Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie

  • 1 year remembrance-Emulate Eze(Dr.) Anozie's Life-Acting NTICIOUS Chair to Igbos

    Untitled 13Untitled 14The acting chairman of the Non Indigenes Traditional Council in Ibadan and Oyo state, and Onu Igala of Igala, High Chief Firday Okoliko has called on Igbos to emulate the life of the late Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie.

    Eze(Dr.) Anozie passed on to glory on the 27th of September 2023.

    High Chief Okoliko made this call in a chat with the New Federation.

    ''Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie was our leader, his life was one every individual should emulate. He was humble and was a leader that never discriminated. NITCIOUS is his brainchild. As a leader, he carried everyone along, irrespective of tribe, religion and political persuasion. We miss him greatly,'' he stated.

    Similarly, the chairman of Igbo-Ukwu Development Union(IDU)Ibadan branch, Mr. Sunday Anozie described the late Eze as an upright person who was loved by everybody.

    He was an upright person, a good Christian, counselor and lived by example,'' Mr. Anozie noted.

    For the Ezeoku of Ibadan and Oyo state, Chief Joseph Wigwe, the late Dr. Anozie was a God-fearing leader,'' who resolved conflicts and problems among his subjects. He was a man of good will, who was always ready to make peace. All through his life he ensured peace and unity among Igbos in Ibadasn and Oyo state as a whole.''

    However, for Dr. Benard Obiezu, the late Dr. Anozie was an honest and transparent leader,'' who liked helping people in need and that is why he was elected as Eze in 19976 by Igbos in Oyo state.''

  • Eze(Dr.) Anozie was a Kind man-Personal Assistant


    Give Priority to your Well-BeingDownload 12The Personal Assistant to the late Eze  Ndigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie, Mr Samuel Ulelu, in this piece, describes the late Managing Director of Conac Nigeria Limited, as a kind and detribalized Nigerian.


    His passage was shocking to me because I was with him on Tuesday 26th September 2023, that very day he showed no sign of ill health, that one may have suspected. There was no premonition, that very day the Hausa community came to pay him a visit, appealing to him to be their patron, which Eze agreed. After the program, everyone left. The next day I was called early in the morning, I was preparing to go to work, when the caller told me Eze was dead, I was surprised I did not believe the caller. But when I got to the office, I discovered it was true. It is a very great loss at this time when Ndigbo and Nigeria need him most. He was a very kind, loving, and detribalized Nigerian. He was humble to a fault.

  • Eze(Dr.)Anozie's Death Shocking-AkaepuonwaNdigbo Ibadanland

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    The death of Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie has been described as shocking and unexpected.

    This is the view of  Akaekpkuonwa Ndigbo Ibadanland, Ichie Sunday Okafor.

    The death of  Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie came as a shock to all Ndibgo in Ibadan and Oyo state, it was unexpected. In fact, up till now, we have yet to believe that he has left us. It is a great loss to all of us. May God grant the family the fortitude to bear the great loss. Ichie Okafor stated.

  • Be Law Abiding and Peaceful-Eze(Dr.) Anozie to Nigerians

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    As lawlessness, indiscipline and criminality continues unabated across Nigeria as ways of ife, the Ezendibgo of Ibadan and Oyo state, who is also the president of Non-Indigenes Traditional council in Oyo state(NITCIOUS) admonishies Nigerians to be law abiding  and promote peace wherever they reside,in this press release.

    I am very very glad the way peace reigns in Oyo state and everybody should endeavor to maintain the peace.
    These last few years, since we established this association, the traditional heads have been meeting regularly as one family and discussions have been centered around the peace of society.
     And members of the association unanimously nominated me to be the president of the association. And since then, peace has  continued to reign  in Oyo state. I am still appealing to all of us non-indigenes in Oyo state to always cooperate with the state government and show love to one another, irrespective of  our different ethnic  or religious affiliations; God the creator of heaven and earth created all of us. I am also glad that since this association was formed, all of us-leaders,  have always  nipped in the bud any rift or disharmony that may arise from altercations and rancor among the people. And we don't make noise about it and peace has continued to reign.
    The first gift the government and all of us in leadership positions should give to our people is peace and security of lives and property, wherever we reside. And when there is peace and security of lives and property, development flows.
    Myself, in particular, I believe that all ethnic groups in Nigeria are  beautiful people and they are always willing to live in peace, particularly when they are given good leadership. Good leadership is the key to all our good expectations in the country.
    I once again appeal to all non-indigenes in Oyo state to continue to be law-abiding  and peaceful and also cooperate with the state government.

