
  • Beyond the People's Reach

    Poverty 9Strangely, poverty alleviation and reduction seem not to be on the priority list of the state actors at all levels of government.
    The measures in the past years have failed woefully to empower Nigerians to be economically productive, with the sole focus of improving their quality of life.Transfer Money with Wise
    Poverty alleviation programs do not cut across all sectors of the economy, failing to adequately address the problems of low economic growth and high poverty incidence.
    Millions of Nigerians insist that beneficiaries of government advertised empowerment programs are not known to them.
    The insecurity everywhere in Nigeria has foreclosed any way forward in the agricultural sector.
    indeed, unemployment, access to affordable housing, satisfactory Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary health care delivery, quality education, potable water supply, and regular electricity supply among others, constitute the urgent needs of poor Nigerians, who are in the majority are beyond reach. And a result has brought about hunger, poverty, and stunted economic growth.


  • Prisoners of Debt

    Images 4Quote a debt is just as hard for a government to pay as it is for an individual no debt ever will rogers 106 9 0963People are uncomfortable with language, which suggests hierarchies and power relationships. However, we are happier with the language of equality.

    None of us is entirely happy with the thought of being a prisoner of a servant.

    These are words which have few honorable associations with us.

     So what is the mystery which Christ proclaims ?

    It is precisely the liberty we most desire, a liberty which is a mystery or infinite treasure because it makes us all members of the body of Christ.

    In Christ, we are offered the true equality of belonging.

    These days it is very difficult for people to feel that they belong to anything.

    We are deeply scarred by the kinds of greed or apathy which set whole communities against each other.

    Let us pray for global healing between nations which have made servants of each other and prisoners of debt; let us pray for world unity.

  • The People lament

    Images 14Images 2Millions of Nigerians are complaining that hunger and poverty have taken root nationwide. 

    The insecurity in the land has disabled the productivity of farmers in different parts of the country, while political office holders have been overwhelmed by their pecuniary and self-centered interests.

     State actors insist that millions of farmers have benefited from the agricultural subsidies of the government, but the prohibitive cost of food items punctures this claim. For a considerable period of time now, the import of agricultural products has far outweighed exports, confirming the insinuation that state actors are insincere and about the true situation of things in the agricultural sector.



  • Sowing vegetables is a mockery of Nigeria's precarious situation-Comrade Emelieze


    The garden initiative introduced by the First lady, Senator Oluremi Tinubu has exposed the questionable mindset of those in leadership positions in the present dispensation.

    This assertion was made by a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''Millions of Nigerians are dying on a daily basis of hunger and poverty. Those who cannot withstand the hardships are committing suicide. The First lady, Senator Oulremi Tinubu, believes that the planting of vegetables is the way to go, but that is wrong.

    The present situation in the country has gone beyond planting vegetables in a garden. 

    This initiative is a mockery of the very dangerous situation, which has so far defied all soltuions put forward by the government at all levels,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Insecurity and Hunger in Nigeria are Tests from God-Ladoja

    Images 1 1The spate of insecurity, economic hardships and hunger presently being experienced by Nigerians are all tests of God.

    This assertion was made on Sunday by the former governor of Oyo state and the otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, High Chief Rashidi Ladoja

    God will continue to test our faith and at the end of it all He will give us prosperity. In Nigeria today, God is using insecurity, the downturn of the economy and hunger to test Nigerians. After these challenges there will be prosperity,'' High Chief Ladoja stated.

  • Suspended Hunger and Hardships Protests only attracted Government's attention-UI Lecturer

     OneThe two day protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) that was abruptly suspended only attracted the attention of the Federal government.

    This assertion was made by Dr. Francis Amenaghawon of the Department of Communication and Language Arts of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''For me, the suspended protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress had no impact on the daily lives of Nigerians because it did not change anything, but it has only drawn the attention of the Federal government to the worsening social, economic and security situation in the country,'' Dr. Amnenaghawon stated

  • Government Palliatives are a Mockery of Nigerians-Comrade Emelieze

    The economic support announced by the Federal Government to cushion the effects of the hunger and poverty in Nigeria has been described as a mockery of Nigerians.
    According to a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze, '' the fact remains that millions of Nigerians are not in support of  any form of palliatives.''
    ''The government is using palliatives to deceive and make mockery of Nigerians. The palliatives that have been announced by the government are insignificant compared with a country where millions of the population live in abject poverty. The government seems to be promoting wickedness, heartlessness and insensitivity. If they think that this is what Nigerians are worth, then Nigerians should not expect anything good from the government.''

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    The Police is not a Secret Society

    It is a known fact that the Police is not a secret society, but when it selects journalists that will cover its activities when the Inspector General is visiting Oyo state, then there is more to it than meets the eyes.

  • Hike in Electricity Tariffs an attempt to Wipe out Nigerians-Labor Leader

    Hard 1The systematic increase in the pump price of the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS) and the recent increase in electricity tariffs by the electricity distribution companies has been described as premeditated attempts to exterminate Nigerians.

