True Federation-Guide against Possible Wrath of...-Prof. Olagoke

Prof 1A cross-section of Nigerians have continued to agitate for the devolution of powers to the 36 states and Abuja which is the Federal Capital Territory, while the Federal Government enjoys  a minimum of important powers transcending  state jurisdictions. Several tribal and socio-political  groups have insisted that the devolution of power would give the regions more independence to develop, even though the agenda of these gropus could have self centered and hidden interests as the major push. In this interview, the Founder, Spritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide warns that unfolding events should been handled with all seriouseness to avoid an  omnious situation. Excerpts : 
Do you think Nigeria can be restructured  in to a true federation with the component units having financila autonomy ?
The problem of Nigeria led us to this worrisome unacceptable structure regarded as an effect of colonialism and neo-colonialism, whereby sovereignty and independence were lost. Since then, we have been cohabiting as couples in marriages of inconvenience due to the unconsidered factors of memorandum of understanding  which was never sought nor respected despite our differences in tongues, tribes, ethnicity and religion including culture. This was why Nigerians, dead or alive had been waiting for the year 2014, when the term of the amalgamation would have elapsed for the need to renew or break up.
What we did in 2014 without seriousness about true restructuring could be regarded as a game of fire by the people sitting on kegs of gun powder.
Apart from the fact that the 1960 and 1963 constitution seemed to be manageable on issues of peaceful co-existence, the 1999 amended constitution gave us a negative mindset of not workable.
One needs to ask a question regarding credible leadership and good governance and their correlation coefficient with the two created regimes of kleptocracy in looting spree and destitution with increasing profile. Under the present reality of 12.8 per cent inflation rate, two digits interest rates on bank loans  and soaring prices of food and household items in the markets, Nigerians are worse off for it.
Nigeria is a country comprising of emergency billionaires as a result of having political power and business advantage but through  the menace of the inaction of various security and standard control units, everything is politically polarized to the level of business as usual in  governance with the lost ethos of visionary leadership for credibility in positions of power and lose of selfless service in power management. Further questions are 1)Where are the progressives and activists of yesteryear's, why they are not performing but keeping mute upon getting into positions of power.
This is the situation that bothers on the deteriorating conditions of the welfare of the people in the face of poor governance styles that depends mainly on the importation of goods, low morale on provision of basic amenities and in the area of infrastructure, professional cannot comfortably set up cottage industries to promote industrialization, most especially in the areas that depend on supply of  electricity. People are still kept in the dark on why a whole nation can't have active and sustainable  turn around maintenance of our refineries, not to talk of developing more at least to satisfy local consumption. Despite the fact that at the individual level, some of these big shots in politics and business have refineries established abroad as well as universities, here  in Nigeria and abroad.
In the face of all these, where the just only harvest their dividend of democracy as impoverishment  and legacy of poverty; where their children cannot enjoy after struggling tooh and nail to sponsor their deucation. The only option opne to the citizenry is agitation against economichadrship and insecurity. It is equally unfortunate that  even with  the unacceptrable arrangement of the Federal, State and Local Government allocation sharing formula, the Local Governments have become mere annexes of the states whose Governors put their surrogates to be in charge with the lamighty formula of 100 per cent win by the ruling party. Calling for true Federalism wherein there would be financial autonomy for the states is therefore not an overstatement, if we are to follow the example of the United States of America, where corporate governance promotes a strong nation rather than strong individuals, who daily oppress  their people in Nigeria and most often claim to be above the law. Nigeria has three options vis-a-vis 1) Working for true Federalism, whereby states would enjoy financial autonomy. 2) Confederation which is a call back to the root  our former regional control of the economy. This was what operated during the First republic with a lot of visible records  of development and with their sources of strength been agricultural resources. The third must be prevented through good governance and correct  welfare package  for Nigerians. This would be possible if we can address the issue of institutional indiscipline and the endemic culture of corruption which presently are rubbishing the values of education, religion and governance.
We must  guide against  possible wrath of military incursion which is daily been signaled by some soldiers resigning coupled with the difficulties in eradicating terrorism.
Indeed, without correct attitudinal change, aberrations negating the philosophy of due process may continue to be in place.
Correcting the ills in the land as a prerequsite  to any restructuring  neeed is sacrosanct otherwise we may by ourselves undermine the need foe secession in the face of our failure  to achieve true Federalism. The Federal Government and all the security agencies are primary stakeholders  in this respect of effecting the much needed change that Nigeria needs to be comfortable among the committee of nations.

Nigeria Governance Government Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

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