Federal Government of Nigeria

  • Government Attitude and Workers' Devotion to Duty

    Untitled 16Images 20At the present time, in Nigeria, only a handful of civil and public servants take their duties seriously and wholeheartedly.

    Their attitude is directly related to the position of government in the three tiers on issues of workers' welfare and conditions of service.

    Indeed, the focus of those on government payroll in any given line of duty or assignment is what is in it to gain and not what ought to be done. In other words, selfless devotion to duty is no longer there.

    Assigned tasks in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies are no longer done properly and promptly. A sizable number of workers no longer possess a sense of responsibility. Who is to blame ?

    For several years now, the monster of indiscipline has continued to fester, with due process as the major casualty. The struggle for ''power'' among government workers is the most prominent activity going on in most offices.

    Sharp practices are the order of the day. This is partly as a result of the sectional democracy in vogue today.

    At the federal, state and local government levels, workers, who are co-opted to generate revenue for the government, make good use of the opportunity to protect their future.

    The source of inspiration for this category of workers includes stories of government workers who retired in 2010 and are yet to be paid their gratuities.

     Workers ought to be devoted and committed to duty, to avoid negative reports from their superiors.

    The worrisome question everywhere at present is : has the insensitive attitude of government ensured workers' devotion and commitment to duty ?

     A Disturbing Community Leadership

    For a while now, the chairman of the Molusi street, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state Landlords and Tenants Association, one Akeem, alongside Indian Hemp smoking hoodlums, who operate from the unfenced IMG Schools 1 and 2 Ibuko, Molete, Ibadan, attacked and dispossessed innocent residents of their valuables.

    Just on Tuesday, at about 6.15pm, the chairman alongside his boys, attacked and dispossessed a resident of his personal belongings a few metres from the primary school, along the road.

    Similarly, a police rank and file serving with the Oyo state Police Command, has for long operated a brothel, where questionable characters hibernate. The brothel located along Oyegbami street, Olorunsogo, Molete, has been a subject of worry for the residents in the community, considering the status of the owner.

  • Revenue Generation as a Priority

    Download 2 10Download 3 7In 1974, the committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities put in place a panel of the two admissions experts-Mr. L. R Kay, Secretary, Universities Central Council on Admissions of the United Kingdom and Mr. Pettipierre, Director of Ontario Universities Application Center of the province of Ontario, Canada-to examine issues and problems arising from the system of admissions into universities then.

    The panel submitted its report to the committee.

    Sometime in February 1976, the Federal Military Government also put in place the National Committee on University Entrance, with Mr. Michael. S. Angulu as Chairperson, the committee comprised of 14 other members, who represented various other interests and bodies related to matriculation examinations, university placement and post-secondary education in the country.

    In February 1977, the Angulu-led committee submitted its report and recommendations.

    After going through the recommendations, the committee of Vice Chancellors, the National Universities Commission and the officials of the Federal Ministry of Education made their own recommendations to the government.

    Again Decree 4 of 1993, now mandated the board to conduct admissions in collaboration with higher institutions.

    And in March 1977, the Federal Government accepted the recommendations and went on to constitute the Board now known as the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), while a year later the board became a legal entity with the promulgation of Decree 2 of 1978.

    The Federal Government then went on to appoint Mr. Angulu as the first Registrar and Chief Executive of the Board in 1977.

    The mandate of JAMB is to ensure uniform standards in the conduct of matriculation examinations and placement of suitably qualified candidates into higher institutions in Nigeria.

    In December 1989, the Federal Government repealed Decree 2 of 1978 and, in its place, promulgated Decree 33, which empowered the board to conduct admissions into Polytechnics and Colleges of Education all over the country.

    Although the functions of JAMB do not include revenue generation, with over one million candidates purchasing the entrance examination forms in recent times, the Board is now a major revenue earner for the government, while several other irregularities shadow the operations of the board.

    A cross-section of Nigerians are of the belief that limited educational exposure could be an obstacle to achieving positive results. 

    However, today, higher institutions conduct independent post UTME tests, which have been trailed by lamentations by parents and guardians of the enormous costs about implications for their children and wards in higher institutions of learning in Nigeria.

