
  • Stop your Evil Acts to Avoid the Wrath of God-Cleric to kidnappers and other criminals.

    • On 08/07/2021
    • In News


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    Kidnappers and other categories of criminals in Nigeria have been advised to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God.
    This advice of given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi.
    ''My advice to kidnappers, terrorists, and other categories of criminals is for them to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God. They should turn a new leaf, if not the wrath of God would eventually consume them. If history is anything to go by they are already treading the path of destruction.
    Also, the Government at all levels should make life more meaningful and bearable for Nigerians'', Pastor Ajayi concluded.

  • Religious Intervention to Resolve Crisis By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4When one accepts a faith, it is for one to be submitted to the will of his or her creator for the purpose of destiny realization.

    This is because in every religion there is always a mechanism to regulate and control all affairs, most especially in the area of personal rule, social and spiritual control for all activities to be duly regulated in the line with the upheld scripture which must be the supreme consultation by which adherents are supposed to live their lives because all scriptures are considered to have a divine construct, religious curriculum, therefore, is expected to be more superior in value and potency, than the social construct we call the nation's constitution.

    Religion and those who symbolize its existence usually play the tertiary fiddle and are classified into the poor second to the fourth estate of the realm of the government-the Media, which is but equally abused into the poor state of a watchdog for the government to play around most of the time as a pun in the hands of the powerful.

    1Corithians 6: 5-10 alludes to the above observations. ''I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

    6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.

    7Now, therefore there is utterly a fault among you because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?

    8Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

    9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be Not Deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.''

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    This is why in clear terms the Almighty Allah admonished the Muslims not only to be true believers but to truly resolve conflicts through the process of Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration and at the utmost level to use the Scripture to adjudicate on any ensuing matters. The Holy Quran refers, ''To thee, we send the Scripture in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: So judge between them by what Allah hath revealed(the Jews through the old Testament, the Christians through the New Testament and the Muslims through the Holy Quran to avoid sentiments or bias for a religion other than that of our faith, with a clear purpose to respect individual fundamental human rights), and follow not their vain desires diverging from the Truth that hath come today to each among you have we prescribed the law and an open way. If Allah has so willed, He would have made you a single person, but His plan is to test you in what He hath given you: So strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah. It is He that will show you the Truth of the matters in which He disputes.''

    For the above reasons, let us all put on the armor of prayer and the virtue of patience, perseverance, and tolerance in our homes, large compounds, communities, and the society as adherents of our faiths that have learned sufficiently enough in the houses of God to the benefit of self and the society through settling conflicts without external intervention.

    The best option to keep up with amity in the home and peaceful co-existence in the society is to live by the Scripture for the benefit of others. Do not allow sins to develop into crimes. They are preventable

  • Beyond the People's Reach

    Poverty 9Strangely, poverty alleviation and reduction seem not to be on the priority list of the state actors at all levels of government.
    The measures in the past years have failed woefully to empower Nigerians to be economically productive, with the sole focus of improving their quality of life.Transfer Money with Wise
    Poverty alleviation programs do not cut across all sectors of the economy, failing to adequately address the problems of low economic growth and high poverty incidence.
    Millions of Nigerians insist that beneficiaries of government advertised empowerment programs are not known to them.
    The insecurity everywhere in Nigeria has foreclosed any way forward in the agricultural sector.
    indeed, unemployment, access to affordable housing, satisfactory Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary health care delivery, quality education, potable water supply, and regular electricity supply among others, constitute the urgent needs of poor Nigerians, who are in the majority are beyond reach. And a result has brought about hunger, poverty, and stunted economic growth.


  • Grace and Knowledge

    Download 20Download 1 17Titus 2:11-14

    For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

    12Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

    13Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

    14Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

    Hold on to the teaching and commandment of God. When you embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, then you are already with the power of God unto salvation.

    It is mandatory that you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ so as to 

    to be able to ward off false doctrines.

    You can only grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

    The word Christian means people who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 

    Therefore, a true believer is a christian you who practices and does the will of God.

  • Don't be Discouraged

    Untitled 17Psalm 55-22

    Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.''

    Discouragement is a life threatening state of mind, as it renders an individual vulnerable to attacks by enemies of the soul.

    In most situations, discouragment is inevitable in the life of a believer, however, Jesus Christ is the solution.

