
  • Election Petition Tribunal Orders Fresh Election in Kogi West

    • On 23/08/2019
    • In News

    Dino melayeThe National Assembly/State Assembly Election Petitions Tribunal sitting in Lokoja on Friday ordered fresh elections in the  Kogi West Senatorial District.

    Senator Dino Melaye is the Senator representing the District.

    The three-man panel led by Justice Anthony Chijioke   upheld the arguments of counsel to Senator  Adeyemi  that irregularities, over voting and non-compliance with the electoral acts negatively affected the outcome of the election.

    In his reaction, Senator Melaye urged his supporters to calm down, saying “No cause for alarm at all”.

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  • Dwindling Tax Revenue : Govt Officials have their Own Receipts-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof sabitu olagoke 2Reports indicate that the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Mr. Abba Kyari, sought explanations from the Executive Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr, Babatunde Fowler, over the unimpressive tax revenue from 2015 to 2018.

    However, Nigerians have continued to groan under the multiple taxation policy of the Federal Government, even as they insist that the activities of the Federal Inland Revenue Service(FIRS) should be thoroughly scrutinized. 

    In April nine senior officials of the FIRS, mostly from the finance and accounts department including its Director, were arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) for diverting N6 billion tax funds that were supposed to be remitted to the coffers of government.

    In this interview, the Founder Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the fact that government officials have their own receipts, negatively affects revenue generation. Exceprts :

    The Federal Government has expressed worries over the dwindling revenue from taxes, what do you think is wrong ?

    Nigeria became worse under the civilian regime, than under the military for two major reasons : under the civilian rule, privileges are always accompanied with abuse, coupled with daylight collaborations, even to cheat in government.

    The issue of discipline has not been addressed in most civilian regimes. Discipline that ensures that the citizens do the right thing.

    Perhaps,. because our institution of Democracy is always accompanied with no due process and various maneuvers to constitute the executive, legislature and even in the appointment of Judges at all levels.

    This is why poverty indices and tax evasions accompanied with various corrupt practices are always on the increase.


    With a direct consequence on government’s poor performance in the areas of the provision of basic amenities for the people, employment and functional infrastructure. The poor signal of virtual independence challenge of the Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC) and the Judiciary alos contribute a lot in the areas fo regulation and control.

    Under the such a situation, the whole Nigeria and every sector of the economy wallow in them murky waters of endemic corruption that will never allow us to meet our budgetary targets.

    Apart from the foregoing, salary structure of the civil servants, most especially at the state level, is appalling and to meager to sustain the average Nigeria worker. This is another source of challenge that would ever facilitate the thriving of corrupt practices.

    Successive governments till date, have not been able to explain the reason why there is disparity in the wages of the state workers and that of their counterparts at the Federal level.

    When issue of social justice is to be considered, bearing in mind, that we all visit the same market to buy and sell for survival.

    Equally, government is yet to justify the jumbo pay of the political class, which is on the very high side, when compared to that of the civil servants.

    Are these not established channels to to support corrupt practices in the land ?

    It is on record that political office holders were once members of the civil societies, little wonder then, that they feel comfortable without any concern for the poor remuneration of the civil servants.

    However, if these defects are not corrected in good time, the efforts of the anti-graft agencies will never meet the expectations of the government and people alike.

    It is also on record, that in all tiers of government, Local, State and Federal, some officials, low or high, do have personal receipts which are always carbon copies of the ones government issues.

    This is why we have been having cases of workers on Grades levels 04 to 06 in government service, having fleet of cars and several mighty structures, kept in secret with fictitious names.

    The question now is, why is it that government operatives always fail to discover this kind of sharp practices, before the thieves complete their projects ?

    Why is it also, that offenders judgments, are always delayed and in most cases, influenced by nepotism and ethnicity to bail them out ?

    Lack of punitive measures for offenders is dangerous and would continue to make corrupt practices very attractive to those who believe in material things while shunning decency and exemplary lifestyles.

    The Federal Inland Revenue Service needs to be properly scrutinized and the outcome made public.

    The nine FIRS officials arrested not long ago, is an indictment of the service and an affront to the executive.

    The government will therefor, do Nigerians a great favor through be thorough, firm and blunt to be able to use the case of this government agency as a reference point for the search light to penetrate through all government ministries, departments and agencies which equally have skeletons in their cupboards and unprintable rot in their environment.

