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Govt. Should Pay New Minimum Wage By 30 September-AWC

                                                       ALL   WORKERS  CONVERGENCE  ( AWC )
                                                                Motto: We Make Things Work.
                                                          Email : allworkersconvergence@gmail.com
                                                                             Phone no  : 09055598166
Nigerian workers                                                                                           PRESS RELEASE
The recent pronouncement by the Nigerian state governors that they were not elected to pay the new national  minimum wage and that the national  minimum wage should  be decentralised confirms how wicked and heartless the Nigerian ruling elites are towards their workers ,it further portrays a set of rulers that are very hostile to the workers and equally  far from those they rule .
Little wonder the backlog of arrears of workers’ salaries, gratuities and pensions owed by these governors nationwide. More to the hate speech  of these  state governors, is the uncertain position of the federal government concerning its promise to implement  a living wage structure  latest 1st September 2018 ;as we can see from the recent pronouncement by the minister of labour, Dr Chris Ngige that minimum wage is no longer attainable in the month of September. To us the Nigerian workers, the  message from the minister is not for us,we are waiting for our  labour  leaders   to give us their verdict before the generality of workers will decide on what to do.As far  as workers are concerned , the September 1st promise is non negotiable and the minimum wage committee must conclude its work latest September 2018.
However, the Nigerian workers are expressing worries that there are no signs that our government is genuinely committed to fulfilling her promise to pay in the month of September as agreed with the labour leaders in Nigeria. Moreso, the tripartite committee on minimum wage is yet to submit her reports, not to talk of the executive considering the report and pushing it to the National Assembly for enactment into law. The Nigerian workers’ expectations from government before  September 1st is that by now a sincere government would  have presented among other things :
1, a wage chat for the minimum and maximum wage, 
2, a wage bill and or cost implication, 
3, means of appropriation etc.
While the Nigerian workers continue to wait patiently for the 30th  September deadline for the commencement of the payment of a living  wage,  workers nationwide  are called upon to resist all attempts from any quarter to truncate the agreement between our labour centres
( NLC / TUC / ULC ) and government  on the payments of the wage starting from the month of September 2018. We, the Nigerian workers, have suffered enough.
For too long , we have been financially embarrassed due to shamefully poor emoluments. 
We have been serving punishment for working in our motherland and we are saying that enough is now enough. 
We will no longer tolerate slave wage in Nigeria.  
State governors  should not pretend that they don't know the meaning of a national  minimum wage which is the lowest wage to be paid by all employers in a country and that this is determined by the central government as done in other countries following the needed due procedures. 
The All Workers Convergence ( AWC ) is calling on the Nigerian government to keep to its promise and start paying a living wage latest by September ending; in line with the proposal of labour N66,500:00, which is less than one percent of our President's salary. We also demand for a minimum pension of at least half a percentage of the Nigerian  President's salary while maximum wage should not be less than 15% of the President’s salary. Unemployment benefits are to be  generated from at least 1% of all workers pay.
It is the demand of the AWC that the Nigerian Labour Congress, Trade Union Congress, and the   United Labour Congress  propose  an ultimatum for an indefinite national strike action  from 30th September 2018 should government refuse to actualize the September promise to pay a new living wage.
The AWC calls on all Nigerian workers(civil  and non-civil ) and their industrial unions  to prepare for affirmative actions as our government has continued to prove to us that without the workers uprising, workers’ demand will never be met. 
We, the Nigerian workers, demand the immediate withdrawal of the hate speech by the state governors that "they were  not elected to pay the new minimum wage" and that any state governor who feels that he does not have the capacity to pay the new minimum wage or  does not possess the intellectual sophistry on how to  generate revenue in his state and pay the wage  should resign before September 30th 2018.
The AWC condemns in totality the situation   where any state governor in Nigeria is  owing her state/local government workers beyond one month salary.  The labour centres in such states are called upon to stop the suffering of the workers by immediately embarking on an industrial action as we have seen in the Ekiti state example. 
The AWC condemn in absolute terms and postulate that we shall no longer tolerate the delay in the payment of the retirees” gratuities and pensions to the extent that  some state governors now owe years of pension arrears and has not paid gratuities in the past five years such that the pensioners are compelled to take such governors to court in order to get their gratuities as we have seen in Oyo state . We call on the labour centres and workers  in such states  to declare a solidarity strike  and  down  tools  on any day such court case holds and equally mobilise workers to join the pensioners throughout the court sessions.
The AWC rejects and condemns the payment  of half salaries to officers of the Nigerian Police Force  in most of the state commands across the federation  and in some cases the  unexplainable slashing of police officers' salaries. We also call for a discontinuity in the delay of the promotions for all workers in the military and para military.
