Allow Religion to take its Divine Course

Prof 1The relevance of all religious houses is to complement the role of the home as an agent of socialization for humankind to be reformed from a state of ignorance to that of a complete agent of change and development by providing the supplement.
The animal called man attending a faith-based house of worship is expected to be processed into a normal human being that would always exhibit characteristics that are based on a positive mindset.
Adherents of all houses of God are, therefore, expected to have a positive self-image by been sure of himself or herself always as a relevant entity in any situation such an individual finds himself or herself. For an achievable feat to be recorded by an individual, a faith-based organization must be able to instill in the individual the culture of rational confidence.
Furthermore, the house of God must be able to help society to promote the culture of integrity through the individual accepting self-esteem as a way of life.
On the issue of interpersonal relationships that will help us all to live by the concept of keeping good neighborliness as obtained in Mk. 12: 31. Individual adherents must be cloned and cultured into having a positive mental attitude for him or her to be able to make the right decisions that are accurate, fair, and precise on critical issues from the simple to the state for ease fo relocation.
This is the basis upon which the Holy Prophets including Abraham(ASW), Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ's parents-biological and social, Mary and Joseph, and the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
In the case of the Holy Prophet Ibrahim,  his relocation from Ur of Chaldeans to Caanan was regarded to be divine but happened to the best decision that brought light into the world up till today.
Jesus Christ as a baby escaped the wrath of King Herod, who became jealously genocidal upon hearing fo the birth of Jesus Christ.
His decision to take him to Egypt from Israel was divine and considered a wise decision because a mortal that runs away from trouble spots will ever have the opportunity of coming back at the appropriate time to deliver his message. One can imagine the greatest fortune brought to the whole world by challenging and dwarfing the principalities of darkness from the light to be a sustainable and preferred alternative for mankind.
On the Holy Prophet Muhammad, his relocation from Mecca to Medina at the time of his greatest height of travail gave him the opportunity to continue to the cleaning exercise in Medina, later to conquer Mecca for God as a holy city that eventually became the home of light and salvation for mankind to realize his spiritual essence.
Adherents, therefore, in every house of God are expected to be processed into good citizenship with the beneficial gain of the tranquility of the mind s well as the promotion of the culture of safety and security protocols for the society.
However, all these behavioral objectives that would have endeared us into a perfect God/man relationship are absent amidst us mainly because the administration of the religious system in the country has fallen into the wrong hands of emergency economic driven religious leaders who drive the wheel of spiritual movement through God and mammon of the society to lack the substance of the much needed divine intervention in all human affairs. The recipe for this is for all individual adherents-males and females-to focus on the 10 religious nutrients to have the right spiritual strength as contained in Quran 33: 35-1)Total submission to the will of God. 2)Sincere belief is based on truth. 3) Scripture compliance. 4) Vanguard of truth. 5) Patience, perseverance, and endurance. 6) The fear of God as exemplified in due process. 7) Charity of the concept of charity. 8) Respect for fasting based on the concept of abstinence-soul purification from all evil thoughts and body preservation from sins and crimes. 9) Fidelity: no fornication, no incest, no pedophilia, no prostitution, and no adultery.  10) Constant remembrance of Allah or God exemplified in prayers, business, and routine transactions. 
Keeping to all these can be likened to a state of wellness based on the right nutrient combination in nutrition and a good state of health condition. 
Forgiveness of sins, divine protection through enhanced divine immunity are assured for true fulfillment of religious operational activities through just worship in an environment fo love as presented in Corinth. 1: 13  Be guided wisely.

Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Religion

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