the services of migrants from other states are engaged to carry out the unthinkable and unbelievable. The only option now open to Nigerians is to adopt measures that would ensure self-preservation in the midst of evil by Those-in-Charge.


  • The Housing Problem

    Download 12Download 1 6Nigerian workers are increasingly giving up hopes of owning their own homes, as issues of poor salaries, unfavorable working environment and conditions linger.

     Most workers have for long contended with the exploitative tendencies of house owners, who increase rents randomly.

    This is in addition to the soaring cost of land and building materials.

    Indeed, the workers have taken their destinies into their own hands when it comes to the fundamental issue of housing.

     The beauty of working is to retire into one's own home, with the assistance of the government.

    The provision of housing loans to be paid back installmentally is desirable, but this is not the case. 

    Interestingly, the National Housing Fund(NHF) seems to be a method the government introduced to evade its responsibilities.

    The housing fund without doubt is an imposition by the Federal Government of Nigeria, in a bid to run away from its responsibilities to provide either affordable housing schemes for Nigerian workers or giving out housing loans to the workers. 

    The NHF is used to scooping cash from already impoverished workers because the deductions are mandatory and almost non-refundable until probably after retirement.

    The interest on the deductions collected from the workers is equally ridiculous. 

    More painful is the fact that the process of obtaining housing loans is very cumbersome and workers are usually frustrated, making them resign to fate and allow the deductions to continue  without attempting to take the loans.

     Workers feel cheated and, due to the fact that they have no options, and are not transparently represented by their industrial unions, have resigned to fate.

    Sadly, the NHF has never given an account of the contributions and balance of workers on a monthly basis for a long time.


  • The Precarious Situation

    Images 11Robertkiyosaki1Lawlessness is now the way of life in Nigeria, due to the lingering poverty and hunger in the land.

    A review of the economy and security architecture will unravel the untold story, only if a transparent probe is conducted in the days to come.
    A number of the crises in the last eight years have generated revenue for a few pockets, with millions of Nigerians always contending with the sufferings and hardships during such crises.
    Indeed, the interests of Nigerians have been undermined or destabilized based on ethnic, religious and gender considerations.
    Sadly, the political leaders in the states, have failed to convincingly ensure a conducive environment, but are in the nick of time, seeking direct investment.
    Investors can only develop confidence in the economy when there is regular electricity supply, free flow of potable water, good and motorable roads, security of lives and property, skilled and trained power and favorable incentives for startups.


  • U.S. Attorney Secures 87 Month Prison Sentence for Violent Attack on Family Home


    Donate– A Fruitland man was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for firing 18 rounds at a family home occupied by eight people, including five young children– A Fruitland man was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison for firing 18 rounds at a family home occupied by eight people, including five young children

    There is no parole in the federal system.

    According to court records, on April 28, 2022, Nathaniel Begay, 31, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation, drove to a residence within the exterior boundaries of the Navajo Nation after becoming angry while swimming at Morgan Lake. Armed with two semi-automatic handguns, Begay fired multiple rounds at the home, which contained eight family members including five young children.

    After briefly leaving, Begay returned and fired a second volley of shots at family members as they attempted to take cover. No one was injured.

    Begay was arrested later that night following a domestic dispute with his wife. A knife and 9mm bullet were found on his person at the time of arrest.

    Upon his release from prison, Begay will be subject to three years of supervised release.

    U.S. Attorney Alexander M.M. Uballez, and Raul Bujanda, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Albuquerque Field Office, made the announcement today.

    The Farmington Resident Agency of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Albuquerque Field Office investigated this case with assistance from the Navajo Police Department and Navajo Department of Criminal Investigations. Assistant United States Attorney Matthew J. McGinley is prosecuting the case.


  • In Search of Good Government




    A good government ought to be able to muster enough strength to enforce obedience, in addition to carrying out the duties of governance efficiently.

    Justice, perhaps, will flourish when the people who are expected to obey the laws express their opinions on these laws.

    A rule of good government, revolves around the fact that the state, nobody else, should be equipped to secure obedience and conformity.

    In 1934, Austria was plunged into civil war, partly by the failure of its government to prevent political parties from recruiting armies.

    Political parties are already recruiting non-state actors.

    The prosperity of this country is under the overbearing influence of its natural resources, the politics of its neighbors and the conduct of those in government.

    Take note that the goodness of a government depends on its fitness to solve the myriad of problems confronting it.

    Sadly, those in government have set their personal interests against and above those of the people, shown undeserved favor to particular groups and refused to permit the people to attain their heart's desires.

    The foregoing goes against the principles of good government.