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  • Bad Leadership-Nigeria is not an Exception-Ez(Dr.) Anozie

    Eze 9Nigeria is not an exception when it comes to bad leadership.
    This assertion was made by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie.

    ''There is nothing like that. I am only saying that truth and justice should always prevail.
    As regards bad leadership, Nigeria is not an exception. I am talking about the whole world. Bad leadership is causing crises all over the world.
    I am only showing sympathy for justice, equity and fairness and selfless leadership and leadership by example.
    I have been Ezendigbo for 26 years, nobody is paying for my services. There is peace in my domain.
    So, what I am saying is about the whole world at large and Nigeria is part of the world.
    Everybody knows the situation in Nigeria.
    But I must congratulate this government for putting machinery in motion for the completion of the second Niger Bridge. I was one of the people that first called for the construction of the second Niger Bridge and  I am happy that we have seen the completion of the bridge.
    If I have my way and also God's support, I would also suggest that we have a modern rail line from Lagos to Onitsha passing through Ibadan, from Onitsha down to Enugu, from Enugu straight to Abuja, from Abuja back to Lagos, a modern rail line,'' Eze(Dr.) Anozie concluded

  • We cannot Turn down Oyo Gov's Invitation-Chairman Association of Traditional Heads of Non-Indigenes

    Lead 4Controversy continues to trail meetings the Oyo state Governor has with various interest groups in the state. In his reaction, the Eze Ndigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, who is also the chairman of the Association of Traditional Heads of Non-Indigenes in the state, Ez(Dr.) Alex Anozie opines that there is no way members of the association will ignore the state Governor, who invited them for a meeting.

    Excerpts: Mixed reactions have trailed your association's meeting with the Oyo state Governor what is your position?

    As the Governor of the state, he invited the heads of the ethnic groups for a meeting. We had no option but to attend the meeting. There is just no way we can ignore the Governor or disrespect him; we must honor him as the Governor of the state where we reside. If we do otherwise, that means we are not law abiding because we should be working together as partners in progress, as the leaders of the ethnic groups in the state. We didn't know why he invited us and when we got there, he informed us of his intention to run for a second term and I don't think he has committed any crime by informing us of his intention to run for a second term. To continue the work he is doing and the constitution also allows him to do that if he is voted in by the people. And I do not think that we have committed any crime by honoring his invitation as the Governor of the state. He spoke and we listened to him. That is all. I do not see any crime he or we have committed. We are all working for the peace and progress of the state. That is our target. Anyone at any time who becomes the state Governor, that invites us, we will not disrespect him. If God answers his prayers and allows him to come back for a second term, that will be the end of his mandatory two terms. After this, if he, again, invites us that he wants to continue after two terms, we will tell him pointblank No, that he is going against the constitution . After his second term, anyone that God brings in to become the state Governor, if he invites us in that same manner, we will honor the invitation and listen to him or her again.

  • Approach the 2023 Elections with Justice Equity and Fairness

    Anozie 2Nigerians have been called upon to approach the 2023 general elections with the mindset of justice, equity and fairness.

    This call was made by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie.


    ''So, my own philosophy is that when I see any geo-political zone of the country being marginalized, I will say it is not good. Any marginalized geo-political zone, be it the South East, South South, North or South West, I will join to condemn it. I have said it all, so let us approach the 2023 general elections with justice, equity and fairness as we support and cast our votes for preferred candidates, '' Eze(DR.) Eze(Dr.) Anozie stated.