    Besides this, government itself, needs to be transparent and accountable for Nigerians to trust it because Nigerians expect period checks on the activities of the Ministers, aides of the President and state Governors as well as each of the policy makers.

    If government wants a high revenue turn over, from taxes, diversification of the economy is sacrosanct to boost production most especially in agriculture, mining and other areas of infrastructural importance.

  • Oyo Govt Should Enforce Borehole Drilling Regulations-AWDROP

    • On 20/08/2019
    • In News

    Nigeria 21The Association of Water Well Drilling Rig Owners and Practitioners(AWDROP) has called on the Oyo state Government to ensure the enforcement of the regulations guiding borehole drilling  in the state.

    AWDROP made this call through its National Public Relations Officer, Mr. Richard Adeyinka in a caht with Poverty Line

    ''I think the area the  state government  has to look at, is the strict regulation of borehole drilling in the state. I also think that Governor Seyi Makinde has done well in appointing Mr. Kehinde Ayoola as Comissioner for Environment and Water Resources. There have been haphazard drilling by foreigners, who are not conversant with the terrain. AWDROP has been agitating for the enforcement of regulations in the state 36 states and Abuja.

    ''The standard Code of Practice-NCP 027/2010, should be strictly adhered to. The Commissioner should look inwards and ensure that indigenous companies benefit fron the dividends of democracy, as this shall create employment for those already out of business'', Mr. Adeyinka asserted.

  • Zambia Govt Urges Investors to Respect National Values

    • On 20/08/2019

    Zambia 1Zambia President, Edgar Lungu has declared that his administration was ready to accommodate investors who will respect the country's national values and who will not abrogate the labor laws.

    President Lungu made this decalration on Monday at the opening ceremony of the the Expo North West Zambia 2019 under the theme; “Unveiling the hidden treasures.”

    The President stressed the need for investors not to be profit oriented only, but also be  engaged in Corporate Social Responsibilties saying  “I urge all investors to interact freely during this expo to secure good investment deals, and long lasting synergies, as you seek investment opportunities in this province, and Zambia as a whole. This event is an opportunity for the private sector to leverage natural resources that this province offers to set up industries here,” he urged.

    “We in the PF government believe that the private sector is a catalyst to supporting our quest to improving the lives of our people through wealth and employment creation in line with the vision 2030. In this regard, the North West Expo provides vast opportunities for potential investors to sample the enormous prospectives that north western province has to offer in all sectors of our economy.”

    “Ladies and gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to note that our traditional leaders in this province, north western province are supportive of the investors here, and are willing to welcome more investors. I was trying to find out why traditional leaders in this province are highly supportive, and i was told, they are highly educated, and one is pursuing a degree to you our chiefs, keep it up, and continue being the model let me also assure you that my government in partnership with traditional leaders, and all stakeholders in the province will facilitate inflow of investment in various sectors spread across the province,” he said.

    “This country and this province too, have continued to receive foreign direct investment, as well as domestic investment, as a result of the conducive business environment, where the private sector plays a key role in the economy. I am glad to note that expos that have so far been held in Luapula, northern, central and Copperbelt province are now yielding dividends. These provinces i have named have been receiving positive responses from investors within, and outside Zambia. For this reason my government has remained focused on providing suitable regulatory environment for the private sector to thrive.”

  • Food Sufficiency : Govt. Ought to stop Importation when Edibles are in Abundance and Affordable-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof sabitu olagoke 2The debate among Nigerians in the present time is on the promise made by President Muhammadu Buhari to cater for the poor and downtrodden in the country, as he positions to make a difference in his second term.

    The President’s promise is coming on the heels of his directive to the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) to stop the issuance of foreign exchange to those who import foodstuff.

    Nigerians, however, insist that since the country is yet to attain food sufficiency, while hunger and poverty still remain in millions of homes, the President’s directive is an indication that the present administration does not have workable plans to rescue majority of Nigerians from the vicious cycle of poverty.

    In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke asserts that the importation of edibles and related products can only be regulated and controlled when when there is food sufficiency in the land. Excerpts :

    What do you think is the best way to ensure food sufficiency in Nigeria ?

    In the areas of the fundamental needs of man, that is food, shelter and clothing, Science and Technology have offered a great mass of opportunity for mass production of the raw materials, in terms of mechanized farming and processing units for varieties of products to cater for Nigeria’s food sufficiency.