    In Olorunsogo, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, children who have been well groomed by their parents in the act of criminality, led by one Joshua, a child of a disabled white garment church-owner at No.1 Kehinde Aderibigbe street, (unpainted building by the junction), now burgle houses in the community. This is in addition to the disturbing activities of under-aged prostitutes, who operate with the consent of their parents


  • The Adventures of the Powerful

    The action and inaction of state governors in Nigeria have for long been trailed by a plethora of promises.


    Even though a number of them are not foundation members of the parties in question, they were given the opportunity to ascend the exalted position.

    Sadly, they have destroyed these political parties.

    The results of the ward, Local Government and State Primaries were manipulated to satisfy the self-centered interests of these State Governors. Interestingly, consensus has replaced election, to the chagrin of the people.

    This abnormality revolves around greed.

    Indeed, in the present time, the party leadership is now vested in the affected state Governors while the party Chairmen have since become ceremonial heads.

    These state governors are now in full control of the structures at the national, state, local government and ward levels. Most of the political parties have been decapitated, while delegates who elected candidates for various political offices were strictly the choice of the powerful.


    Nigerians have continued to fall victims of criminals, who dispossess them of their landed properties in connivance with certain corrupt officials in the Executive and the Judiciary.

  • The National Debt

    Nigeria's chronic budget deficit has brought about an unhindered increase in the national debt.

    Indeed, the multiple taxation by the government at all levels may now be too embarrassing for an economy that majorly revolves around the motive of personal gain.

    Without doubt, the redistribution of disposable income from the well-to-do to the indigent would increase the average propensity to consume, since the marginal propensity of the indigent to consume is higher than that of the well-to-do.

    Sadly, this approach is not in the thoughts of the government, although the budget deficit may have stimulated private investments.

    The government ought to cut down on expenditure on political office holders.

    However, in view of the fact that the economy is ailing, the government at all levels must be decisive and proactive in interventions in health, transport, electricity, unemployment, hunger and poverty.

    Of course, the protection of sectors such as education, health and agriculture which have direct bearing on the survival of citizens from unpredictable price mechanisms is desirable, but largely depends on the mindset of those in charge.

     Bad Eggs in Uniform

    The crime-friendly mindset and attitude of a number of those in law enforcement agencies in certain states, including Oyo, justifies the unabating lawlessness, criminality and violent crimes in the land. Curiously, the high levels of insecurity in Nigeria is partly due to unprofessional conduct and despicable acts of bad eggs in uniform.

  • Unimpressive Attitude


    ExpressELT (@ExpressElt) / Twitter | Bad teacher, Teacher quotes, Really  funny memes

    In every part of Nigeria today, most children leave school without attaining these standards.

    The present system of education at all levels of government is not only bad for the children but also for the teachers. The teaching profession has been debased by the government and the unimpressive attitude of the teachers.

    Parents have a major duty to their children, but most parents habitually neglect this major duty.

    Untrained teachers and bad methods of teaching, projects by contractors that were not inspected with adequate motive, un-revised or ill-revised policies and the complete absence of all organizations of schools in relation to one another constitute an unspecified number of evils of public and private schools in Nigeria.

    The allocations in the budgets of the Federal and State governments over the years to the education sector has had little or no impact on the sector.


  • The Priority

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    The value of land in England had political, social and economic undertones.

    Land was a mandatory prerequisite for election into Parliament, while in the counties, there was a requirement for the right to vote.

    During this period, the landed class had political power and, interestingly, Parliament was controlled by landowners.

    Furthermore, in the local sphere, the Justice of Peace-the squire-was the most important personality. He was the largest landowner in the village.

    As Magistrate and leader of the local society, he combined political and social power.

    In addition, the owner of the land made profits by selling its produce or leasing the land for high rents to tenant farmers.

    The foregoing resulted in the emergence of wealthy traders, who bought land as investments which were converted as a means to political power and social ostentation.

    The House of Commons, influenced by a few big landowners, sponsored bills which became laws.

    These laws were against the wishes of many small farmers.

    Among those bills that were passed into law, was the Bill of Enclosure

    The economically marginalized landowners had inadequate means to off the desperation and determination of their more substantial neighbors to enclose the land.

    In Nigeria today, land grabbing and dubious estate development by all available means is an unwritten policy by Those-in-Charge at all levels of Government.

    The priority of those that call the shots is land annexation and estate development, at the expense of agriculture.

    Presently, there is hunger and poverty in ther land.

    Private properties have been annexed, structures demolished, and alternative ones erected in an amazing time frame.

    Indeed, looted funds and funds from doubtful and questionable sources are now channeled to land-grabbing and estate development.