  • Ezendigbo Title: Allow Igbos to Choose their Leader wherever they reside-Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    Eze 8A group, Concerned Igbos Forum, recently called on the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Saliu Adetunji, to follow the steps of the Deji of Akure, Deji of Akure, Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi, who abolished the title of Ezendigbo in his domain. However, in this interview with Poverty Line, the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie counsels that Igbos should be allowed to choose their leader anywhere they reside. Excerpts :

    What is your reaction to the call by a group to the Olubadan of Ibadanland to abolish the title of Ezendigbo?
    My brief reaction to that is that the group mentioned is unknown to Igbos in Ibadan and Oyo state. And we are sure that they were sponsored by those who lost out in the court.
    Thirdly, our Kabiyesi, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Saliu Adetunji, is a king whom God has bestowed with wisdom as God bestowed on King Solomon in the Bible. Let us all remember the story of the Bible about the two women who went to King Solomon for the resolution of their problem. The woman with the dead child requested the King to cut both the dead and living child into two equal parts. And God gave King Solomon the wisdom to handle the matter justifiably.
    So, the people behind the call to the Olubadan and their sponsors are assured that the Kabiyesi, Olubadan is very much wiser than them all, and they should be ignored completely. As law-abiding citizens, we have always preferred to patiently abide by the rule of law, hence we have used the court and the court has given several judgments in favor of myself and my people.

    Leader 1
    And very interestingly, Kabiyesi, the Olubadan is a very law-abiding King who believes so much in truth and justice. Also, all the courts' judgments are in his possession. Kabiyesi so much believes in the rule of law. We want to appeal to all Yoruba leaders, Obas inclusive, to remember the very cordial relationship the Igbos and Yorubas have had for centuries. So let them guard against the antics of any group which desperately, out of selfish ambition, seek to cause confusion and misunderstanding between the Igbos and Yorubas. We so much appreciate the cordial relationship that exists between the Igbos and Yorubas and we pray fervently that it shall remain so forever. 
    Igbos should always be allowed to choose their leader wherever they reside.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

  • Community Policing will work only if…….-Vice President Ezendigbo in Diaspora

    Eze 2Community policing can only be effective in Nigeria when equity and justice become entrenched in the system.

    This assertion was made by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, whoa also doubles as the Vice President(South) Ezendigbo in Diaspora, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie.

    ‘’Community policing will work out easily if justice and equity reigns in our society. I repeat again, community policing will work out if justice and equity reigns in our society. Why I continue to hammer on justice and equity every time I comment on national issues, is because if people are happy, if Nigerians are happy, if all the ethnic groups in Nigeria are happy there won’t be anything to worry about community policing, there won’t be crisis everywhere. If justice and equity reigns there won’t be the need for community policing.’’

    Eze(Dr.)Anozie maintained that Nigerians were not happy that was why insecurity in the country was on the increase saying ‘’if the people are happy, then if they see anything bad or evil taking place anywhere, they will committedly expose the bad or evil, but when people are not happy and everyday they live in fear, they are apprehensive, bad news is the order of the day, killings, armed robbery, rape and so on, who then are you policing ? The Government still has a lot to do, that is why those elected are in government. Government should try to restore orderliness and fight crime to a standstill, then people can now start talking about community policing and everybody will show interest’’.

    ‘’When people see evil everywhere, from the Government, from the top to the bottom wrung of the ladder, nobody is happy, community policing would be difficult, because everybody is minding his or her business. When justice and equity are in place, everyone would become his or her brother’s keeper. If I see someone from another ethnic group, I would show concern. But when the system is not right everybody is on his or her own. The Goverment is encouraged to do the needful by nipping in the bud the injustice, inequity and injustice that are all over the country presently’’, Eze(Dr.) Anozie concluded.

  • Coronavirus-Govt should Enforce the Use of Face masks-Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    EzeFederal and state Governments in Nigeria have been advised to enforce the use of face masks as a step towards curtailing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

    This advise was given by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie.

    ‘’My advice to the Federal and state Governments towards our battle against Coronavirus is that Government should make the use of face masks compulsory and automatic throughout the nation for the next one month. Also, Government should relax the lock down a bit to enable Nigerians fetch their daily bread, but they must put on face masks. Everybody, Okada riders, taxi drivers, Journalists and everybody who is coming out from his or her home to the public must put on face mask for the next one month. In addition all barbing and hair dressing salons must remain closed for now. Anybody seen on the streets without face mask should be arrested, prosecuted and made to pay a fine’’.

    ‘’However, banks and all health institutions must remain functional, and the workers concerned must put on face masks. Social distancing should continue including hand washing and sanitizing the hands. With all these in place, I am sure that we shall win the war against coronavirus. In addition, Government should hasten the process of providing palliatives for the people. After one month, Government should sincerely, review the present situation based on reliable information across the country’’, Eze(Dr.) Anozie stated.