    This is the opinion of a former chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The systematic increase in the price of petrol and then now the increase in electricity tariffs are premeditated attempts to wipe out Nigerians by continuously ensuring that life is unbearable.''

    Note-Olorunsogo, Molete, Molusi, Oshodi, Aluko, Scout Camp and Felele among several other communities in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria, where parents and guardians groom their children and wards to become future criminals.

    Of worry, is the high population of dropouts that has made it very difficult to justify the expenditure on education.

    Illiteracy, ignorance and idleness coupled with crime and all forms of criminality have now become norms and values. Sadly, the government of the day, at all levels may have proceeded on vacation or are complicit.

  • Election- Nigerians are expecting leaders who will lift them out of Hunger and Poverty-Prof. Olagoke

    Leader 2The expectation of Nigerians is that credible leaders with passion to put an end to hunger and poverty in the country will emerge after the general elections.

    This assertion was made on Thursday by the Founder, Spiritual head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeeen-inIslam worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in his lecture titled ''Leadership and the Three Rings of Life'' at the second Ogunelu Aaare Alasa Dynasty day in collaboration with Shafaudeen-in-Islam Medical Outreach in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''Nigerians are expecting credible leaders at all levels of government, who will lift them out of hunger, poverty and unemployment to emerge after the general elections.Only credible leaders at all levels of government, who are purposeful, visionary, emotionally and passionately patriotic, ready to sacrifice their best to serve the people will all digilence can be goal getters and unifying factors to the people of diverse interest-religious, ethnic divides and gender equlaity challenge. They expect to be loved by the people, for them to buy in Zero tolerance to corruption and institutional indiscipline as a cultural or normal way of life,'' Prof. Olagoke stated.

  • Hunger and Poverty in Nigeria is Massive-Ex-Officio TUC

    Hunger 1The unabating hunger and poverty in Nigeria is massive and worrisome as Nigerians continue to raise their voices.

    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the uion in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''There is massive hunger and poverty in Nigeria. This is worrisome. Food security is no longer guaranteed and Nigerians have continued to raise their voices over the unabating hunger and poverty in the land. Nigerians are living in bondage,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

             -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

             -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • There is Massive Poverty in Nigeria-Ex-Officio TUC

    Poverty 5




    Poverty 7


    The World Bank report that 7 million Nigerians are now under the poverty line has only confirmed that there is massive poverty in Nigeria.
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze in a chat with Poverty Line.Transfer Money with Wise
    ''The World Bank report that indicates that 7 million Nigerians have fallen below the poverty line in the last 2 years confirms the reality on the ground that there is poverty on a massive scale in Nigeria. The prices and goods and services have gone beyond the reach of poor Nigerians. The insecurity in the land has prompted several farmers to abandon their farmlands, the resultant effect is the high cost of foodstuff all over the country.








  • Return to God for Astute Management

    The home is the bedrock of community formation which extends to nation-building.

    However, the role of the parents in running the home in order to give it a strong foundation is highly crucial as this is expected to manifest in the way we rear children.

    From the physiological point of view, the custody of the child for safety and without abuse is paramount, while the growth and the development of the child equally depend on the following three parameters, namely-nutrition for a balanced diet and their regular intake for appropriate supply of adequate calories needed for upkeep.

    The second factor of importance is a function of nutrition to supply good health for enough body immunity that will not allow infiltration of disease attacks into avoidable ailments which can impair the body ailments which can impair the body from properly functioning.

    Good health condition leads to the wellness of the person that will constitute physical fitness, emotional balancing, psychological  fitness and career/financial upkeep. 

    When the home fails to provide for all these,  the Maslow's hierarchy of needs become disrupted for the product of the home to be emotionally challenged and socially disturbed. 

    Maslow opines that parents need to  rear their children through the following-physiological, social, self-esteem and self-responsibility. 

    The Holy Quran  11 : 6,  made this submission, '' There is no moving creature on earth, but its sustenance depended on Allah :  He knoweth its temporary place and its temporary deposit : All is in a clear record.''

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • From Kano state Nigeria with Hunger and Poverty

    PovertyPoverty 1










    Poverty 2Poverty 3

  • Increase in Electricity Tariffs-People are Suffering Govt Should have a rethink-Pastor Ajayi

    The Federal Government has been advised to consider tha harsh economic climate in the country before facilitatin g the increase in electricity tariffs.

    This advice was given by Pastor Opeymei Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ''Government should consider the masses and have a rethink by not increasing tariffs on electricity. The economic crunch is biting very hard, people are finding it very very difficult to feed. Food items are now beyond the reach of millions of Nigerians. Government should have pity on the masses'', Pastor Ajayi advised.


  • Nigerians Score President Buhari Low over soaring Prices of Food Items

    Nigerians have expressed disappointment over the failure of the Federal Government to check the soaring prices of food stuff in markets across the country.

