Posts by solomon2day

  • Christians should Guard against six hindrances to Prayers in their Lives-Cleric

    2a8e60e45d6dd25feb0d5efad2b54210Christians have been charged with guarding against six hindrances to prayers in their lives.

    This charge was given on Sunday by Pastor Kayode Oladeji of the Peculiar People International Christian Center, Mokola, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    Pastor Oladimeji listed the six hindrances to include-1)Lack of knowledge(Ignorance). 2)Wrong motives and intentions. 3)Worries and Anxieties. 4)Deliberate sin and Disobedience. 5) Offenses and the absence of forgiveness.  6) Lack of Gratitude.

    ''You need adequate knowledge to pray effectively. Knowledge is very important. In addition, secondly, you must have the right motive for God to answer your prayers. God looks at our motives. God does not grant prayer hinged on wrong motives. When your motive is wrong, it becomes a barrier, it becomes a hindrance. Nothing will hinder your prayers from today, God will answer your prayers,'' he prayed.


  • Olubadan's Death-Igbo Community in Oyo state Condoles with Family and the people of Ibadan

    Untitled 6The Igbo community in Ibadan and Oyo state state has condoled with the family, indigenes of Ibadan and the government and people of Oyo state on the death of The Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Lekan Balogun.

    The Balogun Ndigbo of Ibadanland, Chief Alloy Obi, on behalf of Ndigbo in the state gave the condolence in a chat,

    Chief Obi described the late first class monarch's death as shocking.

    ''Well I heard of the sad news this morning, I was shocked. My relationship with the late Olubadan dates back to before he became an Oba. I am also a member of the family. But we cannot query God, it is God that called him. Just two years on the throne, God's decision is final. The entire Igbos in Ibadan and Oyo state and the Ohaneze Ndibog condole with the family, the people of Ibadan and Oyo state and the Oyo state Governor on the great loss. I pray that God will give the family the fortitude to bear the great loss,'' Chief Obi stated.

  • Non Payment of With Held Salaries of SSANU and others may result in Labor Unrest-Former VP SSANU Western zone

    Download 4The decision of the Federal Government to pay four months out of eight months in held salaries of university workers to only the Academic Staff Union of Universities(ASUU) is an invitation to confusion and labor unrest.

    This assertion was made by a former Vice President of the Senior Staff Association of Universities(SSANU), Comrade Alfred Jimoh.

    ''The Federal government has not been sincere, it appears the government wants to create confusion and encourage labor unrest. I don't see any reason why four unions will go on a justifiable strike and, after suspension and signing of the agreement with no victimization clause, the government held the salaries and the president gave a waiver to only one union, as if the other members of the remaining unions are not Nigerians. Nobody has come out to give us the rationality behind the discriminatory approach.  It is very unfortunate and an open provocation and invitation to labor unrest in the Nigerian university system,'' Comrade Jimoh warned.

  • Suspended Hunger and Hardships Protests only attracted Government's attention-UI Lecturer

     OneThe two day protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) that was abruptly suspended only attracted the attention of the Federal government.

    This assertion was made by Dr. Francis Amenaghawon of the Department of Communication and Language Arts of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''For me, the suspended protests called by the Nigeria Labor Congress had no impact on the daily lives of Nigerians because it did not change anything, but it has only drawn the attention of the Federal government to the worsening social, economic and security situation in the country,'' Dr. Amnenaghawon stated

  • State Police will take Nigeria no where-Labor Leader

    Insecurities quotes non lifeThe Federal Government has been advised not to tinker with the present law enforcement structure in Nigeria.

    This advice was given by the unit chairman of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN) Federal Ministry of Labor, Oyo state unit, Comrade Paul Balogun.

    ''The issue of trying to use  decentralized police  to tackle the present insecurity in Nigeria will not take us anywhere. The problem on ground is local, the security challenges  presently is community based. So, therefore the solution on ground should also be locally or community based, Comrade Balogun stated.

  • Learn a Vocation-C.E.O Tanimowo Foundation to Young Nigerians

    Omk4391The socio-political and economic situation in Nigeria has brought several lessons to the fore in governance. Young Nigerians have now taken to crime to make ends meet.  In this interview, the Chief Executive Officer(C.E.O) of Tanimowo Foundation, Dr. Tanimowo Pelumi advises young Nigerians to learn a vocation alongside education. 


