
  • CBN Palliatives- Our Efforts to Get it Proved Abortive-Oyo Day old Chicks Farmers

    • On 06/10/2020
    • In News

    Dc 1

    Members of the Day Old Chicks Association of Nigeria(DOCAN) in Oyo state have lamented that all efforts to access the  Small and Medium Enterprises(SME) loans from the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) to cushion the harsh effects of the coronavirus pandemic have proved abortive.

    The lamentation of the members of DOCAN was made known by its chairman, Alhaji Asimiyu Oyetunde in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ''All efforts to get the loans have proved abortive, we only hear that they are giving out loans, we don't know those they are giving it to'', Alhaji Oyetunde disclosed.

    In the same vein, a cross section of worried members of the association have called on their  leaders to put an end to the sharp and unbecoming practices going on in the centers of trade.


  • Aborted Protests-Posterity shall Judge Labor Leaders for Selling out-AWC

    • On 02/10/2020
    • In News
    The All Workers Convergence(AWC) has asserted that posterity shall hold it against labor leaders in Nigeria for selling out on the aborted planned nationwide protests against the increase in electricity tariffs and the pump price of Premium Moter Spirit(PMS).
    The AWC made this assertion through its Nationa Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emeliez in a chat with Poverty Line.
    ''We know that posterity will judge these labor leaders for the compromise. The labor leaders have sold out and what labor leaders have done with this aborted strike is an attempt to kill labor activism in Nigeria'', Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Nigeria at 60-Been Alive is a Good Reason to celebrate-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 02/10/2020
    • In News

    Prof 160 years after Nigeria's independence, Nigerians have expressed divergent views on how the country has fared in all the spheres of life. In this interview, the Founder Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke says that the only reason why Nigerian have to celebrate is for been alive. Excerpts :

    Do you think there is any good reason for  Nigerians to celebrate the country's 60 years independence anniversary ?

    Nigerians, no matter the grievances we may have against successive  governments' performances, for reasons of been alive we need to celebrate. The form of celebration will, however, determine the level of our seriousness and soberness. If at 60, Nigeria is know to be bedeviled with  various problems of poverty and insecurity, there will be the need to compare notes, bot with our past and with other nations, on the issues of growth, progress and development for the present situation the areas of wastefulness in the management of government business must be analyzed critically and objectively for us to know the very weak areas that need correction.

    For example, Nigeria was used to various constitutional  process of law that supported federalism with concentrated wealth with the federating units with weal center.

    The Parliamentary system of government upheld this for Nigeria to realize at the regional level, accelerated development that promoted healthy competition among the three regions then. Human development index was very high when you assumed that your socio-economic status was poor, but today, we are operating on the 1999 constitution that sourced its strength from the 1979 constitution, all of which were based  on the concept of governance by the military.

    The 1922 and 1946 constitutions supported a weak center and upon this, the 1954 constitution was drawn to promote and facilitate development.

    This led to the strong 1963 constitution which was, however, truncated in January, 1966 by the first military coup in Nigeria and hence put an end to the strong regional government with a weak center that allowed rapid development that were directly felt with high impact even on the grassroots people.

    Presently, the Federal and state Governments operate at 52 per cent federal hold and 48 per cent for the states and Local Governments to manage with. Under the present arrangement state Governors would have to go cap in  hand  to collect money from the Federal Government to be shared among the 36 states and 774 Local Governments to pursue the goal of development.

    Worse still,  under this arrangement, leakages in financial transactions, allow very many to be corrupt, this gives room for the abuse of public offices, which is now the order of the day.

    Government in the process became a luxurious tantalizing mirage to the very large population that directly need selfless service or visionary leadership which has continued to be elusive.




  • Between the Known and Unknown

    1 Peter  4 : 8

    8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.


  • Return to God for Astute Management

    The home is the bedrock of community formation which extends to nation-building.

    However, the role of the parents in running the home in order to give it a strong foundation is highly crucial as this is expected to manifest in the way we rear children.

    From the physiological point of view, the custody of the child for safety and without abuse is paramount, while the growth and the development of the child equally depend on the following three parameters, namely-nutrition for a balanced diet and their regular intake for appropriate supply of adequate calories needed for upkeep.

    The second factor of importance is a function of nutrition to supply good health for enough body immunity that will not allow infiltration of disease attacks into avoidable ailments which can impair the body ailments which can impair the body from properly functioning.

    Good health condition leads to the wellness of the person that will constitute physical fitness, emotional balancing, psychological  fitness and career/financial upkeep. 

    When the home fails to provide for all these,  the Maslow's hierarchy of needs become disrupted for the product of the home to be emotionally challenged and socially disturbed. 

    Maslow opines that parents need to  rear their children through the following-physiological, social, self-esteem and self-responsibility. 

    The Holy Quran  11 : 6,  made this submission, '' There is no moving creature on earth, but its sustenance depended on Allah :  He knoweth its temporary place and its temporary deposit : All is in a clear record.''

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • Kenya Considers Reopening Schools

    • On 15/09/2020
    • In News

    The Kenyan Government  is considering reviewing the January 2021 resumption date of schools in the country.

    The Education Cabinet Secretary, George Magoha, made this known  after a crisis meeting at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), attributed the development to decreasing cases of Covid-19 that suggest the curve may be flattening.

    “I called this meeting today to engage the taskforce and various education stakeholders on the process of drafting a new proposal to be presented before the larger national education stakeholder’s conference that will be held on September 25.”

