God's Word

The Word

OpeyemiThe word of God is the foundation of life and it serves as a soothing balm in times of distress, agony and worry.  People  strive to read the word of God for guidiance, counseling and knowledge

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Adultery/ / Depart from Evil /The True Vine


Mathew 5 : 27-32

27'You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery'.

28'But I say to you whoever looks at a woman to lust  for her  has already committed adultery with her in his heart'.

29'If your right eye cause you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one  of your members perish , than for your whole body to be cast into hell'.

30'And if your right hand  causes you to  sin, cut it off and cats it from you, for ti is more profitbale for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cats into hell'.

31' Furthermore it has been said, ' whoever divorces his wife, let him give her certificate of divorce'.

32'But I say to you whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality causes her to commit adultery and whoever marries a woman who is divorced commits adultery.

Almost every marriage has its trying times and God does not want you to commit adultery.

Adultery has resulted in several avoidable problems in society.

All you need, is to be commited to your marital vows. And this can be achieved by always putting Gos first.

Couples should discuss their differences and ensure that thier homes are peaceful.

Love, respect and committment should guide couples in their quest to surmount the challenges that might arise in the home.


Psalm 37 : 27

''Depart from evil and do good and dwell for evermore''

Avoid sowing evil, it only results in destruction. The word of God brings about happiness and peace. The devil is the enemy in the home, who influences all that is evil.

Husbands killing their wives and wives killing husbands is common place in society today. Why is this so ? The devil has infiltrated several homes. Fathers and mothers no longer bring up their children according to the word of God.

Teach your children the ways of the Lord, so that when they grow up they will not depart from the word of God.

Don't give the devil the opportunity to take over the affairs of your home, build your home on the foundation of the word of God.

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The true vine

There is no distinction between the vine and its branches. From the moment it emerges from the soil, the vine begins to spread.

It is its branch.

To belong to Jesus Christ is to be part of the true vine.

For this reason, we can pray in complete confidence, because when our wills are united with his, we will pray as part of the living vine.

The image of Jesus Christ is all about growth, which happens organically, from within the very substance of the vine.

Nourished by the sun, by rain and chemicals which feed it from the soil in which it is planted, the vine forces its way into the light.

We have here an image of growth which gives us a powerful understanding of what it means to belong to Jesus Christ.

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Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of the Word of God / / Accomplishing Your Dream

Grace and knowledge

Titus 2: 11-14

11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.

12 Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world.

13  Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

14 Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.


Grace and Knowledge

Titus 2:11-14 Hold on to the teaching and commandment of God. When you embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, then you are already with the power of God unto salvation.

It is mandatory that you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ so as to 

to be able to ward off false doctrines.

You can only grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

The word Christian means people who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 

Therefore, a true Christian is a believer, who practices and does the will of God.


John 16 : 33

These things I have spoken unto you that in me, ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of God cheer, I have overcome there world.

Dreams are planned, pursued, and achieved.

Dreams don't come true on their own unless they are made to happen.


Steps to Take Towards Achieving Your Dreams:

1) Identify a dream

Without doubt, the journey to success starts with a dream. The dreams become a purpose and driving force to the destination.


Once a dream is identified, an individual now has an objective and is purposeful; life becomes meaningful while the journey towards actualizing your dream is on track.


2) Your goals must be realistic ;

It is quite convenient and realistic to set up goals with a six-month and 24-month accomplishment target.

Make a mental vision and evaluation of these goals, and give each of the goals a critical thought.


3) Diligence : Regardless of your desire or aspiration, diligence is a prerequisite. This is the secret behind success. Genuine successes never happen suddenly, accidentally, or by wish.

4)Determination :

Be determined in the pursuit of your dreams. Determination is the inner power embedded in you by God that enables you to defy any form of obstacle.

Without it, success is not certain.

In confronting your challenges, be determined.

5) Opportunities:

Identify opportunities and make good use of them.

In whatever form opportunities come, recognize them and fulfill your dreams.

Worship God with Hymns/ /Cultivate True Friendship

PraiseJohn 4 : 23-24

23 : But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

24 : God is a spirit and all who worship Him, must worship him in spirit and in truth.

Worship God through hymns of praises.

You express your faith in God and His son through hymns.

By singing the hymns, you bring out the thanksgiving of your heart to God for His abundant blessings on you.

Hymns are reflections of your redemption and victory through Christ.


Take not to avoid :

1)Using hymns to insult people. Singing to abuse and degrade others is common place in society, most especially when there is rancour or conflict.

2)Using hymns to express non-existent feelings of the heart.

