Calming Frayed Nerves

Vision 1The burden of a nation is too multi-dimensional for a single power broker to manage.

There are entrenched interests in the military, security services, a section of the judiciary and also the bureaucracy, while the population at large remains distraught and impoverished.

Indeed, to inherit a badly managed and shattered economy is disturbing to those who know what is in stock aside from the high level of insecurity.

Those-in-Charge need not feign ignorance about the pressing issues at stake, but go all out to tackle the issues, even as reservations, doubts and suspicions grow among the populace by the day.

The Situation

It is now very glaring that millions of Nigerians-outside the workforce- are contending with hunger, poverty, unemployment and a number of other hardships.

This  has resulted into a sizable number the citizens embracing crime as a means to an end.

Those -in-charge are only scratching  the surface while the situation deteriorates daily.



Good Government Nigeria

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