Worship God with Hymns

Untitled 7Worship God through hymns of praises.

You express your faith in God and His son through hymns.

By singing the hymns, you bring out the thanksgiving of your heart to God for His abundant blessings on you.

Hymns are reflections of your redemption and victory through Christ.


Take not to avoid :

1)Using hymns to insult people. Singing to abuse and degrade others is common place in society, most especially when there is rancor or conflict.

2)Using hymns to express non-existent feelings of the heart.

3)Using hymns hypocritically.

Hymns must reflect the sincerity of your heart as a Christian, to God. Through these hymns you can be blessed abundantly by God.

Learn to use the hymns as a means of comfort and hope in times of despair and as an assurance of salvation in Christ.

Always sing of love, peace, joy and hope, as you strive to avoid depriving yourself of what is beneficial to all.

John 4 : 23-24

23 : But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

24 : God is a spirit and all who worship Him, must worship him in spirit and in truth.



John 4 : 23-24 Christianity Religion

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