    What prompted you to establish the foundation?

    I was brought up in a very difficult environment, it was not easy, so when I was growing up, the surrounding hardships inspired me to establish the foundation. There was nobody to help.

    I started off by organizing seminars in my community. Later on, I forayed into real estate. This is the profession that gave me funds.

    What is your foundation about?

    It is all about agriculture. We empower people. We give out free chickens and fish.

    My aim is to eradicate poverty in society, especially Nigeria. My foundation has empowered people in so many towns and cities in the South West geopolitical zone. We have impacted positively on several lives.

    Do you have any advice for young Nigerians?

    My advice to young people, even if you are going to be educated, try as much as possible to learn a vocation, so that it will give you a source of livelihood. God bless Nigeria.


  • Nigeria's Problem is Corruption-Prophet Arabambi

    Download 20Corruption is the major factor impeding development in Nigeria.

    This assertion was made by Prophet Timothy Arabambi of the Christ Apostolic Church(CAC) Ile-Atunse, Olunloyo-Akanran road, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''God blessed us with men and women of intellect and integrity. This country is blessed with natural resources that can lift our economy, but the greatest problem we have in the country is corruption.''

    ''Corruption is the elder brother of Nigeria and Nigeria is dancing the tune of her elder brother. I can say that the people in government are trying, but they don't have good people to implement government policies. If Nigeria does not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeria,'' Prophet Arabambi warned.

  • NLC/TUC 14 day Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    4402750 tony benn quote middle class labour leaders are recaptured by theThe 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • NLC/TUC 14 fay Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    The 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • NLC/TUC 14 fay Ulitmatum a Distraction-Comrade Emelieze

    The 14-day ultimatum issued by the Nigeria Labor Congress(NLC) and the Trade Union Congress(TUC) is a ploy to distract Nigerians from the deteriorating situation in the country.

    This assertion was made by the Oyo state council of the TUC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ''The 14-day ultimatum issued by the NLC and TUC is the result of a conspiracy between the unions and the government to hoodwink workers and Nigerians. Nigerians are not expecting anything from the ultimatum. The leadership of both the NLC and TUC can no longer be trusted. The ultimatum is only a distraction''.

    ''The prayer point in the mouths of millions of Nigerians is for God to intervene in the present situation which is deteriorating on a daily basis,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Foreign Remittances Payment in Naira-On Going Manipulation by Government-Femi Falana

    Michaelbadnarik1 1Human Rights Activist and Lawyer, Mr. Femi Falana(SAN) has described the decision of the Federal Government to order International Money Transfer Operators and money deposit banks to pay Dollar remittances in Naira as an ongoing manipulation by the government.

    Mr. Falana(SAN) made this assertion on Saturday on a Radio program monitored in the South West Geo-Political zone of Nigeria.

    The Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) had issued a circular dated January 31, stipulating that all in-bound money transfers to Nigeria will only be paid in Naira through a bank account or in cash at the prevailing rate on the Nigeria Foreign Exchange Market.

    ''The government is not looking at the records. I wrote a petition in 2017, someone sent me money from America, and at the bank where I collected the money, which was not complete, I asked for the shortfall. The banks in foreign countries are benefiting from these monies. Go on the market, the Dollar goes for N1,500, by the next day the price will change. If Diaspora remittances are put at $25 Billion, where does the money go to and recipients are paid in Naira?  We have passed through this part before. It is part of the manipulation that is going on,'' Mr. Falana stated.


    He maintained that food security could only be guaranteed when Nigerians, '' mount pressure on the government to invest in mechanized farming, it is no longer feasible to feed our people with cutlasses and hoes. Nigeria has arable land. It is wasting. The government must provide security for farmers.''

  • Faulty Government Appointments Ridiculing Nigeria-Prof. Olagoke

    Download 2 2Download 1The Government at all levels can only succeed when competent hands are Appointed into Public Office.

