Goal by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Prof 3Goal is a celebrity word that every creature and system must appreciate for the dynamic of their existence.

In this process value worth comes into being to be able to keep up with the expected standard and quality. This is why improvement is a requisite for every existing value.
When the expected is achieved the system is progressive and if it is the contrary the system is retrogressive.
Every curriculum, therefore, sets the goal which the teaching/learning cycle must revolve around.
The technology revolves around set goals. Research has advanced into various successive improvement methods of collecting data has ensured improved value for goal getting.
In the religious sphere,  the goal is to build faith for adherents to attain a near-perfect God/man relation while the scripture remains constant in values and goals.

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Goal 1
Every man, therefore, must strive to identify his goal in life through the readiness to meet up with the goals of integrity as s his or her culture, professional ethics in his or her place of work, Town and Gown pledge is his educational pursuit, God and Godliness spiritual value worth in his religious exercise. In politics, those in positions of authority must vigorously work to better the lives of the people by exhibiting exemplary leadership values of classical and astute management and good governance without blemish.
In order to avoid failure in life an individual must be humble enough to be rightly guided by mature mentors who believe in the fact that one is not successful until one grooms an outstanding successor who would be able to build upon the set standard.
The goal is, therefore, a universal concept that applies to values such as growth, child-rearing, courtship, marriage, education, justice dispensation, governing through equity, product development, setting up of institutions, etc.
When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Develop a positive mindset to achieve your goal as you go about your daily activities.

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Goal Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

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