In Search of Good Government




A good government ought to be able to muster enough strength to enforce obedience, in addition to carrying out the duties of governance efficiently.

Justice, perhaps, will flourish when the people who are expected to obey the laws express their opinions on these laws.

A rule of good government, revolves around the fact that the state, nobody else, should be equipped to secure obedience and conformity.

In 1934, Austria was plunged into civil war, partly by the failure of its government to prevent political parties from recruiting armies.

Political parties are already recruiting non-state actors.

The prosperity of this country is under the overbearing influence of its natural resources, the politics of its neighbors and the conduct of those in government.

Take note that the goodness of a government depends on its fitness to solve the myriad of problems confronting it.

Sadly, those in government have set their personal interests against and above those of the people, shown undeserved favor to particular groups and refused to permit the people to attain their heart's desires.

The foregoing goes against the principles of good government.



In Olorunsogo, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, children who have been well groomed by their parents in the act of criminality, led by one Joshua, a child of a disabled white garment church-owner at No.1 Kehinde Aderibigbe street, (unpainted building by the junction), now burgle houses in the community. This is in addition to the disturbing activities of under-aged prostitutes, who operate with the consent of their parents



Good Government Nigeria

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