We stand with the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU ,in their ,demands for proper funding of our educational sector. Subsequently, we call on the Nigerian government to accede to their demands  else we will join them  in sympathy strike any time they embark on any industrial action nationwide. 
We the Nigerian workers have  observed with dismay all forms of emergency programmes and projects being hastily executed by governments at all levels,with some promising all forms of temporary jobs , while  some state governors  and the federal government are securing loans few months to the end of their tenures.Our fears about all these  is that they appear political and also an attempt by the ruling party to bribe the electorate and also divert funds towards the 2019 general  elections.
To this end,the Nigerian workers call on the federal government not to approve any foreign loan facility to all state governors . The Nigerian workers plead with the world Bank, the  IMF and all foreign financial institutions  not to grant any loan facility to the Nigerian government until after the 2019 general  elections. Further more, the Nigerian people should work towards legislations that will ensure that any loan incurred by any government is payable within the tenure of that government and that in the near future all foreign loans  be abolished. 
Our attention is drawn also to the high cost of medical care in Nigeria,  to the extent that patients who don't have money to pay in our government hospitals are not attended to and left to die even within the hospital premises while some are returned home to die in pains. It is observed that most of our teaching hospitals have devised automated electronic card system given to patients/carers to be loaded fully  with  cash and credited to the hospital account before a sick person can be attended to.
Our pains here is that the possession of money should not be a condition for citizen's health care needs. Government must be made to properly fund the health sector . In line with these, the Nigerian workers call on the Nigerian Medical  Association (NMA), the Medical and Health Workers union , Nurses and Midwives Union and all other industrial union in our health sector  including also the World Health Organisation (WHO)  to kick against this cash for health syndrome in the Nigerian health sector. 
The AWC commend the Nigerian workers for their perseverance and survival instinct within  this hard and trying times . We acknowledge the fact that things are really very tough for the Nigerian workers and masses. Moreso, as it appears that our ruling elites have abandoned governance only to be tracing shadows as seen  in the  unending war within the Nigerian  ruling class  . In all these, it is the Nigerian people that pays the price. Workers are however called upon not to despair and that very soon, through our collective struggles, we shall be out of this condition. 
We commend, in a special way, some Nigerian workers and their industrial unions which had sustained the struggle through their bold and inspiring industrial strike action across the federation. Worthy to note are those of  the Nigerian Union of Journalists  (NUJ) and RATTAWU whereby their members shut down  the Nigerian Television  Authority (NTA ) and the Federal Radio Corporations of Nigeria ( FRCN ) stations nationwide over poor conditions of service and poor  wages.
Federal workers at the Federal secretariat, Abuja and their respective unions, like the Nigerian Civil Service Union (NCSU), Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN) and the Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations  (AUPCTRE) are also worthy of commendation as workers shut  down the office of the head of service of the federation  and the federal secretariat  in protest against poor wage and terrible work environment. The recent Ekiti workers’ uprising to demand the payment of backlog of salary arrears and the shutting down of the Ekiti State Secretariat is also commendable. 
The AWC  shall continue to salute the gallantry of the July 2nd 2018 protest by the officers of the Nigerian Police Force  in Maidugiri and we give our red salute to  some officers of the Nigerian Army, who had recently protested against poor working conditions in Maidugiri. The Nigerian  labour movement , the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) and the civil society as a whole are called upon by the Nigerian workers to rise and take up the case of the protesting soldiers in order to prevent them from being victimised by the military bureaucracy.
The NLC and the TUC are equally commended for their recent  moves to probe into loans incurred by  a few Nigerians from our banks worth over five trillion naira and have refused to repay as published by AMCON. Nigerians are awaiting and ready to support labour in any action taken to recover the borrowed money and in any other action called by labour in public interest.
The Nigerian workers are called upon to go all out to register and obtain their Permanent Voters Card, PVC, in readiness to vote in leaders that will enhance their wellbeing and productivity. The Nigerian workers  are called upon this time around  to ensure that the peoples' vote count.
The AWC condoles with workers and people of the world, especially those facing challenges of war,natural disaster,insurgencies,poverty  etc .We call for world peace and more involvement of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in the plight of workers globally. As  regards general insecurity in Nigeria, our labour centres are called to the rescue through the issuance of an ultimatum to the government to secure Nigeria or face mass action. To the  internally displaced people  in different camps across the federation, the AWC calls on government to improve on the quality of assistance given to them.
Finally, the Nigerian workers are called upon to start meeting  and keep vigil awaiting the workers' September 30th  deadline for the commencement of the payment of the new minimum wage, otherwise  be ready for a national  strike action.
Solidarity forever. 
Comrade Andrew Emelieze 
National Coordinator

