Government Attitude and Workers' Devotion to Duty

Untitled 16Images 20At the present time, in Nigeria, only a handful of civil and public servants take their duties seriously and wholeheartedly.

Their attitude is directly related to the position of government in the three tiers on issues of workers' welfare and conditions of service.

Indeed, the focus of those on government payroll in any given line of duty or assignment is what is in it to gain and not what ought to be done. In other words, selfless devotion to duty is no longer there.

Assigned tasks in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies are no longer done properly and promptly. A sizable number of workers no longer possess a sense of responsibility. Who is to blame ?

For several years now, the monster of indiscipline has continued to fester, with due process as the major casualty. The struggle for ''power'' among government workers is the most prominent activity going on in most offices.

Sharp practices are the order of the day. This is partly as a result of the sectional democracy in vogue today.

At the federal, state and local government levels, workers, who are co-opted to generate revenue for the government, make good use of the opportunity to protect their future.

The source of inspiration for this category of workers includes stories of government workers who retired in 2010 and are yet to be paid their gratuities.

 Workers ought to be devoted and committed to duty, to avoid negative reports from their superiors.

The worrisome question everywhere at present is : has the insensitive attitude of government ensured workers' devotion and commitment to duty ?

 A Disturbing Community Leadership

For a while now, the chairman of the Molusi street, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state Landlords and Tenants Association, one Akeem, alongside Indian Hemp smoking hoodlums, who operate from the unfenced IMG Schools 1 and 2 Ibuko, Molete, Ibadan, attacked and dispossessed innocent residents of their valuables.

Just on Tuesday, at about 6.15pm, the chairman alongside his boys, attacked and dispossessed a resident of his personal belongings a few metres from the primary school, along the road.

Similarly, a police rank and file serving with the Oyo state Police Command, has for long operated a brothel, where questionable characters hibernate. The brothel located along Oyegbami street, Olorunsogo, Molete, has been a subject of worry for the residents in the community, considering the status of the owner.


Federal Government of Nigeria Trade Union Congress Good Government Nigeria Labor Congress

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