Posts by solomon2day

  • Don't Become the Mouthpiece of Politicians-Kwakwanso to Journalists

    Dollar 1Journalists in Nigeria have been advised to shun defending the political class for monetary benefits.
    This advice was given on Tuesday by a former Kano state Governor, Senator Rabiu Kawkawnso, who is also a Presidential Aspirant of the New Nigeria Peoples Party(NNPP) in his good will message to commemorate the World Press Freedom Day 2022, in a program organized by the Oyo state Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists(NUJ) IN Ibadan, Nigeria.
    The Presidential aspirant was represented by Barrister Ademola Ayoade.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                        -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    ''On a day like this, it is imperative for all hands to be on deck, as we all look forward to the 2023 General Elections. Jounrnalists across the country, must avoid being the mouthpiece for politicians and political parties, but poractice the profession within the ambit of their professional ethics. It is also of necessity to remind you all that your lives must remain precious and should  not be sacrificed for any pecuniary interest. I strongly implore you to be responsible at all times, as you are trying to b e responsive in your reportage,  as we all lok up to the 2023 General Elections,'' Senator Kawkwanso stated.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Insecurity-Those in Authority are Inhuman-Labor Leader

    Govt 13The present focus of political office holders on the 2023 elections instead of the unabated kidnaapings, killings, ritual killings and other violent crimes shows that they are inhuman.

    Read- Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    This assertion was made by the Treasurer of the Oyo State Council of the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC)Comrade Ademola Babalola on the sidelines of the 2022 Workers' day celebrations in Ibadan, Nigeria.
    ''Those in power are not concerned about the kidnappings, killings, ritual killings and other violent crimes, they are concentrating on the 2023 elections. They are insensitive and inhuman. We are living in fear, no security everywhere. We are praying for God's intervention,'' Comrade Babalola concluded.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                   -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Do you Know? by Comrade Andrew Emelieze

    Ibadan protestDo you know that millions of Nigerians across the six Geo-Political zones have continued to insist that the Government at all levels-Center, State, and Local-are yet to meet their expectations?

    Read also-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                               -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                 -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


  • Call for Interim Govt in Order-Ex-Officio TUC

    Interim 1The call for the emergence of an Interim Government for six months after the expiration of the tenure of the present administration in Nigeria is the solution to the myriad of problems confronting the country.
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairma of the union in the state.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                           -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    ''The system has collapsed, governance is now upside down. The government is not capable of conducting  free, fair and credible elections in 2023. The call for the emergence of an Interim Government after the expiration of the tenrue of this government in order. It is glaring that Nigeria is not working, the government has failed in most sectors of the economy. Nigerians have to sit down and rework Nigeria,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                  -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Insecurity: Presidential Aspirants Govs and Lawmakers Selfish-Ex-Officio TUC

    Aspi 1The series of declarations of intentions to contest for various political offices in the 2023 general elections by presidential aspirants, State Governors, and Lawmakers for second term tickets in the face of unabated kidnappings, killings, and ritual killings in Nigeria are reflections of the self-serving nature of those involved.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                         -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
    ''It is a big surprise that despite the daily kidnappings, killings, ritual killings, and violent crimes, the focus of presidential aspirants, State Governors, and lawmakers revolves around their selfish desires and aspirations for election for various positions and second term tickets. If only they love and care for Nigerians, they should be agitating for an end to the kidnappings, killings, ritual killings, and other violent crimes.''

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                  -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach
    ''It is sad, they have done nothing to stop all these. Nothing!
     92 Nigerians were killed recently in Plateau state and over a hundred others were kidnapped in the train attack in Kaduna. What have they done about these happenings? Nothing! Yet they are aspiring to occupy public offices.  Considering the unending insecurity across the country, will elections hold in 2023? Nobody knows,'' Comrade  Emelieze stated.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Pray Ceaselessly to God to end the kidnappings and Killings in Nigeria-Cleric