Workers Welfare : Michael Imoudu As A Role Model


Michael imoudu

The activities of Labour leaders today is the raging  debate among workers in Nigeria. Workers express sadness and worry over the way their leaders handle issues concerning them.

While the workers continue to wallow in the vicious cycle of poverty, hunger and worry, their leaders insist that they should be patient and show understanding with the Government.

The agility and activeness of labour leaders of the present time, is determined by the political class and not by the deteriorating condition of workers in the country.

Up till this moment, the name Michael  A thokhamien  Imoudu, represents a good example of a labour leader with a difference within the Nigerian territory and has continued to serve a s a source of inspiration  for the present set of labour leaders. Perhaps.

Imoudu was born on 7, September, 1902, to a Soldier, who had fought in East Africa. His upbringing resulted into his fearless personality. He did not have fear for witches or wizards, master or servant, black or white.

At the age of 14, he began his education at the Government school, Ora. In the course of his education, he received double promotion to standard one. After the death of his Father, the forward looking young Imoudu moved on in his quest for education, at various times at Ontisha, Benin, Sapele, Warri and Agbor.

His adult life revolved on protests against wrong doing by constituted authority. As a student of the Government school, Agbor he staged his first protest.

He led students of the school to protest against the alleged embezzlement of Empire funds by the school’s teachers. This resulted in the manhandling of the Headmaster.

At various times, he worked as linesman in the Department of Post and Telegraph (P and T) in 1928 and an apprentice machinist at the Railway Corporation. He worked tirelessly on three shillings and four pence per day. The work conditions depressed those in the railway and it was noticeable, but the grievances of the railway men were uncoordinated. During the industrial action of the sectional foundery men in 1931, Imoudu spearheaded a platform to fight for the rights of workers. This he made possible by opting to work as journey man at a reduced wage of three shillings per day.

On 20, January, 1940, Imoudu was the only one among his colleagues, who  signed the registration document of the Railway workers union and on 7, October, 1940, Imoudu was elected President of Railway men. 




The need for an increase in wages and better working conditions prompted Michael Imoudu to lead a demonstration from the locomotive yard in Ebute metta, Lagos to the Government House situated at Marina, Lagos Island, Lagos.

The Governor General of the Colony of Lagos, Bernard Bourdillon noticed that any form of industrial action at that period, could disrupt railway supplies to the coalition, during the Second World War in 1941. It was on this premise he acceded to a 50 per cent pay rise for the workers.

This success, further inspired Imoudu to put forward more demands, among which were conversion of daily casual labour to salaried employment, Saturday work with pay, permanence of daily labour, holiday travel grant and payment of arrears to cover 1932 to 1942 of unpaid entitlements.

This did not go down well with Bourdillon, who facilitated the termination of Imoudu’s appointment on 23 January, 1943 and also ordered his arrest under the Nigeria General Defense Regulations, 1941.

In quick succession he was relocated and remanded at the Benin prison, while in prison, he influenced inmates to demonstrate against poor feeding and other deplorable prison conditions.

In response, the British Colonial Government in 1943, restricted Imoudu’s movement to the palace of the paramount Chief of Auchi and made an order for him to report twice a week to the Auchi Police station.

As a result of a face off with the District Officer of Auchi and his moves to facilitate the establishment of peasants’ cooperatives for the benefit of peasants in Etsako and Ora, he was again remanded in the Auchi prison.

Some of his comrades, including T.A Bankole openly spoke against Imoudu’s action, to the hearing of the Chief Secretary of Government.