    Unfortunately for Nigeria, the endemic culture of corruption will fail again to succeed, with particular reference to the agro-allied and textile industries. This is why Nigeria depends solely on the importation of some raw materials as well as most finished products.

    Nigerians are put in the dark by successive governments till date, on the purpose for the establishment of universities of agriculture, research institutes, Polytechnics as well as universities of Science and Technology.

    The general complaint, is majorly under funding by government coupled with several cases of corruption, that belittles the establishment of SERVICOM( Service Compact (Agreement) between the Federal Government including all its organs and the Nigerian people) and The Anti- Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU), in various Ministries, Departments and Agencies and the overwhelming corruption and institutional indiscipline that rubbish all efforts of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) under successive governments till date.

    RiceThis kind of cloudy scene neither favors good governance for productive resources nor Nigeria for the expected development, where Democracy is expected to bring forth prosperity and general welfare of the people.

    It is pertinent therefore, for government to publish state by state statistics of the yield of their adventures in agriculture, for Nigerians to be sure that their claim is not far from the truth. This is because the prices of commodities have not gone down and most of the food and related items in the markets are imported.

    Rice 1When Queen Elizabeth II, visited Nigeria during the tenure of former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, she requested the President to take her to some markets in Abuja.

    While at the markets, the Queen took note of the the facial expression of the traders and buyers alike, to conclude that there was poverty in the land.

    After, the visit to the markets, the Queen advised the President to address the issue of poverty in Nigeria.

    It is equally unfortunate that Nigerians continue to complain about the quality of most of the home made goods and agricultural produce, despite the fact the we have research institutes that should continually sensitize the public and train the farmers on modern planting techniques.

    The treating of foodstuff with poisonous chemicals, features daily in news reports, as Nigerians wonder how this came about, even with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and Standards Organisation of Nigeria, in place for quality assurance and standardization gauge to ensure people’s safety and security.

    To ensure food sufficiency, government needs to address the issue of middle men and other agents, whose sole objective is profit making at the expense of the people.

    Rice 2Transparency and accountability is the Governance Perception Index essence on all institutions that that have direct or indirect links in terms of reaching the people with any product for purchase or production.

    Besides food sufficiency, the poverty in the land is equally creating problems for millions of Nigerians, in the face of the high cost of commodities that the government claimed to be in abundance.

    Importation of food stuff ought to be regulated and controlled, only when, government is certain of the abundance of raw materials and finished products for the consumption of Nigerians.

    The pulse of the nation is more sensitive, precise and reliable as a measure of government’s performance, when governments officials roam the streets of Nigerian and our local markets, to listen to the people’s views, for the Presidency to know the truth, so as to be able to make necessary amends and curb the wastage. This wastage is brought about by those unpatriotic Nigerians who siphon the nation’s wealth, by virtue of their positions in government.

    Governance by fact finding with the aid of Science and Technology, is more effective and better than consultation of the oracles, which is abstract` and could mislead a focused government.

    President Buhari should beware of the sycophants and take the needed action to justify his good intentions.

  • Promotion in Nigeria Civil Service done in bad Fate-AWC

    Abuja 5





    The All Workers Convergence(AWC)has took a swipe at the Federal Government in Nigeria for allowing the release of the 2018 Directorate level Promotion examination results when the major issue of the new national minimum wage was yet to be resolved.

    The AWC's position was made known by its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

     ''Government has released the July 2018  promotion examination results for senior civil servants and at the same time refused to implement the new national minimum wage. Therefore,government will end up cheating the Nigerian workers, if the new national minimum wage is not implemented as the promotion is also implemented''.

    ''More so, the results were greeted  with mixed feelings as most f the workers are not happy that they were not promoted  and so they have laid their complaints with their various unions in protest against the results that seem to favor a few to the detriment of most civil servants. The AWC is calling on the different industrial unions to intervene in the  recent promotion examination results just released by the Federal Civil Service Commission.''

    ''''It is also important to note that as far as the new national minimum wage is  concerned, Nigerians workers are no longer expectant, workers have surrendered their fate and they have lost hope for a just wage from this government vis-a-vis their thinking that governance has been abandoned for frivolities. Workers are only waiting for the worst to come, especially in the case of a labour movement  that has compromised'', Comrade Emelieze lamented.

     The 2018 Directorate level promotion exercise results indicated  that 2,932 senior civil servants were promoted.