    Despite the rigorous process of admissions, the end products are not of satisfactory quality.

    Without doubt, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) seems overwhelmed by its challenges, most especially after the introduction of the Computer Based Tests(CBT).

    These challenges, which are enormous, have characterized every examination the board has conducted in recent times.

    With no hope for a possible reversal in the near future.

    Even though the results of its most recent examinations have been released, thousands of candidates insist that a lot is wrong with the conduct of the examinations, which the board has consistently ignored.

    The dynamism and vision of the present leadership of the Board is debatable, if the comments, remarks and questions of candidates and their sponsors are anything to go by.


  • Wishes and Expectations

    Govt 20The key elements of tyranny include, but are not limited to, insensitivity, brutality, random arrests, incarceration and unresolved cases of killings.

     Curiously, the prohibitive price of the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS) is already having multiple negative effects on the economy, even as Nigerians persist in their daily lamentations of the unbearable hardships that have been their lot in recent times.

    Indeed, governance on the platform of deformed democratic institutions attracts tyranny, which is not in tandem with the wishes and expectations of Nigerians.

    Interestingly, the people are yet to identify any conceivable reason for the policy direction of Those-in-Charge towards the worrisome and disturbing situation that called for urgent deliverance.

    The cost of living is on the rise on a daily basis and Those-in-Charge continue to appeal and cajole citizens to take their sufferings as sacrifices that must be made for the anti-people policies that are ravaging the land. 

    Self Preservation in the Midst of Evil 

    These are very dangerous times in so many states in Nigeria, which have, long before now, become the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. 

    Indeed, the overlords in the states have succeeded in remodeling their domains into havens of all that defies morality and decency. 

    Of worry is the increase in the cases of death revolving around drink and food poisoning, in addition to sexually transmitted diseases. All the afore mentioned are weapons of destruction by those obsessed with temporal power. 

    Curiously, the services of migrants from other states are engaged to carry out the unthinkable and unbelievable. The only option now open to Nigerians is to adopt measures that would ensure self-preservation in the midst of evil by Those-in-Charge.


  • The National Debt

    Nigeria's chronic budget deficit has brought about an unhindered increase in the national debt.

    Indeed, the multiple taxation by the government at all levels may now be too embarrassing for an economy that majorly revolves around the motive of personal gain.

    Without doubt, the redistribution of disposable income from the well-to-do to the indigent would increase the average propensity to consume, since the marginal propensity of the indigent to consume is higher than that of the well-to-do.

    Sadly, this approach is not in the thoughts of the government, although the budget deficit may have stimulated private investments.

    The government ought to cut down on expenditure on political office holders.

    However, in view of the fact that the economy is ailing, the government at all levels must be decisive and proactive in interventions in health, transport, electricity, unemployment, hunger and poverty.

    Of course, the protection of sectors such as education, health and agriculture which have direct bearing on the survival of citizens from unpredictable price mechanisms is desirable, but largely depends on the mindset of those in charge.

     Bad Eggs in Uniform

    The crime-friendly mindset and attitude of a number of those in law enforcement agencies in certain states, including Oyo, justifies the unabating lawlessness, criminality and violent crimes in the land. Curiously, the high levels of insecurity in Nigeria is partly due to unprofessional conduct and despicable acts of bad eggs in uniform.

  • Sowing vegetables is a mockery of Nigeria's precarious situation-Comrade Emelieze


    The garden initiative introduced by the First lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu has exposed the questionable mindset of those in leadership positions in the present dispensation.

    This assertion was made by a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''Millions of Nigerians are dying on a daily basis of hunger and poverty. Those who cannot withstand the hardships are committing suicide. The First lady, Senator Oulremi Tinubu, believes that the planting of vegetables is the way to go, but that is wrong.

    The present situation in the country has gone beyond planting vegetables in a garden. 

    This initiative is a mockery of the very dangerous situation, which has so far defied all soltuions put forward by the government at all levels,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • ​ICT-Don't be left behind-TRCN Registrar to Nigerian teachers

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    The registrar of the Teachers Registration Council(TRCN), Prof. Olusegun Ajiboye has advised teachers in Nigeria to be Information and Communication Technology(ICT) compliant to be abreast with the fast changing education landscape.