After spending two and a half years in prison, the labour activist was set free.

A mass rally was held at Oko-Awo, Lagos to celebrate his release from prison, while nationalists such as Herbert Macaulay were on ground to grace the occasion.

In June 1945, he successfully led over 30,000 workers to down tools for 44 days.

The industrial action was hinged on the inability of the colonial Government to actualize the promise of Bourdillon in 1942, to review allowances according to living index.

Bourdillon’ successor, Arthur Frederick Richards vigorously refused to pay the allowance.

This resulted in the abrupt end of the unpopular Richards constitution, and set the stage for self government.


Discrimination was the order of the day during the colonial era. In November, 1947, Imoudu led others to demonstrate against racial discrimination at the Bristol Hotel, Lagos. 

In the cause of the demonstration, he was physically assaulted and arrested by the Police.

However, of worry, is the self-preservation approach of present day labour leaders.

At different times, he mobilized the conference of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) to protest against colonial rule and also workers and peasants for the independence movement led by Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe, during the nationwide tour of the National Council of Nigeria Citizens (NCNC), to raise funds and support for the Nigerian delegation to the constitutional conference in London.

The Labour wing of the NC-Democratic Grand  Alliance, of which Imoudu was a member, won four seats in the Lagos Town Council elections in 1950.

In 1964, Imoudu  led the general strike  against the restriction of Democracy, which was  targeted at compelling the Government to implement the report of the Morgan commission. In addition, he was a member of the Marxist Socialist Workers and Farmers Party.

In the Second Republic, he was Vice President of the Peoples Redemption Party(PRP) led by Mallam Aminu Kano.

His track record formed the basis for his becoming the founding President of the Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC) in 1964. The NLC of today possess a different design and ideology.

Sadly, pragmatic approach to labour issues and concepts remain lacking, even as Labour leaders' sacrifices and tribulations for Nigerian workers are cosmetic, debatable and trailed by controversy.

Those in the labour struggle, with Imoudu's frame of mind and character are relatively few and extremely difficult to identify, in these days of ''he who pays the piper, dictates the tune''.


Travel Ban : President Buhari Intends to Recycle List America Gave OBJ-Dr. Agoro/ /Meaza Ashenafi Becomes Ethiopia's First Woman Federal Supreme Court President

Watch list

The Presidential  candidate of the National Action Council, Dr. Olapade Agoro has declared that the list of prominent Nigerians placed on travel ban by the present administration was the was the same as that  the United States of America gave  Chief(Dr.)Olusegun Obasanjo during his first term as President.

Dr. Agoro made this declaration in a chat with People.

He also called on President  Muhammadu Buhari to bar those on the watch list from contesting for elective positions in the 2019 general elections.

''Nigerians  are dead heads, when it comes to news coverage. You discover that Nigerians make noise out of nothing. If President Muahmmadu Buhari is bold, if President Muhammdu Buhari is  courageous, he should order that those on the list shouldb be barred from contesting for the general elections, they should be barred by INEC.''

''The United States of America(USA) gave President Olusegun Obasanjo the list during his first term as President. The list had big names. The list vanished from his table. The US sent another list.  President Buhari is making noise out of nothing. The list America gave Nigeria during Chief Obasano's tenure is what they have being recycling. And nobody has taken any firm decision. Those on the list have been travelling. The President should say that anyone indicted for corruption should be prevented from contesting elections. Anyone having a corruption case should be barred from the electoral process until such a person obtains clearance'', he opined.

Dr. Agoro opined that there were more qualified Nigerians to lead the country aside from the incumbent President and Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.

''I don't see the two names as anybody, I don't see President Buhari and Alhaji Abubakar as people we should be rejoicing over in the polity, there are better names, there are better people'', he concluded.

Meaza ashenafi

The Ethiopian Parliament has endorsed prominent women rights defender, Meaza Ashenafi as the first woman Federal Supreme Court President.

Ethiopia presently has a female President and half the cabinet are female.

The first women president, Sahle-Work Zewde has worked as United Nations representative in African Union. President Zewde (68), has also worked in Ethiopia's Foreign Service for decades. She also served as Ambassador to Senegal, with accreditation to Mali, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Gambia and Guinea, from 1989 to 1993.