    Sadly, the deliberate compromise of the legal and security system, indeed, encouraged this unwritten policy, while violent crimes have trailed events in the land and property sector.


  • The Corruption Impediment

    Nuhu ribadu and obasanjoAt a point in Nigeria's history, former President, Chief(Dr.)Olusegun Obasanjo stated ''it is a matter of regret that most public servants tend to subdue their political discipline in the face of personal aggrandizement''.

    When Chief(Dr.) Obasanjo was in the saddle as President, he set up the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) to rein in fraudsters, money launderers, corrupt government officials and several others.

    At a point in Nigeria's history, former President, Chief(Dr.) Olusegun Obasanjo stated ''it is a matter for regret that most public servants tend to subdue their political discipline in the face of personal aggrandizement''.

    When Chief(Dr.) Obasanjo was in the saddle as President, he established the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) to rein in fraudsters, money launderers, corrupt government officials and several others

    Perhaps, the EFCC, was to strengthen the activities of the Nigeria Police Force, while the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission(ICPC) was established to boost the work of the Code of Conduct Bureau.

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    During this period, high profile personalities, like former Inspector General of Police, Mr. Tafa Balogun showcased the fight against corruption.

    Sadly, happenings today, is a total and fierce departure from when Chief(Dr.) Obasanjo called the shots.

    Interestingly, in an interview in 2007, a prominent lawyer, Mr. Femi Falana(SAN), who was then a member of the National Conscience Party(NCP) had stated '' you in the media, you must challenge politicians, you must ask them for their programs for our people, as opposed to celebrating criminals. If somebody says he is a thief, you should ask him to resign''.

    Unfortunately, Nigerians have continuously asked ''thieves'' to resign in this present administration without positive results.

    Of worry, however, is the fact that the youth now have the impression that corrupt practices are the only reliable path to success.

     The young people readily make reference to the present administration's choice of Ministers as a source of inspiration to them. 

    Nigerians express anger over the claim of the powers that be, that they have fought corruption to a commendable extent, even when it is very glaring that several officials of the present administration have cases of corruption trailing through their daily lives.

    Everywhere within the borders of Nigeria, fraudsters, corrupt government officials and related categories of criminals are celebrated by their people, who believe these individuals are the heroes of this time.

    The EFCC is now a shadow of its old self, only barking but not biting those it ought to bite.

    If only the leadership had made transparency the guiding light to its activities, all the negatives trailing the country at home and abroad would never be the signposts of governance. 

    The removal of the subsidy on Premuim Motor Spirit(PMS) has been described as a kite flown by government officials to deny Nigerian workers a new national minimum wage.

     A former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze, opines that ''the government has a sinister agenda to strangulate the Nigerian workers and the generality of Nigerians. The question we ask is that even if the government had to take the increased salaries back from the workers, what about the unemployed, the retirees and all those who don't receive salaries from any source ? It means that the government would visit them with unprecedented agony and pain.''     

    Nigerians express sadness that despite the unconstitutional annexation of $1 Billion by the Federal Government for the procurement of all that is needed to checkmate the insecurity in the land, kidnappings, killings and other violent crimes are not abetting, even though the government has developed a new culture of commiseration and condolences to families who lost their loved ones to the reactionary approach by government to the disturbing insecurity in the country.

    Indeed, millions of Nigerians have been dehumanized, exploited and extorted to the extent that they have now resorted to pick-pocketing, ritual killings and homosexuality to make ends meet.


  • Indiscipline as a Teaching Method

    MoralityMost public primary and secondary school students learn in environments that are not encouraging in Nigeria.  

     The facilities have been stretched to obsolete conditions as a result of improper planning by the government at all levels. 

    Considering the dilapidated toilet facilities in several of these schools and the absence of potable and drinkable water, the potential outbreak of an epidemic cannot be ruled out. Teachers are no longer dedicated to duty due to their nightmarish working conditions.

     Cultism has taken root in most of these schools, while ''armed robbers'' in school uniforms dot the nooks and crannies of every part of the country. 

    Of worry, is the lack of sincerity on the part of the government in the implementation of programs and policies. 

    On the part of private schools, moral decadence, which is a major feature in public schools, is the issue, while examination malpractices and fraud are also noticeable signposts. Furthermore, the attitude of the government and people in a number of states in the country downplays the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, while the present state of several schools in these states, the non-availability of potable water, and the dilapidated facilities could expose students and teachers alike to serious health hazards, the coronavirus pandemic inclusive.  Our worry also is the fact that several communities in Nigeria are under siege by various categories of criminals. 

    The sight of young boys, in the midst of adults, smoking Indian hemp is now commonplace, majorly at primary schools without perimeter fencing. 