    Govt 11Christians in Nigeria have been called upon to use the Easter celebration to ceaselessly pray to God to ned the killings, ritual killings, and other violent crimes across Nigeria.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    This call was made by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ''Christians should make use of the Easter celebration to pray to God to put an end to the kidnappings, killings, ritual killings, and several other crimes in different parts of the country. Be ceaseless in your prayers, victory is on the way. It is a matter of time,'' Pastor Ajayi asserted.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate





  • Ramadan Fast Daily Guide by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke April 9th April 13th, 2022

    Prof 3Saturday, April 9th
    Fear God

    Be reminded that procrastination is the thief of time not to lose the focus of accepting  God wholesomely.
    The essence of the Ramadan fast is to inject into every adherent the culture of the fear of God.
    To be well equipped in becoming wholesome, spiritually, and socially in line with the goal of the Ramadan fast as entrenched in the Holy Quran 2: 183, '' O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that ye may learn correctly the concept of the fear of God as  a way of life.'' Ramadan Kareem.

    Sunday, April 10th
    Be Cultured into Good Adherents of Islam

    In line with the Boys' Scouts motto, Ramadan the great, the teacher, admonishes us to be prepared always to be a survivor of any emerging situation. How far then, are we prepared in character adjustment with respect to body preservation from sins and crimes and soul purification from devilish thought processes.
    A stitch in time saves nine. Decide today to be a good Muslim for tomorrow may be late. Ramadan Kareem.

    Monday, April 11th
    Live a Pious Life

    Do you realize what it takes to be in a good state of piety?
    The Almighty Allah has commanded the angels to continually assess us on character adjustment based on the 10 nutrients of the spiritual diet upon which we can attain the comfort of life without hitch and the bliss of heaven, Janat or paradise as entrenched in the Holy Quran 2: 201-203, take time out to study these verses. Ramadan Kareem.

    Tuesday, April 12th
    Self Assessment Need

    It is imperative that we routinely assess ourselves for character adjustment.
    The Holy Quran 33: 35 for Muslim men and women: '' total submission to the will of God. 2) Level of belief in the almighty Allah must manifest in the way we live our life. 3) Our level of devotion. 4) The factor of being a vanguard of the truth.
    5) Our state of patience must regulate our pursuit of social desire without satanic interference.
    6) Our consistency in serving God and humanity.
    7) Our culture of humility will grow and develop in status.
    8) Our level of care for others through charity.
    9) Our sacrifice of pleasure for others to live.
    10) Our quality of fidelity for a chaste life.
    11) Our acceptance of the concept of puritanism is supplicating God for our social and spiritual desires. How far have we fared? Stop deceiving yourself, make amends. Ramadan Kareem.

     Wednesday, April 13th
    Qualification Factor

    How qualified are you to observe the Ramadan fast, since it is meant for those with absolute belief in God and His injunctions?
    Be reminded, walk the talk for His admonition to become a matter of reality among mankind with the necessary impact that can be felt.
    Assess yourself against the backdrop of the Holy Quran 22: 35.
    Ramadan fast shall therefore be accepted by God on the basis of the following conditions. '' To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned are filled with fear, who show patience and perseverance over their afflictions, keep up regular prayers and spend in charity out of what We have bestowed upon them.''
    Let us strive to meet up with the conditions to be able to succeed, despite all odds through divine intervention. Ramadan Kareem.








  • Govt no longer values Human Lives-Ex-Officio TUC

    Govt 9
    The recent Kaduna train attack and other violent crimes in different parts of Nigeria which have resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives have confirmed that the Government at all levels no longer values human life.
    This assertion was made by an ex-Officio of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt
    ''Thousand of human lives have been lost to terrorist attacks, ritual killings, armed robberies, and other violent crimes in various parts of Nigeria. The most recent is the Kaduna train attack. It has been sorrows, tears, and blood all the way. Human lives no longer matter to those in government at all levels. They are all evil and diabolic. They feast on human blood. The killings are the design of those in power. May God protects us all,'' Comrade Emelieze prayed.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