Ashenafi has served as a Judge of the High Court of Ethiopia between 1989 and 1992. In 1993 she was appointed by the Ethiopian Constitution Commission as a legal adviser.

In 1995, Ashenafi founded the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), and became its executive director. Through her legal contacts, she has been instrumental in campaigning for women's rights in Ethiopia; her Fighting For Women's Rights In Ethiopia group had approximately 45 graduate lawyers working for it in 2002.

She has also  held a position with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. She helped lead the development of the first women's bank in Ethiopia, Enat Bank, which was established in 2011 and as of 2016 chairs its board of directors. She has won numerous awards in recognition of her work.

A Govt that is yet to meet the expectations of Nigerians will not receive their blessings-Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam

Prof sabitu olagoke 1

President Muhammadu Buhari has promised not to complain about Nigeria's problems any more, but to address same in due course. President Buhari who  made this promise in far away, Poland , however did not give convincing reasons why he took this decision, coming just two months to the general elections. 

Nigerians insist that the present administration is yet to meet their expectations, one of their expectations is for President Buhari to assent  to the 2018 electoral act amendment bill, but surprisingly the President has  with held his assent.

Expectedly, Nigerians have have expressed doubts over the possibilities of resolving the several challenges confronting the country in six months.

In this interview with Poverty Line, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke says the Federal Government is yet to meet the expectations of the electorate. Excerpts :


Nigerians are still complaining of several shortcomings  of governance, what do you think is the solution ?


Nothing is impossible to do and achieve in the face of conducive environment for development, ranging, from the political will of government and his party functionaries.

This is behind the successes and feat achieved  by developed countries including Japan, China, Singapore and Malaysia.

However,, using SWOT analysis, the areas of weaknesses and threats have overwhelmed Mr. President to the extent  that the environment to succeed in addressing the myriad  of problems confronting Nigeria, being the very short term  remaining,creates a mind boggling scenario of doubts in the minds of all Nigerians.    Nigeria 2

This is because the land is more viscose to threats more than ever before.

If Nigerians are talking about the  All Progressives Congress(APC) carelessness  through internal wranglings and immature politics of selective approach  towards fighting corruption, and the'dead 'Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) with the the  support of the other political parties, the

opposition are already up  in'arms' against  the frail ruling party in wrestling power from the incumbent.

It is unfortunate that the gullibility of Nigerians,due to the dysfunctional system of education, religion and socio-political and economic management as evident in the the way the PDP  is now being celebrated without any preferred alternative even by the youth, whose future have continually been toyed with in the 16 years of the PDP ruler ship without conscience. 

The structure on ground is equally not favorable to produce credible leaders because the amended constitution  has not yet allowed for independent candidacy.

Surely, there is no way Nigeria will not be reverted to the game of business as usual because if the PDP happen to win the election, all the suspected looters in custody would be freed and the searchlight of the Economic and Financial Crimes(EFCC)would then  be redirected  towards perceived enemies again.                              Nigeria 3

Is this the way Nigeria will continue to be ruled, for bequeath able legacy of sustainable development  not to continue to be evasive as mere'tantalizing mirages' ?

This is not to say that the APC government has not been able to achieve in the areas of their reconstruction processes. For example, the rail system, the declared war on corruption and the aspect of economic diversification.

However, what makes a government popular is how it has impacted positively on the twin issues of HUNGER  and POVERTY in the land, which  ought to be in the areas of employment and job creation. This could be achieved through job creation, through vocation which government is yet to aggressively address.

This is an environment in which governments at the state level are  yet to pay workers their dues, the pensioners are yet to sing the praises of government and the prices of commodities are not within the reach of the poor while  qualitative  education continues to be evasive to the children of the poor masses. 

There is no way such government could receive the the blessings of the masses.

This weakness is equally a source of strength for the opposition, even if such ''OPPOSITION' is a known ''THIEF''.

Whatever happens to the APC  government, if unpalatable to the government, must have been caused by the its State Governors and the Ministers who failed to realize that the masses still  hold the mandate and the  power to remove or to re-elect even against all odds.

The President and the ''POWERS THAT BE '' in the APC  should address with all maturity the threats of internal wranglings and the insincerity of all their State Governors  and the Ministers under who the masses continue to cry for survival.

The earlier they do  this , the possible it becomes to succeed in the areas of  perceived failures, to the disappointment of the opposition.