     “It is time to relook at earlier proposals regarding reopening of schools. We are looking at all aspects, but have not come to a consensus on when schools can reopen, or set any date,” said Prof Magoha.  “Between now and next week, the taskforce committee will work on finer details that will be interrogated by the larger stakeholders meeting,” Prof Magoha stated.

  • Activate Religion to rescue Nigeria from Collapse

    Prof 1Three things are fundamentally true in life-positive, negative, and neutral. In the electrical wiring system, the three have a significant role they play in helping us to generate light or to make machines work.
    The positive and negative work together for electrical circulation or to produce energy or to make mechanical work in the engine without the intervention of the neutral, the whole system may get burnt or disrupted, whenever there is an upsurge of thunder strike, if not for the third.
    However, this does not work in interpersonal relationships which mainly depends on the algebraic rule of addition that makes them be commutative. This is why Nigeria is having fundamental problems in the polity.
    Nigeria continues to face challenges and threats of insurgence, terrorism, poverty, and a lack of achieving sustainable development to date. The interest of the people with the mandate to rule, therefore, becomes personal with a lot of blood in their hands to protect their wealth.
    This is contrary to the concept of philanthropy, good governance, and passion for the needy which are necessary to run an all-inclusive government, while the able-bodied cry of been denied access to the good things of life, the marginalized ones such as the girl child, women and people with disabilities have no hope under this oppressive condition, rather than resort to faith.
    The religious sector must, therefore, get overhauled and sanitized, to be able to rescue humanity, ab initio Go created the heaven and the earth, Gen. 1: 1-2, ''At first the earth was completely empty or void'. Making the earth to be completely void was a deliberate action by God as a challenge for every human to toil through the principle of dignity of labor, process to cultivate an environment for habitation from a hut to a house, and with an emerging community.
    The essence of teamwork spirit and cooperative attitude,  placing ideas together for the purpose of development and unity is hereby established by God for humankind to embrace as a culture.
    The Holy Quran corroborates this and warns people and nations that, for sustainable development, we must go through the due process of the fear of God by forming a formidable united front based on love.
    Quran 3: 102-104,'' Oh ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam(piety, goodness, love, and legitimacy) And hold fast all together by the Rope which Allah stretches out of you, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the Pit of Fire and He saved you from it, doth Allah make His signs clear to you: Tha ye may be guided.
    If we are all scripture compliant with all consciousness on the need to apply by intuition what we have learned in our Churches, Mosques, and other faith-based organizations, our value system would have been in tandem  with the  scriptural dictates of Quran 3 :104:'' Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining  what is right and forbidding what is wrong:  They are the ones to attain felicity.''
    If we are able to follow this, our houses of God would promote and produce good and well-informed citizenry as well as credible leaders with a common focus on nutrition, health, and wellness of the people to be capable of enthroning the much needed sustainable development devoid of fraud, indiscipline, impunity, and corruption. Let's save Nigeria from collapse.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Activate Religion to rescue Nigeria from Collapse

    Prof 1Three things are fundamentally true in life-positive, negative, and neutral. In the electrical wiring system, the three have a significant role they play in helping us to generate light or to make machines work.
    The positive and negative work together for electrical circulation or to produce energy or to make mechanical work in the engine without the intervention of the neutral, the whole system may get burnt or disrupted, whenever there is an upsurge of thunder strike, if not for the third.
    However, this does not work in interpersonal relationships which mainly depends on the algebraic rule of addition that makes them be commutative. This is why Nigeria is having fundamental problems in the polity.
    Nigeria continues to face challenges and threats of insurgence, terrorism, poverty, and a lack of achieving sustainable development to date. The interest of the people with the mandate to rule, therefore, becomes personal with a lot of blood in their hands to protect their wealth.
    This is contrary to the concept of philanthropy, good governance, and passion for the needy which are necessary to run an all-inclusive government, while the able-bodied cry of been denied access to the good things of life, the marginalized ones such as the girl child, women and people with disabilities have no hope under this oppressive condition, rather than resort to faith.
    The religious sector must, therefore, get overhauled and sanitized, to be able to rescue humanity, ab initio Go created the heaven and the earth, Gen. 1: 1-2, ''At first the earth was completely empty or void'. Making the earth to be completely void was a deliberate action by God as a challenge for every human to toil through the principle of dignity of labor, process to cultivate an environment for habitation from a hut to a house, and with an emerging community.
    The essence of teamwork spirit and cooperative attitude,  placing ideas together for the purpose of development and unity is hereby established by God for humankind to embrace as a culture.
    The Holy Quran corroborates this and warns people and nations that, for sustainable development, we must go through the due process of the fear of God by forming a formidable united front based on love.
    Quran 3: 102-104,'' Oh ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam(piety, goodness, love, and legitimacy) And hold fast all together by the Rope which Allah stretches out of you, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the Pit of Fire and He saved you from it, doth Allah make His signs clear to you: Tha ye may be guided.
    If we are all scripture compliant with all consciousness on the need to apply by intuition what we have learned in our Churches, Mosques, and other faith-based organizations, our value system would have been in tandem  with the  scriptural dictates of Quran 3 :104:'' Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining  what is right and forbidding what is wrong:  They are the ones to attain felicity.''
    If we are able to follow this, our houses of God would promote and produce good and well-informed citizenry as well as credible leaders with a common focus on nutrition, health, and wellness of the people to be capable of enthroning the much needed sustainable development devoid of fraud, indiscipline, impunity, and corruption. Let's save Nigeria from collapse.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


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