    It destroys the faith of a believer and wrecks havoc on an individual's will power to live.

    The enemy always makes use of the weapon of discouragement, but it is left for you to ward off same, by having a mindset devoid of resentment and bitterness.

    The devil makes use of discouragement to destroy initiative and render an individual useless and disillusioned. For these reasons, you must be strong in faith and reassure yourself that all things will continue to be good.

  • Wanted Urgently-Qualified and Experienced Teachers

    Images 22Images 23 The first term of a new session across private and public secondary schools is underway in Nigeria. Parents and guardians are out there, doing whatever it takes to ensure that their children and wards continue their education.

    Curiously, in a number of major cities and state including Ibadan, Oyo state;private and public school proprietors, proprietresses and owners of schools are still in urgent need of qualified and experienced teachers to justify the ridiculous fees  they charge.

    Nobody knows what happened to the workforce.

    However, the underlying challenges could be traced to the action and inaction of the government, staff of the ministry of Education and the law enforcement agencies among others.

    Indeed, the policy of education of a number of state governments is defective, this is in addition to the unwillingness of pupils and students to learn.

    The behavior and activities of pupils and students on the streets of Ibadan are a good reflection of the bleak future that lies ahead of young people in Nigeria.


  • Violent Crimes-The Position of Spectators

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    The consensus among Nigerians is that the arms build-up in different parts of the country has its background woven around the aspirations of actors in the socio-political scene in the land.

    The arms build-up festers side by side with poverty, hunger, and brigandage, while the land has over time become fertile for trading in illegal arms with evil deeds as the major focus.

    Indeed, state actors are familiar with the negative effects of injustice, inequality, nepotism, and favoritism, but are, sadly, handicapped by self-centered interests and incurable greed.

    Interestingly, the competition for power and privilege has resulted in the loss of precious lives and the wanton destruction of the properties of innocent and harmless citizens. The debate among Nigerians now is on what constitutes the major functions of state actors.

    The illegal influx of arms and ammunition has continued unabated through constitutional and unconstitutional channels with the active connivance of those who ought to be well-informed on security matters.

    As violent crimes soar nationwide through the use of sophisticated weapons, Those-in-Charge have adopted the position of spectators to the amazement and chagrin of Nigerians.

    Believers are not only friends of Jesus Christ, but are also friends of one another.

  • Government Attitude and Workers' Devotion to Duty

    Untitled 16Images 20At the present time, in Nigeria, only a handful of civil and public servants take their duties seriously and wholeheartedly.

    Their attitude is directly related to the position of government in the three tiers on issues of workers' welfare and conditions of service.

    Indeed, the focus of those on government payroll in any given line of duty or assignment is what is in it to gain and not what ought to be done. In other words, selfless devotion to duty is no longer there.

    Assigned tasks in the Ministries, Departments and Agencies are no longer done properly and promptly. A sizable number of workers no longer possess a sense of responsibility. Who is to blame ?

    For several years now, the monster of indiscipline has continued to fester, with due process as the major casualty. The struggle for ''power'' among government workers is the most prominent activity going on in most offices.

    Sharp practices are the order of the day. This is partly as a result of the sectional democracy in vogue today.

    At the federal, state and local government levels, workers, who are co-opted to generate revenue for the government, make good use of the opportunity to protect their future.

    The source of inspiration for this category of workers includes stories of government workers who retired in 2010 and are yet to be paid their gratuities.

     Workers ought to be devoted and committed to duty, to avoid negative reports from their superiors.

    The worrisome question everywhere at present is : has the insensitive attitude of government ensured workers' devotion and commitment to duty ?

     A Disturbing Community Leadership

    For a while now, the chairman of the Molusi street, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state Landlords and Tenants Association, one Akeem, alongside Indian Hemp smoking hoodlums, who operate from the unfenced IMG Schools 1 and 2 Ibuko, Molete, Ibadan, attacked and dispossessed innocent residents of their valuables.

    Just on Tuesday, at about 6.15pm, the chairman alongside his boys, attacked and dispossessed a resident of his personal belongings a few metres from the primary school, along the road.

    Similarly, a police rank and file serving with the Oyo state Police Command, has for long operated a brothel, where questionable characters hibernate. The brothel located along Oyegbami street, Olorunsogo, Molete, has been a subject of worry for the residents in the community, considering the status of the owner.