Power in Democracy still  resides with  the people, even though they have  elected and appointed representatives  who are supposed to serve.

Politics of rhetoric and hate speech must immediately be relegated to the background so  that  the masses will have the opportunity to fulfill their rights of access to their physiological needs.



The Fight Against Inequality Creeps into Africa/ /Sierra Leone First Lady Launches Womens' Financial Empowerment Project

Fight inequalityThe Fight Against Inequality, a global grassroots movements has lined up activities around the world, including Africa to advocate for the  end to the  excessive  concentration of power and wealth in the vicious grip of elites, and advance a more just, equal and sustainable world.

The alliance brings together social movements, environmental groups, women's rights groups, trade unions and NGOs across the world.

 The  Alliance's third global week of action, comes up  from 18-25 January 2019, in more than thirty countries across the globe.

Activities will commence from  the city of Guadalajara in Mexico with a walk called 'From el Colli to Davos'.

 According to Fight Inequality campaigner Hector Castanon  who is  leading the advocacy,   "Guadalajara has the second richest municipality in Mexico and is home to Central American migrants and displaced rural and indigenous communities that have left everything behind due to a lack of opportunities and organised crime.''

'' Salaries are under the poverty line, there is limited access to basic resources, poor public services and high crime rates. All of these has moved people to organize to solve their needs and exercise their rights." Castanon noted.Fight inequality 1

A festival would be organized in Shang'ombo, one of the poorest and most neglected districts of Zambia. 

The festival the focuses on  how politicians and elites make promises there during election campaigns and then forget the people, as well as people's stories of inequality and their solutions.

The festival will also feature music stars, such as  Petersen Zagaze, BFlow and Maiko Zulu.

 In explaining why she will be part of the event,  A  Zambian youth activist, Mzezeti Mwanza, discloses why she would particpate in the festival : '' Despite the country's natural resources, the majority of Zambians live below the poverty line and none of us are equal until all of us are equal".

The  the Usawa Festival (or Equality Festival) will come up in Kenya and  hip hop star Juliani is slated to perform.

In his remarks, Njoki Njehu, Africa Co-ordinator for Fight Inequality opines :

 "Kenyans living the realities of inequality are organizing together - rural and urban, young and old, women and men. We understand the problems and have concrete proposals to end inequality. The solutions start with us. We have the answers."

The festival in the Philippines, will be organized between two adjoining communities, Baseco and Parola in Manila, that contrast starkly with the high-rise landscape of the city centre. 

Through music, cultural activities and discussion, people will raise their experiences of inequality and their demands for change.

Sierra leoneSierra Leone's First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio has launched the ''50 Million African Women Speak Platform'' project.

The project  an initiative of the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) in collaboration with Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS), the East African and Southern Africa Common Market (COMESA), and the Eastern African Community (EAC), worth $13.2 million was launched at the Bintumani International Hotel in Freetown.

Mrs. Bio dislcosed that the project was trageted at improving women's ability to access financial and non-financial information, to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, access financial opportunities build networks and establish partnership relationships with people and structures that can help them grow and support their businesses.Sierra leone 2

"If we have this opportunity in Sierra Leone, we believe the women in Sierra Leone will most definitely take advantage of the opportunity and use it wisely," she said.

Vice President of ECOWAS,Madam Finda Koroma called on women from all walks of life  in Sierra Loenoe to assist the ECOWAS Commission in the mobilization of resources, both technical and financial that will be needed to make available the necessary data on Sierra Leone to include it in the platform in order to project the country as a place where women and girls can access the requisite information needed to create and finance their businesses.

"This project falls within the framework of Article 15 of Chapter 5 of the Additional Act on Equal Rights for Women and Men for sustainable development in the ECOWAS sub-region in May 2015, which calls on Members States to adopt all legislative and regulatory measures to ensure women's equal access to all economic and gainful opportunities," Madam Koroma stated.


Tanzania Govt Moves To End Shortage of School Furniture /

School 1The Tanzanian Government  has taken positive steps to end the shortage of school furniture in schools in the country.

To this end, the government has taken delivery of 22,000  tables and chairs from China, while another consignment would arrive in February.