    Porf. Ajiboye gave this advice on Friday at the Ibadan Education Summit in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''The landscape of education is changing very fast, as professional teachers you may be left behind. We are in the age of technology. We have to focus on technology. You cannot function effectively as a teacher if you do not leverage technology. You cannot afford to be a Born Before the Computer Age. We have to change our character as teachers,'' he stated.

    Prof. Ajiboye frowned on the increasing rate of quackery in every profession, saying,''in every profession we have quackery, don't be a quack. If you don't have value, you cannot give value. You have to buckle up to be a global teacher.''

  • Girls ought to be Nurtured and Protected not Exploited-Mrs. Mujakepruo

    Dsc 4879As primary and secondary schools in Nigeria prepare to resume for the third term, the Chief Executive Officer of KEAABS Oil and Gas Limited, Port-Harcourt, Rivers state, Mrs. Hannah Adefunke Mujakperuo, a master’s degree holder and doctoral student, in this interview, advised the government at all levels to do all that is necessary for girls to accomplish.


    Schools are about to resume for the third term. What is your advice to the government?

     Girls do not deserve to be exploited, but rather protected and nurtured. 

    The social, economic and political situation in Nigeria has impacted negatively on girls.

    However, it is disturbing to note that parents and guardians are now openly supporting female children to embrace prostitution as a means to an end. This is dangerous for society.

    The government at all levels should do all that is possible to ensure that girls have unhindered access to quality education by making provision for the needed facilities, addressing the issue of shortage of teachers and renovating dilapidated infrastructure in schools.

    It is also very important that counselors are functional in the schools to guide girls on career choices. Girls have a role to play in the future of the nation. Everything must be done for the girls to acquire a quality education.


  • Non Payment of With Held Salaries of SSANU and others may result in Labor Unrest-Former VP SSANU Western zone

    Download 4The decision of the Federal Government to pay four months out of eight months in held salaries of university workers to only the Academic Staff Union of Universities(ASUU) is an invitation to confusion and labor unrest.

    This assertion was made by a former Vice President of the Senior Staff Association of Universities(SSANU), Comrade Alfred Jimoh.

    ''The Federal government has not been sincere, it appears the government wants to create confusion and encourage labor unrest. I don't see any reason why four unions will go on a justifiable strike and, after suspension and signing of the agreement with no victimization clause, the government held the salaries and the president gave a waiver to only one union, as if the other members of the remaining unions are not Nigerians. Nobody has come out to give us the rationality behind the discriminatory approach.  It is very unfortunate and an open provocation and invitation to labor unrest in the Nigerian university system,'' Comrade Jimoh warned.

  • Suspended Hunger and Hardships Protests only attracted Government's attention-UI Lecturer

     OneThe two day protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) that was abruptly suspended only attracted the attention of the Federal government.

    This assertion was made by Dr. Francis Amenaghawon of the Department of Communication and Language Arts of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''For me, the suspended protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress had no impact on the daily lives of Nigerians because it did not change anything, but it has only drawn the attention of the Federal government to the worsening social, economic and security situation in the country,'' Dr. Amnenaghawon stated

  • State Police will take Nigeria no where-Labor Leader

    Insecurities quotes non lifeThe Federal Government has been advised not to tinker with the present law enforcement structure in Nigeria.

    This advice was given by the unit chairman of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN) Federal Ministry of Labor, Oyo state unit, Comrade Paul Balogun.

    ''The issue of trying to use  decentralized police  to tackle the present insecurity in Nigeria will not take us anywhere. The problem on ground is local, the security challenges  presently is community based. So, therefore the solution on ground should also be locally or community based, Comrade Balogun stated.

  • Nigeria's Problem is Corruption-Prophet Arabambi

    Download 20Corruption is the major factor impeding development in Nigeria.

    This assertion was made by Prophet Timothy Arabambi of the Christ Apostolic Church(CAC) Ile-Atunse, Olunloyo-Akanran road, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''God blessed us with men and women of intellect and integrity. This country is blessed with natural resources that can lift our economy, but the greatest problem we have in the country is corruption.''

    ''Corruption is the elder brother of Nigeria and Nigeria is dancing the tune of her elder brother. I can say that the people in government are trying, but they don't have good people to implement government policies. If Nigeria does not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria,'' Prophet Arabambi warned.

  • NLC/TUC 14 day Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    4402750 tony benn quote middle class labour leaders are recaptured by theThe 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • NLC/TUC 14 fay Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    The 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • NLC/TUC 14 fay Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    The 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Government should allow poor Nigerians to breathe-Businessman

    Download 2 1The policies of the government at all levels are suffocating Nigerians.

    This assertion was made by the Chief Executive Officer of Hand of God Nigeria Limited, Idi-Arere, Ibadan, Nigeria, Mr. Emmanuel Okechukwu. ''Government is not allowing poor Nigerians to breathe. Let the poor breathe. The government has to address corruption, considering the fact that our leaders are self-centered. When the head is faulty, this will affect the whole body. When God has given us all we need to prosper, Nigerians suffer. The government is not doing enough,'' Mr. Okechukwu stated.

  • Inflation and Others-Signs of a Faulty Leadership-Comrade Emelieze

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    The strangulating inflation, prohibitive prices of goods and services and the poor performance of the Naira in the exchange market are all signposts of a faulty leadership foisted on Nigerians.

    This assertion was made by a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The inflation in the country has brought about untold hardships, sufferings and difficulties for millions of Nigerians, coupled with the poor showing of the Naira in the exchange market. All these are credible indicators that faulty leadership has been foisted on Nigerians and the World Bank knows this fact and is utilizing it to the fullest. It is very glaring in all sectors of the economy,''Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • For the Impact of Education to be felt in Nigeria

    Education 6The attitude, behavior and activities of millions of Nigerians are crucial to the visibility of the positive impact of education on their lives.

    Even when the whole annual budget, once the needful by Those-in-authority is not done, salvaging the deteriorated standard of education would just be an exercise in futility.

    The open display of lawlessness, indiscipline, criminality and evil in different parts of the country are pointers to the unwavering fact that education is yet to achieve its purpose in Nigeria.

  • The Truth is Censored in Nigeria-CEO Jagaban

    Truth 3The harsh and problematic economic environment in Nigeria has made the media industry vulnerable to censorship.

    This assertion was made by the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Jagaban Communications International, Mr. Samuel Adenitan.

    ''The bad state of the economy has negatively affected the media industry. The industry is vulnerable. It has suffered greatly in this dispensation. Owners of media outlets are finding it increasingly difficult to  operate and stay afloat. In Nigeria, we censor the truth. Any country that censors the truth will not be taken seriously. We have good laws, but the effectiveness of the laws constitutes a problem. In Nigeria, the truth is censored.

  • Ribadu's Revelation serves as a pointer to what Nigerians should expect-Comrade Emelieze

    Download 1The recent disclosure by Nigeria's National Security Adviser, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu is a hint of what Nigerians should expect from the present administration in the next four years. 

    This assertion was made by a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The recent revelation by the National Security Adviser is very credible and serves as a pointer to what Nigerians should expect from the present government in the next four years even though it may not meet their expectations,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

    Mallam Ribadu had disclosed that the present administration was contending with very serious budget constraints and confessed that they inherited a bankrupt country.

    He also stressed that at present the government was taking care of the debts of the immediate past administration.

  • Federal workers lament delays in salary payments

    WageWorkers in Federal Ministries, Departments, and Agencies(MDA) have expressed reservations over the delay in the payment of their monthly salaries.

    Take an interest in your Health and Wellness

    The workers lamented that they had received just a month's wage award of N35,000.

    ''We received last month's salaries in the second week. Up till this moment, most workers in the MDAs are yet to receive their October salaries. It is disturbing considering the very high cost of living. We are worried and we feel that the government is torturing us. In addition, we have only received the September wage award of N35,000, and October is yet to be paid,'' the workers lamented.