    This assertion was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke, in his lecture titled ''NIGERIA DEVELOPMENT REVIVAL NEED: THE WAY OUT, at the Shafudeen Annual Ishrat Grand Finale:Shafaudeen@41'', in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''No government can succeed unless it identifies the professionals and accepts their advice.

    The ruling class feed fat while the people suffer from kwashiorkor. Appointments even at the Federal level under this government attract international ridicule for the country where corruption has become endemic because of no control and deterrence! While the whole world is moving towards the total achievement of an inclusive society, we are experiencing in Nigeria poor and faulty appointments without due process! And less than a year in office too!


  • Government should allow poor Nigerians to breathe-Businessman

    Download 2 1The policies of the government at all levels are suffocating Nigerians.

    This assertion was made by the Chief Executive Officer of Hand of God Nigeria Limited, Idi-Arere, Ibadan, Nigeria, Mr. Emmanuel Okechukwu. ''Government is not allowing poor Nigerians to breathe. Let the poor breathe. The government has to address corruption, considering the fact that our leaders are self-centered. When the head is faulty, this will affect the whole body. When God has given us all we need to prosper, Nigerians suffer. The government is not doing enough,'' Mr. Okechukwu stated.

  • Indiscipline Responsible for Abuse of Social Media-Prof. Olagoke

    Download 1The abuse of social media by young people has been identified as been attributed to the collapse of indiscipline and the collapse of social media.

    This is the position of the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke at the Annual Stakeholders' Conference/O'LEG Grand Finale at Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''The environment of indiscipline and breakdown of due process in transaction as well as the collapse of that of the socialization process is responsible for the various misuse and abuse of social media to the detriment of peace, our security and sustainable development achievement by very many nations, the African continent and Nigeria in particular. Various abuses range, such as hacking, defrauding through ATM, Yahoo yahoo+ and ritual killings, women sacrifices(ladies) and mother victims(incest)etc. Parents should be good examples to theri children and support them to achieve their goals.'' Prof. Olagoke stated.

  • Guard against Grooming 'Monsters'-Prof. Olagoke to Parents and Guardians

    Download 1Parents and guardians have been called upon to guard against grooming their children and wards  from becoming threats to them and society at large.

    This call was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Isalam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in his address titled, Good Parenting: An Antidote to Wasted Generation Syndrome at the Shafaudeen Group of Schools Inter House Sports day and the Opening of the Ishrat 2024 at Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''We are celebrating God for giving us children. Wasted generation are products from bad homes. When you produce a wasted generation, they will kill you. Monsters you call children. Is your child in danger because you are too indulgent? When you spoil your child, you send him/her to early grave. When you don't discipline, you are preparing for a monumental shocker. May the true God not let us know the grave of our children. May we not be victims of our child's early or sudden death. Ameen!'' Prof. Olagoke prayed.

  • Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Federal Workers warn on the Non-Payment of outstanding wage Award

    Download 1Federal workers who are yet to receive four months of the Federal Government's announced wage award have warned that it could affect productivity.

    The workers expressed reservations over the hardships and difficulties they were experiencing as a result of the non-payment of the arrears of the wage award.

    ''To start with, the Nigeria Labor Congress and the Trade Union Congress are dead in Nigeria, it is not possible to have functional unions, while workers are being subjected to such horrible  conditions of living because they do not have money. If the government is reluctant to clear the outstanding wage award, this could take its toll on the productivity of the workers. There is a saying that to whom much is given, much is expected, but in this instance nothing has been given. What do you expect?'' they asked.

  • Work Hard to become Great-Ladoke Akintola's daughter to Students

    Images 1Students have been advised to focus on their studies to achieve greatness in life.

    This advice was given on Thursday by the daughter of the late Premier of the Western region, Dr. Bimbo Akintola at the 2024 Samuel Ladoke Akintola Memorial lecture and Award Presentation in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''You are all students who will become very important people in life, read hard, study hard, and thank God for everything. We really wanted students to be here today because History was taken out of the education curriculum and later returned. History is very important. My children, students, teachers are also very important.

    ''My father, Samuel Ladoket Akintola was a teacher. He was a father who would go miles to see each and every one of us through our education. He excelled, but he was not appreciated. I pray that my children will have such things said about you. May your teachers be blessed,'' Dr. Akintola stated.