The new chairs and tables  have been distributed to Lumumba secondary school, Karume Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Paje-Mtule Secondary, and Mkokotoni Vocational Training centre on Unguja Island, and in Pemba, Fidel Castro, Kengeja, Mohamed- Juma-Pindua Secondary, Mkanyageni, and Utaani secondary schools.Schools 2

According to  the  head of  the 'Eleven member Desk Campaign committee' put in place  by President Ali Mohamed Shein in April 2017 to  raise funds for furniture in schools , Mr. Haroun Ali Suleiman, ''This is a big achievement in our struggle to solve the problem of shortage of desks in the country. The 44,620 seats will benefit about 88,520 students in secondary schools''.

Mr. Suleiman who is also the Minister of State(Public Service, Constitution, Legal Affairs and Good Governance)  further said  "We still ask support from individuals, institutions and companies to donate funds to buy seats or desks for our children,"

CJN's Travails : We Need to discourage the building of strong and powerful individuals-Prof Olagoke

Prof sabitu olagoke 2Not long ago, President Muhammadu Buhari, suspended the substantive Chief Justice of Nigeria(CJN), Justice Walter Onnoghen, over issues relating to Justice Onnoghen's assets declaration forms with the Code of Conduct Bureau.

President Buhari based his actions on the order of the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal, Justic Danladi Umar. A sizable number of Nigerians at home and abroad have condemned the President's action, they argue that his action did not follow the rule of law and due process. Interestingly, a section of the political class applaud the action of the President while another section maintain that Justice Onnoghen' suspension was politically motivated. In this interview the Founder, Spiritual head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the Federal Government should start building strong institutions and not strong individuals who are above the law.

Excerpts :

What is your reaction to the suspension of the Chef Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen ?

Nigeria is the most unfortunate country where all equations have defied the natural rules of law and conservation of matters, which has always plunged the country into a state of disequilibrium.

Leaders do not respect the people that give them the mandate and the people also lack the culture of respecting our leaders.

Under these circumstances, the tripodal stand of Democracy viz-a-viz the Legislature, Judiciary and Executive, suffer from a non-aligned centroid  or centre of gravity.

The three arms of government do not cooperate in the quest to functionally operate for accelerated development, where cohesion is lacking, Chinua Achebe's ''Things Fall Apart'' becomes a point of reference.

In developed countries, where there is integrity, immediately a public officer has been discovered to have abused the office he occupys, by not going through due process to attain it, resignation should follow.

The constitution may not specifically talk about suspension, but by implication, it must have addressed the areas of possible executive  intervention.         Cjn

More so, when the President  insisted that he acted on the order of the  Chairman Code of Conduct Tribunal.

Acting cjn

The major problem we are having in Nigeria is ignorance, due to the disturbing mass low level of education, where the majority of the people do not have direct access to the rights of the people, constitutionally or otherwise.

This has made the few governing us or those in positions of influence and affluence to kill people perpetually in a state of darkness, prompting them to pass judgement on issues that are intricate with bogus demand for explanation.

If an ordinary man had been trapped under such an allegation, the case would have been that of the passage of a silent judgement.

 If the executive is not in the good books of the Legislature and the Judiciary, based on the antecedents of the  records, sentiments would now be the only option for the masses on such issues like this.

When the culture of integrity is restored, we will stop hiding under the constitution which we all agreed is faulty ab intio because it was the import of the military Oligarchy in Nigeria.

Why is it taking us so long a period to overhaul or amend  the constitution, as appropriate, to be able to offer good governance ?

Danladi umarThe whole scenario starting with the dismissal of the motion of the Chief Justice at the Appeal court, the clearance of the Chairman of the Code of Conduct Tribunal(CCT) of corruption allegations by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC), which is not a court of law, the petitions against the CJN, Acting CJN and the Chairman of the CCT presently before the National Judicial Commission(NJC) and the queries it has issued to the CJN and Acting CJN, while that of the Chairman of the CCT has been referred to the Federal Judicial Service Commission, portends that justice is now in the theatre of politics.

What is most important to Nigeria, is that we need to discourage the building of strong and powerful individuals, who are above the law, but focus on building strong institutions that will easily create a balance of justice system between the rich and the poor, using the tool of Corporate Governance Perception Index, that will make management, administration and governance to follow the due process of accountability and transparency.

The focus should be on the individual person brought to justice, no matter how highly placed such an individual might be, just like any common man would have been dealt with, without raising eyebrows.

Last edited: 04/02/2019

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