    Of this number, 327 were from  the office of the Head  Civil Service f the Federation, while 70 were promoted from  Senior Grade levels 16 to 17.

    In all those promoted were from SGL 14 to 15, 15 to 16 and 16 to 17.


  • The Essence of Ed el Kabir is for Muslims to Show Gratitude to God for Knowing Right from Wrong-Prof. Olagoke

    ProfAs Muslim Faithful in Nigeria make last minute preparations to celebrate the  Ed el Kabir, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke  stresses that  the essence of Ed el Kabir is to be grateful to God for inspiring Muslim Faithful to know the right from the wrong and for giving them the resistance against the incursion of Satan , who is always out to derail mankind from the path of righteousness.

    Excerpts :

    The essence of every celebration is for the comity of nations to be reminded of what brought about the event and the lessons learnt from it, in terms of values for the purpose of adoption to correct possible cases of anomalies or aberration.

    Unfortunately, Nigerians are a particular specie of Homo Sapiens who easily forget the past to be able to build in the right way the present for a better future.

    This year's Ed el Kabir celebration must be a turning point for our society to benefit immensely from its lessons. For example, the fabric of the home is broken in many respects , resulting  in our children and youth swimming in the ocean of sins and crimes,because of the erosion of societal values and norms.

    The household of Prophet Ibrahim happened to be a perfect example of trust and memorandum of understanding. When the issue of barrenness was to be resolved, Sarah advised her husband to have a trial with their maid, whom she equally believed would receive the glory and grace of God, which became prophetic, with the birth of Isaac(Isiaka) through Haggar, after 14 years of  patient wait.

    When the time was up to face the trial of a reneged promise, a ram was mercifully substituted for slaughtering in place of Ismail, while the grace of fertility was equally conferred on Sarah, who conceived and gave birth to Isaac through Ibrahim's fulfilled promise to God.

    By implication, every home must be founded on the platform of trust and transparency, to be able to receive divine intervention, most especially in the times of trouble.

    Another lesson is that we must establish good parenting for every home, which results in good child upbringing. This ensures  the products of good upbringing are  the future leaders for the purpose of sustainable development.

    Besides this, the lessons of unbroken promises and oath of allegiance becomes prominent, most especially in the aspect of upholding ethical principles on justice dispensation and  related services.

    Prophet Ibrahim's stand by his oath of allegiance to God led to his been the father of faith as well as the father of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims all over the world. What an amazing news of immortality to the family.

    Abuja 3During the celebration, animals such as rams or cows that would be slaughtered for the celebration must be free of diseases and blemish, to fulfill Quran  22 : 35, which states that people whose offering shall be accepted  are those with absolute belief in God without fear of future denial, people who are patient with high resistant to the distresses of life and those who do not deviate  from the righteous path of God.

    They must be practicing Muslims  as must be evident  in observing Solat, besides this, they must be cheerful givers who live by the concept of philanthropy, before, during and after the Ed el Kabir.

    The slaughtered ram must be shared into three, one part for  the orphanages, prison inmates and destitute, the second part for the needy around who ask for it, while the third part is consumed by families and friends.

    The essence of this, lies on good parenting, proper child upbringing and the need for good neighborliness.

    The underlying factor is the need to uphold holiness for Allah which  is the basis for performing the holy pilgrimage so as to attain the height of piety.

    Take note, that religion as a school of faith building, driven by the curriculum of the scripture must get us aligned with our creator for the right inspirational energy to be endowed  in order that man would be able to creditably offer services with the necessary impact in governance through astute management and classical administration.

    The foregoing are the import of Islam for all Muslims to imbibe in their day to day activities.

    The essence of Ed el Kabir is to be grateful to God for inspiring us to know the right from the wrong and for giving us the resistance against the incursion of Satan , who is always out to derail mankind from the path of righteousness.

    This is why the throwing of stones for three days always starts on Ed el Kabir day, so that the grace received by Prophet Ibrahim, his son, Ismail and his wife, Haggar is bestowed on the new Alhajis and Alhajas, to be able to shun evil and other forms of misdemeanor in their routine day to day activities after the holy pilgrimage and Ed el Kabir, to be able to live a just life and create a disciplined society with zero tolerance to corruption.

    If we are able to heed the voice of God and His directives, the lessons of Ed el Kabir on the state of piety, to uphold faith, would easily be granted by God, the almighty  Allah.