  • Fuel Scarcity : Response of Nigerians Discouraging-Ex-Officio TUC

    Econ 1This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state chapter of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    ‘’The fuel scarcity is an helpless situation that is regrettable and equally unpalatable. However, what is more painful is that Nigerians have responded to the lingering fuel scarcity poorly and this is very discouraging. Why, because most Nigerians are not different from those misleading this country, as a matter of fact the impoverished citizens are even worse than the oppressors of the land and that is why rather than question the worrisome situation, Nigerians have been busy looking for means to cushion the hardships resulting from the fuel scarcity. This hypocrisy has cost us development,’’ Comrade Emelieze lamented.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


  • Man who Threatened to Kidnap and Kill ex-Girl friend Jailed

    A 35-year-old Tulsa man who strangled his former girlfriend and later attempted to kidnap her was sentenced Wednesday in federal court, announced U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson.

    U.S. District Judge Claire V. Eagan sentenced David Samuel Boggs Jr. to 121 months in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    “The facts of this case are disturbing. David Boggs strangled a victim until she passed out, located the victim at a hospital days later where she was being treated, and was apprehended by police outside the hospital with a ‘kill kit,’” said U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson. “Tulsa Police Officers’ vigilance and swift action saved this victim’s life. I am thankful for our law enforcement partners and their commitment to serve and protect those living in communities across northeastern Oklahoma.”

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    Boggs Jr. previously pleaded guilty to felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, assault of an intimate/dating partner by strangling and attempting to strangle in Indian Country, and attempted kidnapping in Indian Country.

    On June 10, 2020, Boggs Jr. violated a protective order when he drug his former girlfriend from her hotel room, strangled her until she passed out, then kicked her in the head while wearing steel toe boots.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    Then on July 17, 2020, while the victim was being treated at a local hospital, Boggs Jr. contacted her and told her he was going to pick her up at the hospital, tie her up, and then take her where no one could hear her scream. She alerted law enforcement, and officers from the Tulsa Police Department began searching for the defendant. Officers located and stopped the defendant in a vehicle just outside the hospital. In the vehicle, officers located the loaded pistol, a change of clothes, binoculars, a wood hacksaw, an aluminum baseball bat and a cell phone, all which pointed to the fact the defendant intended to harm the victim.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    Boggs Jr. admitted in his plea agreement that he had contacted the victim that day and told her he was going to kidnap then kill her. He stated that he borrowed a friend’s car and FMK .9mm caliber pistol and drove to the hospital to kidnap the victim. He knew the pistol was loaded with 11 rounds of ammunition and that he was prohibited from possessing a firearm and ammunition because he was a felon.

    The FBI and Tulsa Police Department conducted the investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Steven J. Briden and Jessica L. Wright prosecuted the case.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

    Source: FBI

  • ASCSN( Federal)Oyo-We regret voting in Outgoing Executives-Members

    Members of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN)Federal, Oyo state chapter have expressed regrets voting in the outgoing executives of the association.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    The members made this known through their spokesman, Comrade Olaniyi Ajibosho in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ‘’The election which brought in the present executive of ASCSN, Federal Oyo state chapter was held at the National Museum, Aleshinloye, Ibadan in 2018 and we voted in the outgoing executive with the hope that the executive will address the several challenges confronting members, but our hopes were dashed. Members of the association regret voting in the outgoing executive. The Comrade Balogun led executive promised to do a lot, but we later discovered that he is not protecting the interests of members of the association. We thought the executive would be responsive, but this has not been so, rather the images of the association has been battered and shattered and as a result we want to redeem the association’s image. The Labor leaders believe in political patronage rather than protecting the rights of the cheated workers. We know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, we keep hope alive,’’ Comrade Ajibosho stated.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • The Essence of Congregational Worship by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 3An assembly of people is said to be lawful when their activities are productive and it is said to be unlawful, when foul play is suspected form their dynamics.

    Religious assembly must be strong enough to command what is good and pure, and prohibit what is bad and impure.

    This extends to the enforcement of moral discipline, dignity of labor and legitimate earnings as against indolence, waywardness and frivolities as well as corruption.

    The failure of any religious system to promote peace and development through moral reformation and good character building will ever endanger the society into a state of insecurity whereby people will shun due process in doing things but uphold illegalities taking the law into their hands to endanger other people’s lives.