    In addition, young girls have now taken to prostitution on the prompting of their mothers and guardians to make ends meet. A visit to several beer parlors, ''Ogogoro'' joints scattered all over the country should be instructive. Such communities include Molusi, Solanke, Oyegbami, Oshodi, Olorunsogo, Aluko/Barracks, Felele, Scout Camp, and others in Ibadan, Oyo state. If an urgent step is not taken to salvage the almost hopeless situation, millions of Nigerian children may no longer have a place in a sane society.  

  • Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach


    Impunity in cities, towns, and villages across Nigeria revolve around the fact that those responsible for law enforcement have been heavily compromised. Perhaps, this is the price to be paid to achieve self-centered goals with the coercive powers of Those-in-Charge in a depressed economy. The obsessive lure of power seems too attractive for those involved to be committed to democracy. An unspecified number of citizens are now used as proxies. The Nigerian society is now that of guns, terrorism, kidnappings, killings(for ritual purposes inclusive), contempt for the rule of law, and other violent crimes. The reactionary approach to law enforcement and insecurity has resulted in the massive traumatization of the psyche of Nigerians, considering the increasing rate of abductions and killings in the land.

    In saner climes, the structure of the national security system was fumigated, overhauled, and remodeled. This singular action ensured the exit of those lacking in integrity and credibility. Sadly, today, state actors are not working towards leaving behind enduring legacies. Instead, their energy dissipation points to monetary inducement by erstwhile credible commentators in a desperate bid to cover up the rot in the midst of non-performance.

  • Violent Crimes- The State Approach

    Images 5Adolf Hitler labeled the extermination of the Jews in Europe '' the final solution'', while the military dictatorship in Argentina, which embarked on an unprecedented killing of its citizens, code named the same ''The process of National Integration''. The activities of insurgents and armed herdsmen, which have claimed thousands of lives, are similar to the above-mentioned.

    Between 1976 and 1983, millions of citizens lost their lives in Argentina.

    Death squads operating under secret circumstances and under the cover of the state murdered about 11, 000 people, which are now described as ''The Disappeared''. Two million people escaped persecution, while hundreds of babies born to ''The Disappeared'' were either sold, bartered or murdered.

    Indeed, happenings in several states of Nigeria, including Benue, Taraba, Plateau, Kogi, Nasarawa and Kaduna, indicate that the government is fully aware of the insecurity, even as the killings continue.

    This calls for concern. 

     On March, 23, 1976, General Jourge Videla, Head of the Argentine Army overthrew the government of Isabelita Peron, a former nightclub dancer.

     No civilian government had completed its tenure, except for Juan Peron's first term in office. General Videla hinged his action on the chronic inflation and high rate of unemployment that trailed Isabelita's government.

     However, in Nigeria, a retired Army General calls the shots, even though the country still experiences symptoms of economic recession, mass unemployment, corruption and insecurity. 

     The Ejecrcito Revolcionario del Pueblo(ERP) and the Montotneros, took to kidnapping and killings.

    This plunged Argentina into crisis. In Nigeria, kidnappings and killings have gone on unabated. Political pundits put the blame at the doorstep of the present administration.

     Nigerians are worried that the government has done nothing noticeable to ensure that the country does not slip into anarchy. 

     In 2009, the Defense Minister of Madagascar, Cecile Manorantha, resigned her appointment on the grounds that she would not continue to be a part of a government that kills its people. 

     Also, the people of Madagascar vigorously opposed the attempts by President Marc Ravalomanana to lease one million acres of their land in the south of the country to a Korean firm, Daewoo, for intensive farming. 

    The people have deep ties with their land and consequently view the President's action as a betrayal. The same scenario is playing out in Nigeria. 

     The insecurity in the land has made foreign investment impossible, while the disenfranchised and poor majority look to the gloomy future for reprieve.

  • Prosperity for selfish Interests

    Download 3 18Images 30Presently, many parents are unable to take good care of their children in different parts of Nigeria.

    Prostitution,homosexuality, sodomy pedohphilia, cultism, ritual killngs child and women trafficking, hard drug usage are among the several social maladies plaguing society.

    Sadly, a number of those in religion have not helped matters by focusing mainly on prosperity for selfish interests.

    Anointing and blessings for questionable characters  mouth-watering fees now dominate the space, just as doctrines are twisted to suit their diabolic design.

    Places of worship have now become  destinations for all manners of  people who ordinarily have no business there.

    Sadly, the compilicity of the 'revered' have only worsened the situation.

    The words of the holy book are now misinterpreted to suit satanic motives and agenda.

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