3)Using hymns hypocritically.

Hymns must reflect the sincerity of your heart as a Christian, to God. Through these hymns you can be blessed abundantly by God.

Learn to use the hymns as a means of comfort and hope in times of despair and as an assurance of salvation in Christ.

Always sing of love, peace , joy and hope, as you strive to avoid depriving of what is beneficial to all.

Jesus christ1 John : 4-11

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to also love one another.

Believers are not only friends of Jesus Christ, but are also friends of one another.

The elements of true friendship and mutual trust must be present in the society, home church and work place for heavenly joy, which is God's gift to humanity.

You become a member of the circle of friends of Jesus Christ by faith in him and not by your acquired prestige or status in life.

Any individual who does not encourage your growth in the word of God, but rather encourages you to engage in acts contrary to the will of God and dissuades you from worshiping Him transparently, is not a friend.

Jesus Christ our Lord is a true friend. He is loyal and dependable at all times.

Always put your trust in him before any man and commit to him alone your innermost thoughts.

Avoid friends of expediency.

Courage / / Care for Your Children as You Care for Other People

CouragePsalm 27 -14

Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart : wait, I say on the Lord.

People should develop the courage to go through life.

The Christian life requires the courage to live in the face of the viccitudes of life.

In this new year, make the recurring consciousness of the presence of Jesus Christ in you, as the mainstay of all you will engage in thsi year.

These are omnious times in Nigeria, you should not be afraid, develop the copurage to live.

You could be that queer instrument of God through which His love, truth and peace could be brought to this universe that   is in urgent need of it.

If you lack courage, pray to God and He will give you courage.


Parents and childrenMatt. 7-3

''And why beholdest the mote that is in thy borhter's eye, but considerest no the beam that is in thine own eye''.

The judgment of God shall always come upon parents who fail to bring up their children in the Lord's way.

Indeed, a sizable number of fathers and mothers do very well in guiding other people's children towards the right path, but this is not so for their biological children.

Even though the children of this category of parents are lacking and deficient in several aspects of life, their parents see all the goodness and perfection in them.

Today, most parents have failed to instill moral discipline in their children.

It is imperative for all to care for their vineyards, as they also care for the vineyards of others.

Trust in God / / Don't Be Discouraged

Isaiah 12 -2

''Behold God is my salvation I will trust and not be afraid. For the Lord JEHOVAH i smy  strength and He also is my salvation.''

AChristian must give his or her life to obeying God's will and allow God to provide and protect his or her well being.

Trust in godAnxiety weakens, saddens, frightens and beclouds the reasoning of an individual to the satisfaction of life.

Those who worry are only exhibiting lack of trust in God.

A Christian who trusts in God, utilizes this, as a great source of power.

Do not burden yourself with anxiety over the unknown challenges of the future.

You have a Saviour and a Father who are already concerned about you.

If yoy trust Jesus as Lrod and Saviour of your life, even anxiety about life after death will have no place in your heart.

Live your days with the assurance that yours is eternal life which no man can take away from you.

Don t be discouragedPsalm 55-22
Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.''

Discouragement is a life threatening state of mind, as it renders an individual vulnerable to attacks by enemies of the soul.

In most situations, discouragment is inevitable in the life of a believer, however, Jesus Christ is the solution.

It destroys the faith of a believer and wrecks havoc on an individual's will power to live.

The enemy always makes use of the weapon of discouragement, but it is left for you to ward off same, by having a mindset devoid of resentment and bitterness.

The devil makes use of discouragement to destroy initiative and render an individual useless and disillusioned. For these reasons, you must be strong in faith and reassure yourself that all things will continue to be good.

The Great Opportunities in Little Responsibilities / Know Who You Are

ResponsibilitiesMatt 8-1:3

1)At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, who is the greatest in  kingdom of heaven ?

2) And Jeus called a little  child unto him, and set him in the midst of them''.

3)And said verily, I say unto you, except ye converrted and become as little children , ye shal not enter  into the kingdom of heaven''.

Your little action goes a long way in revealing the will of God in your life.

Limitless opportunities abound in little responsibilities.

God puts together little actions here and there to make something big out of it for you.

Those little actions, which are not noticeable, pave the way for the fulfillment of great accomplishments.

It is now left for you to identify these great opportunities that abound in the little responsibilities you carry out day by day.

Be painstaking in all you do and take responsibilities with all seriousness.

Be vigilant detractors are everywhere.

     Know yourself               

2 Corinthians 13-5

'' Examine yourselves, whether ye be in faith, prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, now that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobate?"

Make it a duty to examine yourself periodically and spiritually, to determine your closeness to the Lord or distance from Him.

Most Christians live on the surface of life.

People react to the pressure of  events and never to the changes of their character and attitude.

Once you expose your heart and life to Jesus Christ, who is the light, then all illusions will be  stripped away, and the gate will open for the healing and redeeming power of Christ in your  life.

Accepting Christ will give you a direction and make you to know yourself.

Knowing yourself will prevent you from committing sins, while if you don't allow God in you, you will never discover God.


Practising Your Faith in a Sinful World / The Kingdom of God as a hidden Treasure

ChristianTitus 11-13

11 : For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all me.

12 : Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.

13 : looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ

 Many Christians find it difficult to practice their faith in a world full of sins.

Your life as a Christian is comparable to light, you must shine so that people will see Christ's reflection in you.

 Christianity seeks to win spiritual victories in hostile environments.

Great souls have been good Christians despite their outward sufferings.

Avoid pessimistic thoughts that has taken over the world and woven a damaging effect on the minds of several Christians.

Hidden treasureMathew 13 : 44

44 : Again , the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field, which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth the field.

Something of great value is seemingly very difficult to come by. 

Energy is most times dissipated to access these things of great value.

The principle of hidden tresures is  a delibrate act of God.

The kingdom of God, is like an hidden tresure, you should accept the kingdom of God now.

To wait of the kingdom of God to be revealed on the day of judgement  would be too late.

Jesus Christ and  His Kingdom must be accpeted now because Jesus Christ is your :

1) Hopde of glory for the greater tomorrow.

2)Assurance of your eternal life.

3) The bulwark of times of your trial.

4)The light that brings victory over darkness.

5)The strength that overcomes our human weakness.

6)The source of your supreme joy.


Backsliding / / Faith

1 John 4 : 6

4 : Ye are God, little children, and have become them ; because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

5 : They are of the world, therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them.

6 : We are of God : he that knoweth God heareth not us; he that is not of God heareth not us, thereby know we hath the spirit of truth, and the spiirt of error.



Once you become born again, avoid the temptations of backsliding. 

In the present world, temptations abound; everywhere you go, it is now left for you as a true believer to resist such temptations.

Do not become an enemy of yourself; meditate on the word regularly when you notice you are treading the wrong path.

Look up to God, and painstakingly avoid looking up to man.

Resist any attempt to backslide by anyone; it could be your friends, your colleagues at your place of work, your relations, or anyone close to you.

Be steadfast.

FaithProverbs 11 : 30

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise.

A Christian should always have faith no matter the situation such a person is in.

Your faith is your fortress in times of challenges and problematic situations.

Your faith should not waver in the face of adversity.


Hope / Burden


Hope1Peter 1 : 13

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

There is hope that sustains you.

In these times, the only thing that sustains you as a believer is the hope in the living Lord.

When your hope is yet to be fulfilled, do not despair; you must keep your hope in Him until He executes it in a way that is in accordance with His own will for you.

Your hope must be strengthened by your faith in the living Lord, who stands by His own at all times.

Hope sustains you in the crises of threats and adversities.




BurdenMathew 11 : 28

28 : Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

You must always pray fervently to God to come to your aid, by giving you the strength, courage, and means by which you will meet all the burdens of this life.

If you are burdened by an unconfessed sin, then your life will bring forth fruits of sin. 

And to regain joy and happiness, the sin must be confessed to God.

For if you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

As you shoulder your burdens, give your heart to Christ, for it is when you truly do this that your heart will know peace, in your home, society, church, and wherever you worship God.

God is your Keeper / Serving Us

God is you keeperJohn 17 : 15

15 : Pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the  world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil

You have to realize that the people you pay to keep watch over you and your property can only function to the maximum of their human ability.


Their watchcare is not absolute, and therefore you must look to the greater Guardian, God, who is your keeper and your helper.


If you are lying down in your home, you will sleep securely because the God who keeps you will not slumber, nor will He allow anyone to move your feet from their resting place.


In these times, out of envy, jealousy, and hatred, men attempt to dig a pit under your feet in order to cause you to fall or in order to make you lose your position, your balance, your honor, or your office; but if you look up to God who dwells in heaven, if you trust in Him through Christ, no one will ever be able to move your feet away from security to destruction.


He will keep you as the shepherd keeps his sheep so that you do not become the prey of wolves.

Serve god

We want our heroes to remain on their pedestals so that we who aspire to be like them may hope one day to share in the honor and privilege they enjoy.