    The religious system is expected to have role model heads who uphold virtues, rather than the ones that would continue to illegally acquire wealth, taking advantage of the peoples’ weaknesses and vulnerability.

    God 1

    The Holy Bible is a good reference point, John 6 : 26–27, revealed the love of man for materialism rather than truth and God.

    ‘’Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.

    27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.’’

    In the same manner, the Holy Quran, 7 : 157 admonished that adherents of all religions must seek the kingdom of God first, rather than sheepishly following religious leaders because of their fame and wealth.

    The Holy Bible Matthew 11 : 28–30 states, ‘’Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

    30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’’

    In the same manner, the Holy Quran promises sincere worshipers of some benefits and admonishes on the need to maintain perfect God/man relation.

    The Holy Quran 7 : 157, therefore, summarizes the essence of congregational worship, ‘’Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him — it is those who will be the successful.’’

    For our nation to have peace and accelerated development, the religious sector must be worked upon to have productive congregational assembly of just worship with love.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

             -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

             -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • The Powers of Government

    Property 2

    The forceful acquisition of property(land and houses) is the trend in Nigeria presently.

    Those who act out this script are both in the public and private sectors and do not have regard for the contents of the law on ownership of property.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    Hiding under the cover of laughable policies, property of innocent citizens are annexed. Their greed and insatiable appetite for oppressing the people have overwhelmed the humanity in them.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    The Judiciary which is supposed to be the last resort of the common man, are co-travelers with those that call the shots at the Federal, States and Local Governments.

    The only hope for the people lies in divine intervention.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach                -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


  • Hunger and Poverty in Nigeria is Massive-Ex-Officio TUC

    Hunger 1The unabating hunger and poverty in Nigeria is massive and worrisome as Nigerians continue to raise their voices.

    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the uion in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''There is massive hunger and poverty in Nigeria. This is worrisome. Food security is no longer guaranteed and Nigerians have continued to raise their voices over the unabating hunger and poverty in the land. Nigerians are living in bondage,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

             -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

             -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Two Former Federal Correctional Officers Plead Guilty to Bribery and Smuggling Contraband Scheme

                                                                                 Press Release

    Two former correctional officers pleaded guilty this week to engaging in bribery and smuggling contraband into Leavenworth Detention Center.

    According to court documents, Janna Grier, 36, of Horton, Kansas, previously worked as a correctional officer at Leavenworth Detention Center, a privately run, maximum-security federal prison in Leavenworth, Kansas. Grier used her position to smuggle contraband into the prison and also solicited other prison officials to use their position to smuggle contraband into Leavenworth.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    On Jan. 25, Grier pleaded guilty to conspiracy to offer bribes and provide contraband to inmates of a federal prison. She is scheduled to be sentenced on April 28, and faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    According to court documents, Willie Golden, 28, of Overland Park, Kansas, also previously worked as a correctional officer at Leavenworth Detention Center. Golden used his position to smuggle contraband — including tobacco, synthetic cannabinoids, cellular telephones and marijuana — into the prison in exchange for bribe payments.

    Today, Golden pleaded guilty to conspiracy to accept bribes and provide contraband to inmates of a federal prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced on May 17, and faces a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Special Agent in Charge William J. Hannah of the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) Chicago Field Office, Assistant Director Luis Quesada of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, and Special Agent in Charge Charles A. Dayoub of the FBI’s Kansas City Field Office made the announcement. 

    The FBI and DOJ-OIG are investigating the cases.

    Trial Attorneys Rebecca M. Schuman and Dahoud A. Askar of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section are prosecuting the cases.