    They lament that the high cost of the food items such as rice, tomatoes, pasta among others have made most citizens to opt for items like ‘’garri’’ in particular, coco yam and maize among others.

    Millions of Nigerians are now of the belief that the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration in the country is nonchalant and insensitive to the hunger and poverty situation in millions of homes in Nigeria, even though most political office holders and government officials are currently benefiting from the closure of the country’s borders in a sizable number of states.

    They passionately appeal to the powers that be to reverse the present order of things in the markets, as a step towards rescuing millions of Nigerians living in hunger and poverty.

  • Hunger is the Dividend of Democracy in Nigeria-Prof Olagoke

    Prof sabitu olagoke 2Nigerians have continued to complain over the unabating hunger and poverty in the land.

    Anti-people policies of the present administration have been identified as the major causes of the ugly situation, even though other causes abound.

    Sadly, the Federal, State and Local Governments have been nonchalant in addressing the worrisome economic status of Nigerians, just as a report ranked Nigeria among the eight nations in the world, which are homes to the hungriest people in the world.

    In this interview,the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke says hunger is the dividend of Democracy in Nigeria due to the absence of a leader that would transform the country into a prosperous land. Excerpts :

    Hunger and poverty is in almost every home in Nigeria, are you not worried ?

    The issue of hunger and poverty started to come unnoticed after the first coup of January 15, 1966 that led to the various military take over ab initio.

     By training the military were never groomed to govern, but to defend the territorial integrity of Nigeria.

    Between 1960 and 1970, the poverty index was around 15 per cent, it nose dived to 28.8 per cent, during the second republic, Alhaji Sheu Shagari’s administration, experienced corruption and impunity.

    Hunger nigeria 1The Muhammadu Buhari and Tunde Idiagbon regime tried hard to reverse the ugly trend, by introducing War Against Indiscipline(WAI) this brought about sanity and it positively affected the psyche of all Nigerians, although under a dictatorship.

    However, the regime of Gen. Ibrahim Babangida soft pedaled and allowed the relaxation theory to take over, even though the War Against Indiscipline and Corruption(WAIC) was put in place, it turned out to be a game of deceit.

    Despite all the mitigation measures, hunger and poverty defied all programmes-OFN, DFFRI, Better Life and so on.

     This made Nigeria to look like an arid land where no plant could germinate.\

    The regime of the late Gen. Sani Abacha recorded 65 per cent poverty index, while the fourth republic inherited 70 per cent poverty index according to a report by economic experts.

    The truth of the matter is that Nigeria has not been able to produce a leader that is capable enough to transform the nation into a prosperous land.

    Hunger could even be said to be the dividends of Democracy in Nigeria.

    Hunger nigeria 3When one considers the ever depreciating purchasing power of our Naira and ever increasing pump price of petrol, upon which the activities of industries and the transportation system depends, then one would reach the conclusion that all is not well.

    The relocation of more than 800 industries to other nations from Nigeria, worsened the employment situation which none of the successive governments since 2007 have been able to address.

    The recent balancing wheel of our economic equation, whereby government may assent to N30,000 new national minimum wage and at the same time increase in the Value Added Tax is in the works, would only serve to worsen the already bad situation.

    This is so because the consequent effect would reflect on the already two digit inflation figure to be on the increase, while prices of commodities beginning from food stuff to other commodities would sky rocket beyond the reach of the already impoverished masses.

    Economic experts have advised government to consider the downward review of the salaries and allowances of the ruling class, this should be effected.

    For example, the Senate is the highest in rank with N14.2 million per month. This could be scaled down to N7 million.

    The President and Vice President have been reported to receive N14 million and N12 million, respectively. This could also be cut to half.

    If this preferred solution could be accepted, the cost of governance would be lower and manageable, while the size of government would require trimming, without necessarily affecting governance negatively.

    Besides this, all political appointments including the ministerial ones would need to be monitored for effectiveness and accountability, for Mr. President to be able to take decisions on non performing Ministers.

    For example electricity is essential to activate business activities from the industrial sector to the minute level, in order that we may be able to produce abundantly without recourse to importation and at low affordable costs to the people.

    For poverty to be drastically reduced and to remove hunger from the tables of families in Nigeria occasioned by our over dependence on oil, attendant cases of fraud need to be effectively addressed.

    Hunger nigeriaFurthermore, economic diversification and establishment of several industries by government and private individuals would reduce our over dependence on oil.

    An independent economy would ever solve the problem of hunger and diseases.

    Nigeria is known all over the world to be the most fortunate fertile land that is full of resources, but for the mismanagement syndrome of the resources and kleptocracy in governance, poverty would continue to slap us on our faces.

    Government needs to work on the psyche of Nigerians, on our attitude, while the culture of philanthropy and selfless community service, need to be entrenched to create an environment that would be conducive enough for good idea germination for the benefit of all.