Jesus Christ's humility shows itself in his readiness to serve us. Ours shows in our readiness to receive His service.

It is said that it is better to give than to receive.

But it is sometimes harder to receive; it puts us in debt to the one who gives and robs us of the pride of being in the position of giving to others.

Law Breaking / Outspokeness

Jesus christ 1

Those in Authority

There is a striking contrast between carefree disciples strolling through cornfields on a peaceful Sabbath day and the stern Pharisees clearly looking for some way of trapping Jesus Christ.

It is not likely that the disciples plucked the ear of corn out of any deliberate defiance of the law.

It would seem a natural thing to do as they brushed past it and admired the ripe golden fullness.

But the Pharisees turned the occasion into one of legalistic confrontation.

Jesus Christ calmly responded, appealing to their tradition.

People in authority are sometimes tempted to use legalistic arguments to ensnare others, even when they willingly commit only minor transgressions.

But the Son of man came to show a more humane way of treating one another, with understanding, compassion, and a sense of proportion. 

Jesues christ

Many Pharisees were good and upright people, who Jesus Christ counted among his friends.

But it was those who misused religion who angered him so much, particularly when they excused unjust actions and unfair attitudes with pious platitudes.

People might be scrupulous about small details of religious observance, giving to the temple a tenth of all their produce, even to the smallest herbs.

But if they were unscrupulous in their treatment of others, Jesus condemned them in no uncertain terms.

Which sins do religious people tend to condemn most readily today?

How much prominence do we give to justice, humility, and reverence as the most important values?

How often do we speak out against hypocrisy, greed and self-indulgence ?

How often do we speak out against hypocrisy, greed, and self-indulgence?

Not Currying Favour / The Downtrodden

PaulPaul knew that the people of Thessalonica were under attack for their faith and that slanderous rumours had been spread about him. This was no time for sweetened words. 

He wanted to tell them bluntly, though lovingly, what it costs to take Jesus Christ seriously.

There is no such thing as an easy discipleship.

Are we too often more ready to hear and preach comfortable words of the Lord Jesus rather than uncomfortable ones ?

Wherever Paul preached, he had suffered insult and injury, but he had never watered down his message to avoid upsetting people. 

Does he sound like the kind of person you might feel inclined to invite to your church as a new Minister ?


Jesus christ 2

Why on earth do you think that, for his disciples, Jesus Christ chose a group of fishermen?

What particular qualities could they have possessed to equip them to share his ministry?

They seem to have been a close-knit group whom Jesus Christ had possibly known for some time.

But clearly, the moment when they decided to leave everything and follow him was deeply etched in their memory.

When Jesus said he would make them ''fishers of men,'' what expertise and experience could they bring to such a task?

Only Phillip was called by Jesus directly. The others came at the bidding of their friends and families.

Yet, when they found Jesus for themselves, it was as if he had been searching for them all along.

Nathaniel eventually found Jesus Christ, only to discover that Christ found him long before he recognized who it was pulling at his heartstrings.

The Nature of Gossip / The Weak and Foolish

The samaritan womanInitially, the word gossip meant a friend, especially a person related spiritually, for example, a godmother.

In other words, it implied an individual of holy conversation. 

Overtime, it degenerated  in meaning.

However, it is uplifting to note how often, in the New Testament,  it is through  the gossiping of women that the gospel story was spread.


The first Christian evangelist, whose words were ever recorded, was a widow of 84, who went out to tell her neighbors that she had seen the infant Christ(Luke 2 : 38).


 The Samaritan woman cannot keep her news to herself. 


She must tell her neighbors and so the whole community comes to seek Jesus.


The disciples completely fail to realize the new opportunity this whole contact opens up, just as they fail to acknowledge  that Jesus  does not depend upon them alone for support and sustenance nor  are they the only ones working for the kingdom.


God has chosen some surprising allies for us, often people whose worth we fail to recognize.

Yet, in spite of what  Jesus says, the men disciples do not learn to trust what gossiping women tell them(Luke 24 : 11)

The weak and the foolish

We can sometimes harbor romantic illusions about what the Church should be like, a company of saints in shining armor!

But then we meet some local congregation, and we become disillusioned.

It is never a good thing to live with illusions.

The reality about the Church is much more splendid.

It is among this frail, struggling, sinful community of folk that we find heroes and heroines of the faith who outshine and outshame those whom the world admires for their power, their wealth, and their strength.

The gospel speaks its word of liberation, not through the powerful but through the oppressed. May God make us humble enough to receive it from them.

Last edited: 11/01/2025

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