    The cases are part of the Justice Department’s ongoing efforts to combat prison corruption. In addition to the above matters, the Public Integrity Section is prosecuting three other former Leavenworth officials for similar alleged conduct. See United States v. Cheyonte Harris, Case No. 2:21-cr-20054 (D. Kan.); United States v. Jaqueline Sifuentes, No. 2:21-cr-20053 (D. Kan.); United States v. Jeane Arnette, No. 2:21-cr-20063 (D. Kan.). An indictment is merely an allegation, and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

    Separately, the Public Integrity Section and the FBI recently obtained convictions against three former North Carolina prison officials who smuggled contraband, including illegal narcotics, into a state facility in exchange for bribes. See United States v. Ollie Rose, III, No. 4:20-CR-96 (E.D.N.C.); United States v. Kenneth Farr, No. 4:21-CR-9 (E.D.N.C.); and United States v. Jeremy Chambers, No. 4:21-CR-38 (E.D.N.C.).


  • Namibia Set to Lay Off TB Health workers

    Tb197 Health workers engaged by the Namibian Government to assist in the quest to eradicate tuberculosis in the country are on the verge of been laid off.
    Thsi disclosure was made by the Excutive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ben Nangombe, who attributed the development to the lack of funds.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    The casual workers were employed to assist in the treatment of TB patients, referrals for diagnosis, TB contact tracing, symptom screening, collecting sputum samples, as well as informing and educating the community.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    The Global Fund (GF) has been supporting the country in its fight against HIV-AIDS, TB and malaria through the provision of renewable grants since 2006.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach
    “The discontinued funding of TB promoters affects activities in all regions. Namibia has made great progress in the fight to end TB, and field promoters have been crucial in this fight. The ministry is exploring options and possibilities to secure funding and sustainable ways to ensure the continuation of this program. The current GF grant which runs from 2020 to 2023 will continue to fund all the other activities,'' Nangombe stated.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate



  • Be Conscious of Your Immediate Environment-Police to Nigerians

    Army 1The Nigeria Police Force has called on Nigerians to be conscious of happenings in their immediate environment and re-orientate the youth to have a positive focus.
    This call was made  on Tuesday by a Chief Superintendent of Police(CSP), Usman Sharafadeen, who represented the Oyo State Commissioner of Police at a conference organized  by Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide in collaboration with the Center for Religious Cooperation(CRCT)in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    ''Nigerians must be conscious of their immediate environment. The fear of God is the basis of all actions. When we fear God, we have a positive mental attitude. When we fear God we will never do anything negative to our fellow human beings. Our youth is the focus. All Nigerians have their roles to play in society. The discussion on the lips of every Nigerian is the roles of  the youth in''Yahoo yahoo Plus and Yahoo. The youth must be re-orientated, Parents and Guardians must be cocnscious of their childrens' movements,'' the CSP concluded.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    In his remarks, the Founder, Spirutla Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabiut Olagoke stressed that those in Those-in-Charge of the Government ought to pray for divine intervention.
    ''Those in Government should pray onto God to intervene, that is the advice Ican give them,'' Prof. Olagoke concluded.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate



  • Fear God Only by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 3The situation of the world growing wild with accompanying moral rots and institutional indiscipline has led the religious sector to be socio-divinely passive.

    The dying profile of all agents of socialization is, therefore, at the mercy of satanic control.

    The big question is, therefore, on who is to activate what ?

    This is why the Governments of many nations are usually working to fail, making the environment to be ungovernable and uninhabitable through the pockets of emerging states of insecurity. The simple reason is because of change over of the sacred status of the houses of God into that of profanity making religious leaders to aid and abet iniquities.

    The solution, therefore, is for humans to return to God without been fraudulent, using the process of the fear of God.

    From the Holy Bible, Luke 12 : 4–7, ‘’have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

    4 And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

    5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

    6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

    7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.’’

    God 9

    The essence of attending the houses of God is to learn correctly About God and the process of worshiping Him. This is to allow adherents to have a direct alignment with their creator to establish permanent God/man relations onto God only , therefor every soul or body must direct his or her thoughts.

    Religion, therefore, is a school of faith building on the supremacy of God over all things. 

    The Holy Quran 16 : 49–53 certifies this assertion.

    ‘’And to Allah doth prostrate all that is in the heavens and on earth, whether moving creatures or the angels : for none are arrogant before their lord. They all fear their lord, high above them, and they do all that they are commanded. Allah hath said take not for worship two gods : for He is just One God : then fear Me and Me alone. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth And to Him is the religion always(divine construct) : then will ye fear other than Allah ? And ye have no good things but is from Allah : and moreover, when ye are touched by distress onto Him ye cry with groans.’’

    The worrisome state of human ingratitude make us become a bundle of contradiction . We profess without walking the talk ! 

    The Holy Quran 16 : 54–55 admonish all humans to make timely adjustment to avoid facing the penalty .

    ‘’Yet when ye remove the distresses from you behold some of you turn to other gods to join with their lord. To show their ingratitude for the favors we have bestowed on them ! Then enjoy your brief day but soon will ye know your folly.’’

    My advice, fear only God the almighty Allah.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

            -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

            -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

            -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Former Corrections Officer Sentenced for Smuggling Drugs

    SAN DIEGO — Anibal Navarro, a former corrections officer at Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, was sentenced in federal court today to 37 months in prison for smuggling methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana and cell phones into state prison.

    Navarro pleaded guilty, admitting that he was part of a network of 12 individuals both inside and outside the prison that smuggled in contraband and illegal narcotics. All the other defendants have pleaded guilty and been sentenced (case number 17cr446-AJB).

    One of Navarro’s co-conspirators, prison inmate Martin Gomez, organized and directed the other participants, including Navarro, from his cell in California state prisons in San Diego and Los Angeles. Gomez arranged for individuals outside of prison to smuggle contraband into Donovan prison and deliver drugs and cell phones to various inmates through Navarro. Gomez directed those inmates to receive the contraband and deliver it to still other inmates within the prison.

    Gomez approached Navarro while Gomez was an inmate at Donovan, offering him an avenue to make extra money that Gomez knew Navarro needed. Navarro was paid between $1,000 and $2,000 each time he smuggled contraband into the prison. Gomez continued to lead the conspiracy for over two years, even after he was transferred out of Donovan to another prison. Over 500 grams of methamphetamine, heroin, cell phones, and other contraband were smuggled into Donovan through Navarro at Gomez’s direction while he was incarcerated elsewhere.

    The smuggled phones were used to coordinate criminal activity both inside and outside Donovan.

    “Corrections Officers are charged with the responsibility of keeping the public, inmates, and other prison staff safe,” said U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman. “Former Officer Navarro personally profited from creating a dangerous environment in the prison by smuggling in extremely harmful and addictive narcotics. Additionally, cell phones inside a prison allow inmates to coordinate other illegal acts, like smuggling drugs, fraud, and even violence. Today’s sentence demonstrates that the significant consequences far outweigh any financial gain for those who abuse their positions of trust.” Grossman thanked the prosecution team, the FBI, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Office of Internal Affairs, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Investigative Service Unit and the United States Postal Service — Inspector Service, for their excellent work on this case.

    “Anibal Navarro abused his position and betrayed his oath as a Corrections Officer to further a conspiracy which included smuggling dangerous drugs and cell phones into our state prison system, allowing inmates to continue their criminal enterprise even while incarcerated,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Suzanne Turner. “Today’s sentence hopefully sends a message to any government employee considering using their position of authority to further their own interests and enrich themselves — the FBI will continue to work diligently to root out public corruption at all levels.”

    DEFENDANT Case №16cr1664

    Anibal Navarro Age 43 Chula Vista, California


    Conspiracy to Distribute Illegal Narcotics — Title 21, U.S.C., Sections 841(a) and 846;

    Bribery Concerning Programs Receiving Federal Funds — Title 18, U.S.C., Section 666

    Maximum penalty: Life in prison and $20 million fine

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

             -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

             -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate   

  • Be Optimistic God will Rescue you from your Tormentors-Cleric to Nigerians

    TotalNigerians have been admonished to be optimistic in the new year as God will rescue them from those tormenting them.
    This admonition was given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in his new year message.
    ''God will step into the situation and there shall be a turnaround for the better. God will rescue Nigerians from the hands of those tormentors. Nigerians should be optimistic, God's intervention is close by. The year shall bring surprises,'' Pastor Ajayi concluded.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality                               -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach           -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate