Posts by solomon2day

  • Walking in Truth

    Truth 1Truth 2

    3 John 1-4

    4 ''I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.''

  • Faith

    ProfThe issue of belief in God is very abstract to people because it lacks assessment and evaluation yardsticks. This is why prayer is usually misconstrued as mere wishes of the mind.
    Unfortunately, wishes live in the abstract realm of life though always sound positive when considered as a prayer and equally sound corrosively negative when considered as a curse to show the nakedness of wishes. This suggests that lazy people shall have the best of access to good things in life and when they are not realizing on time, they may resort to dastardly acts against all odds to have their way. If we now equate this to prayer, one would justify crimes been committed by a lot of people to live in affluence with influence in the comfort zone of life wielding power to oppress others.
    The position of religion through their various scriptures on the issue of faith is that of a well-ordered set of rules noted to be divine as rungs of the ladder for man to climb to his desired social needs because religion is regarded as a divine construct that is meant for human faith-building in order that such an individual may align with the set of the divine laws to be able to establish a perfect God/man relationship where  100 percent of human social desires would be realized as a matter of destiny actualization for realization.
    Unfortunately, this is a function of the need to keep on with the body preservation from sins and crimes and soul purification from devilish thought processes to be able to obtain a very high degree of a state of piety. In this wise, the fundamental needs of man are perfectly achieved with the tranquility of mind and well, safe and secured environment for the purpose of peaceful co-existence.
    Under this condition the issue of living exemplary lifestyles measurable by a high content of integrity where respect is commanded rather than been enforced from the society, such people are promised a hitch-free comfort zone of life on earth and paradise of the hereafter.
    Unfortunately for mankind, they misconstrue wealth acquisition on earth and earthly power to dominate others as a yardstick to the achievement of destiny. This is erroneous because achievers in the process of acquiring their wealth would have trampled upon the fundamental human rights of others without care which would involve the penalty of divine intervention to avenge the cause of the oppressed.

    Faith 2
    We can't, therefore, use this as faith-based destiny realization because faith has a direct correlation with destiny both of which are pure of the divine construct.
    The issue of faith demands for just worship with an adulterated stand of belief in our chosen religion for it to walk the talk of the scripture for us as adherents to be able to accomplish without hitch our destiny.
    When we fall short of this grace that demands due process in every step we take destiny becomes the destination for faith to become fate.
    It is unfortunate that we forget the difference between faith and fate, the former has a divine connotation while the latter is achieved through social construct borne out of human inordinate ambition for materialism without considering due process demanded by faith or religion.
    The parable of sowing the words of God reveals four classifications of adherents.
    1)Those who receive the words of God but because of psychological troubles of the mind and the craze for materialism, the word grows wings and flies away with the tide of time for satan to feed on. This category is without a guide.
    2)Those who keep bad company will run into the pressure of bad advice not to retain the words of God.
    3) Those who have a negative mindset will never open their hearts for the words of God to be deeply rooted. In them, there is no foundation for the seed to germinate and grow.
    These three categories of people take more than 99 percent of religious worshippers. They only carry the names of their religious affiliations without walking the talk of their scriptures. They only live in the rhetoric of beliefs that can in no way support and sustain them to realize their faith. They grope in the darkness of the world for their lives to be terminated abruptly as their fate, even though they may possess the wealth of the world, they would surely miss and lose heaven, to a disruptive effect of the people they might leave behind. The firmness of purpose in one's religion would afford one to achieve maximally a fate that may be very near one's destiny.
    Build your faith in your religion based on the scriptural dictates and guide, not to live a  fatalistic life of the human construct of fate. Walk the talk to be prosperous, safe, hale, and hearty without any form of regret. No religion teaches evil.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria





  • Food Blockade-Labor Leaders are Asleep-Comrade Emelieze

    LaborThe silence of labor leaders in Nigeria during the six-day blockade mounted against trucks conveying livestock and foodstuff at Jebba from the North to the South has been described as a manifestation of the docility of the leaders in the face of the myriad of challenges confronting Nigerians.
    This view was expressed by a former Chairman of the Trade Union Congress(TUC) Oyo state council and presently an ex-officio of the TUC in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze in a chat with Poverty Line.

    Labor 2''The labor leaders have gone to sleep on the plight of Nigerians. What they attempt to achieve is a lost battle because they are all docile. The police are still extorting money from transporters, this is an indication that the corruption fight in Nigeria is a hoax. The blockade was justified, it gives credence to the issues of insecurity we have been discussing in Nigeria. The labor leaders are self-centered and self-serving, they do not have the interest  of Nigerians in their minds anymore'', Comrade Emelieze concluded.

  • Sudan Switches to Federal System of Government

    Fed 3Sudan is set to abandon the 18 state structure of the country and opt for several regions.
    The Sovereign Council issued a statement on Thursday to the effect that the country has adopted the Federal system of Government.
    "The President of the Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued a constitutional decree, establishing a regional (federal) system of government," the statement disclosed.
    According to the peace agreement signed on On October 3, 2020, the peace agreement was signed to the effect that there would be a constitutional conference on governance.
    The Conference would determine the number and borders of the regions, in addition to their structures and powers, including the levels of governance and administration.
    It is expected that the conference will divide the country into 6 regions, which are Khartoum, Darfur, Kordofan, Eastern Sudan, Northern, and the Central Region.
    The Central Region includes the states of Jazira, Sennar, and the Blue Nile, the Northern Region includes the states of the River Nile and the North, while the Eastern Region includes the states of Gadaref, Kassala, and the Red Sea, and Darfur Region encompasses its current 5 states.


  • Contentment

    Prof 1Contentment achieved through extrinsic perspective has to do with human activities in acquiring wealth to meet up with the needs in the areas of economic, environment and the kind of people that surrounds one from friends and family perspective, whose character and general attitudinal disposition aligns with one's concept of how life should be.

    When it is measured through material acquisition, achievement through legitimate means only, where elements of fraud are absent through the dignity of labor approach.

    Contentment may be inheritable from morally conscious parents, who rear their children in an environment of discipline, such people naturally exhibit these characteristics to the advantage of having the ability to cope with any standard set as value norms in the places of work to the areas outside one's home, including the foreign lands, such people will never live by complaint and they will be diligent at work, with exemplary lifestyles expected of best global practices, taking into consideration the expected ethical values to follow.

    Contentment as a value may be infectious through the polarization effect from those friends, peer groups, subordinates, or bosses at work, who might have upheld the concept of contentment or self-satisfaction around one.

    Contentment must be entrenched as a national value where leaders are expected to role model exemplary lifestyles as the general norm.

    Naturally, economic equations are not disrupted but applied to achieve maximum yield for the system because nobody will live a life of vanity and there would be no need for anybody at whatever level, he or she may find themselves, to envy others that have more, most especially those who are in positions of higher pedigree because one will realize that in the dignity of labor, your efforts or inputs must be commensurate to your earning power, even in the political setting, rivalry to usurp power or to seek for positions of leadership that do not have direct potentials of capability as may be relevant to the responsibilities of such offices will be highly minimal if not absent because people will realize the need to develop themselves to have worthy certificates that can be defended when finally one finds himself in such a position that would require expertise and some technical skills to support the mainframe of service delivery.

    Where the contentment value is absent, greed and avarice naturally build up into Timocracy which usually characterizes covetousness of power, without the wherewithal to manage it because the propelling force would become a biological interference whereby you would want to wield power around yourself mainly to have undue access to the spoils of office at the expenses of the demands of such an office to care for the people and to build the system.

    In such a situation, the arrays of scenes of poverty, hunger, diseases, and summarily a state of underdevelopment emerges.

    Contentment 2  




    Contentment as a value usually manifests at the homefront to demand parental sensitivity on their children's behavior and disposition towards material things.

    It is better cured at their Id level that is dominated by the factors of an impressionable age when one can easily remove or add garbages of interferences into the lives of these children. At the ego level of development of a child, usually dominated by the adolescent stages, the manifestation of lack of contentment easily becomes pronounced as greed or a state of insatiability.

    Lack of contentment, therefore, usually aids one into corrupt practices with a costly undertone of greed and acquisition of materials to live above one's means.

    It is, therefore, necessary for the four domains of the spheres of life-education-culture, education, religion, and politics through the National Orientation Agency to promote contentment as a must of cultural material for the society to be conscious of the need for ethical integrity to be based on the value orientation of contentment.

    This is an effective way to achieve maximally in the areas of good governance and credible leadership for the society to attain zero tolerance to corruption and sustainable national discipline since the people constitute the aggregate of many individuals who deserve to be socially responsible for the success of democratic governance to offer us a safe and secure society, tranquillity of the mind, environmental peace through the value orientation of contentment.

    Aspiration through legitimate means is the only acceptable solution to improving the contentment level.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Ignorance as the Guiding Light

    IgWhen the leadership at the Federal and State levels ascended the seat of power within the last six years, the goodwill and support, was not only overwhelming but total.
    Presently, people are complaining bitterly in every part of the country, there are lots of frustrations everywhere, but sadly, the leadership is not listening, while its strategies remain rigid.
    Potable water is now a luxury in most states of the federation, while electricity has now become a tool for extortion. Of worry is the price of kerosene, Nigerians watch helplessly as the price take an upward leap.
    In the face of the absence of basic amenities for the people's survival, those in charge are sinking billions of Naira into the ''pool'' of insecurity.
    An emerging fact is that ignorance, mediocrity, nepotism, indifference, and inertia have become visible signposts of the administration at all levels.

  • Ask God Only for all your Needs

    Prof 1By the nature of our creation as mankind, we will continue to live by the sense of want using the yardstick of human physiological needs for his or her wellness.
    Human nature while still alive will continue to live by the following factors that determine his or her state of wellness: The mind that must not be troubled needs the spiritual tranquillity of the mind which is most often derived from our social satisfaction.
    The body needs a balanced diet or good nutrition to grow and the health services to have and maintain sound health.
    Fairness in the participation of one in his community, the work through ethical practices for productivity and profitability needs rational efficiency to be able to deliver. Finances determine social symbols and status in society to be classified as responsive and responsible.
    Human emotional outbursts and essence of control to keep down possibilities of having stress, frustration, or depression. 
    Considering the above, man will continue to be in a sense of want while he gropes in the darkness of the world to make ends meet.
    There is, therefore, a limit to what man can achieve in life in his pursuit of social desires without divine intervention. This is why the Almighty God admonishes all humans to do His will and get closer to Him. This is the basis upon which all religions are built.  All faith-based houses of God, therefore, must teach aright the scriptures for the adherents to imbibe the spirit of moral discipline as a basic condition under which he can have the opportunity to have access to divine communication which all religions offer as the prayer aspect of religious exercises.
    For a man to have unrestricted and unhindered access to dialogue with God, he must be ready to culturally adopt and adapt to the conditions laid down by God in the scriptures.
    For instance, Psalm 24 :3-4 refers, ''3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?
    4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.''

    In the same vein the Holy Quran 12: 108 equally shows us the way to be very close to God while doing His will.
    Say thou, '' This is my way. I do invite onto Allah: with certain knowledge. I and whoever follows me(Prophet Muhammad). Glory to Allah and never will I join gods with Allah.''
    Both verses of the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible emphasizes the need to accept and live by the holiness of Allah through pure hearts.
    The Holy Bible, therefore, teaches us that we should continue to ask God for all our needs even when we are very hardworking for ease of maximally achieving our social desires.
    Matthew 7: 7-12 refers, ''7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
    8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
    9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
    10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
    11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
    12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.''

    However, the most important role that will usually facilitate human requests to be answered by the almighty God is that we must do to other people the same thing we want them to do to us, this is a reminiscence of the law of karma for natural social justice. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets. We need to realize that our religious sects or denominations are nothing more than a school of a faith-based building where we learn about how best we can have a perfect streak of God/man relationship.
    Religious sentiments must not becloud our sense of judgment and recognition of our creator as the source of our strength which cuts across our pursuit of wellness through social desires while alive and our struggles to enter the kingdom of God.
    In every religion, the factor of God and godliness exists even beyond our views and perception of the prophets, gods, and goddesses. Onto God, therefore, we must be very close to having direct access to divine communication.
    The Holy Quran 2: 186, equally stands on these categorical statements upon which every mortal must stand, without waiting for the period of travail that will demand our running helter-skelter to seek the favor of God for the cure.
    ''When My servants ask thee concerning Me. I am indeed close to them. I respond  to the prayer of every supplicant when he calleth on Me: That  they may walk in the right way :(Nutrition, Health issues and Wellness assured).''
    To be wise, let us ensure body preservation from sins and criminalities as well as soul purification from the devilish thought processes to be wholesome. 
    For us to be close to God, the almighty Allah, not to lose the opportunities of having access to His grace with pure hearts to continue, therefore, to ask God for all need.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • Namibia Register 113 361 candidates For Final Secondary School Exams

    SsEdu 1The Ministry of Education in Namibia has registered 113 361 candidates for the 2021 National Secondary School Certificate Examinations(NSSCE)
    The Ministry made this disclosure in a statement by its executive director Sanet Steenkamp.

    ''This year 113 361 candidates, comprising of 21 648 NSSC ordinary level (new), 23 118 NSSC higher level, and 68 595 NSSC ordinary level (old) candidates, have been registered'', the statement disclosed.



  • A Feeble Initiative

    Prof 2The declaration of the Nigeria Immigration Service(NIS) relating to armed men within Nigeria is not only misleading but also devoid of visible professionalism.
    The series of criminal incidents involving gunmen based in the forests in different parts of the country punctures the declaration of the NIS, which seems to be a feeble effort to shield those in charge from the glaring inability to bring the activities of its creation under control.
    Those who are in the service should undergo retraining to bring them abreast of modern trends. The same applies to others with related functions, which revolve around the protection of lives and property.
    Of great worry, however,  is the unbroken loyalty of a  sizable number of uniformed personnel to criminals, who, despite all odds ensure that the former have an unhindered flow of patronage and funding.


  • Eschew Hatred and Role Model Tolerance

    Prof 1Archival documents from various standard museums always point to man's state of primitivity to be an improvement of its earlier stage of savagery.

    Sociologists in their study of human behavior and interpersonal relationships often notice some characteristics of hatred and intolerance among people in a community or society at large.

    Educationists affirmatively believe that application of the affective domain on attitudinal molding and building may resolve the challenges of hatred and intolerance among the people of the world, if effectively taught.

    However, surprisingly, observations of history have comical records of street brawling, gangsterism, vengeance in various public places, the situation is the same among the elite, matters that ought to have been resolved amicably, have torn communities apart, and pushed the state Houses of Assembly, those at the Federal level inclusive, into chaotic situations.

    Despite the claim of been graduates of various institutions of learning the issue of hatred and intolerance, therefore, deserves from every person a clear understanding of the Scriptures that upholds the fabric of existence of every religious denomination. Suffice it now to say that teachings on virtues must cut across the spheres of culture, self-esteem, integrity, and education on character building, while religion must be used to focus on the harmonization of the essence of culture and education on the issue of tolerance and love for every one of us to be able to eschew hatred and violence while the culture of tolerance must be socio-spiritually established.

    From the teachings of Jesus Christ about fighting back, every nation must learn and domesticate the teachings for its substance to be imbibed into our character for ease of having good human relations.

    Matthew 5: 38-42 refers. , ''Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.''


     By the foregoing, we would have eschewed hatred and acts of intolerance for the teachings to be effectively feasible, religious leaders, Christians and Muslims alike, must role model these virtues as well as our political leaders as perfect examples for the people, by polarization, to follow suit.

    This is the only way by which we can have a stable government to develop the people amidst system dynamics without molestation.

    In the same vein, the Holy Quran 41: 32-36 admonishes us on the issue of the culture of harbouring no hatred but eschewing the acts of intolerance as the only way towards which we can secure the favor of God since life is sweet and prosperous only when the culture of symbolism exists.

    The teachings from all the houses of God, must, therefore, be based on the exemplary lifestyles of all holy prophets as it is based on the following injunctions of 41: 32-26 of the Holy Quran, '' A hospitable gift from One oft-Forgiven, most merciful! Who is better in speech than one who calls men to Allah(God), works righteousness, and says ''I am of those who bow in his life(surrender onto God)? Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel evil with what is better(no bitter retaliation): Then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thine friend and intimate! And no one would be granted such goodness except those who exercise patience and self-restraint,-none but persons of the greatest good fortune and if at any time and incitement to discord is made to thee by Satan seek refuge in Allah. He is the one who hears and knows all things.''

    The emphasis is on the need to promote love to foster understanding and to eschew hatred to avoid violence even at the height of provocation. Muslims and Christians are, therefore, admonished to live exemplary lifestyles and be Scripture compliant.

    Since all these virtues are professed by our Scriptures, there is a dire need to walk the talk for our environment, home, community, society, and the nation at large to avoid bitter experiences of insecurity and terrorism which always have their root in the untreated wounds of hatred, intolerance, and violence.

    This is the only way by which we can avoid setbacks in the development or destruction of lives and property which must stop for our children to be able to lay claim to a bequeathable legacy of justice, peace, and sustainable development. Eschew hatred and role model tolerance.


    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria





  • The Menace of Promiscuity

    Prof 1The difference between human and animal kingdoms has a divided line of unguarded freedom and organized interpersonal relationships in the area of mating the two kingdoms have consideration for stages of development, minor stage considered as the immatured and upper cadre of puberty considered as the matured stage.

    Distinctively, the human kingdom has a way of monitoring nature's distribution of guide, but surprisingly the animals naturally respect the guiding principles for the mating stage.

    The weaver bird is a typical example of the lesser animals who naturally respect, fidelity rules, both during and after the courting stage.

    Remarkably too, the horse has never been found guilty of incest in their annals of history.

    However, among human beings, the controlling guides seem not to hold as expected despite all the apparatus of control starting from the home where the two parents are expected to be the Chief Security Officers, whose primary duties are to ensure the children keep up with the principles of fidelity among themselves whereby any form of abuse should not be recorded.

    However, the contrary is the case in many of our homes: most especially where we have girls and boys as siblings perhaps due to carelessness and the nonchalant attitude of the affected parents, who will later run helter-skelter to carry out illegal abortions.

    The question now is on why we as parents degenerate with all lack in our social responsibilities to watch over the growth and progress of our children.

    What have we be doing when they are found watching blue films or hiding in their phones pornography, despite the fact that we know that all these are injurious to their mental and emotional well being.

    Homosexuality, sodomy, and gay practices are commonplace in society today.

    Apart from the social stigma, spiritual sanction as divine penalty goes beyond the rules of law as it may culminate into a jinx for the family, in the process creating low divine immunity for the affected family or by extension the community around which it happens.

    Bestiality has to do with primitivity while mating has to be dignified through organized rules of law that should uphold the sacredness of the Scripture and cultural setting of every society that recognizes and acknowledge the sacredness of marriage and the processes of entering into the holy matrimony including the fidelity factor that should herald in courtship period of attraction and the marriage period of reality checks.

    The spiritual state of the youth today is so poor for the reasons of frivolities and waywardness in their affairs.

    If religion fails to salvage them on this, humanity may go down into the bestial level of existence, with a dire consequence of lack of trust and sincerity of purpose which will continue to negatively affect the human psyche. 

    The Holy books assert that all these hard drugs negatively affect the mental state of the young ones which of course extends to their spiritual lives.

    The Holy Bible Matthew 5: 27-28 refers: '' You have heard that it was said that doesn't do the sin of adultery, but I tell you if a person looks at a woman and wants to sin sexually with her, then that person has already done that sin with the woman in his mind.''

    Any form of erotic fantasy not only affects the psyche, it equally disturbs the whole body to erode away the spiritual substances.

    This is why the Holy Quran warns in 17: 32,''Nor come nigh to adultery: For it is an indecent deed and an evil way''.

    Let us all work to achieve decency in our children and the society for ease of friendly interpersonal relationships with an injury.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Feeding and the Budgetary Allocation for Leaders.

    Self 1
    It is an incontrovertible fact that the President and Vice President can fund their feeding with their salaries and mindboggling allowances.

    Since this is the case, the 2021 budgetary allocation for the same should be reviewed because such is not only frivolous but also reckless and insensitive. 
    In the same vein, other budgetary allocations that smack of wastefulness, such as the one for travels should also be reviewed.

  • Parents Failure to Check Bad Habits of Children a Challenge-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 1Good habits result in healthy living, wealth, and happiness, while bad habits direct free men into bondage.
    By system, harmony, and the forming of right habits early in life, the youth are capable of multiplying themselves many times.  Indeed,  there is no substitute for proper guidance and direction.
    Several men and women attribute their failures to fate, luck, and chance, but in actual fact, the habit formed early in life weigh them down through life.
    In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam, of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olgaoke opines that the negative habits of millions of children in Nigeria, left uncorrected by parents poses a  great challenge for society.

    In what ways do you think the habits of the Nigerian youth particularly and Nigerians in general-good or bad- have affected the scheme of things in society today?

    A habit has a direct correlation to human behavior and one is easily identified by the resulting mannerism which the society easily reacts to, most especially when it activates from the known norms. Subjectively it can be used to determine the DNA of a child born into a family.
    It is easily used as a tool to classify a home or parenting attitude by the teachers of such children in the school which equally, subjectively could be classified as been good or bad for the teachers to work on in order that the child's behavior and responses do not hinder the teacher's teaching progress that must cut across aptitude and attitude.
    Most often parents of suspected children lacking in expected correct attitude may be invited by the school counselor for a chat on such a child in an attempt to offer corrective guides to normalize the child's habits. On the home front, the primary duty of parents is to critically observe their children's habits with respect to their body language, eating habits, standing posture, facial look disposition most especially towards the elderly ones, dressing habits, and reactions to the rules of hygiene. All these must be observed and corrected right from the day he or she is born under the child custody guide before, he or she gets to the stage of having friends.
    At nature nurturing level, the pediatrics nurturing level, the counseling guide of the experts must intervene just as the pediatrics intervention dominates the childhood period.
    Some children may mimic so easily to the level of assuming the defective posture of a deformed person, if parents do not intervene on time, such a child may become deformed permanently. Such habits include the twisting of the mouth, squinting of the eyes, adjusting the shoulders to gesticulate among others.
    Parents must therefore be observant and sensitive enough to offer appropriate corrections that would suit the acceptable norms of the society.
    Some of the traits that have been exhibited by a child may be alien to the family for people to begin to suspect foul play in the biological process of bringing him or her to life.

    G and b 1
    This is why parents must ensure fidelity in managing their homes by having the utmost respect for the sacredness of the institution of marriage during which they swore to love and be loyal to each other.
    In those days of the good era of discipline, education was next to godliness, and children in boarding schools or away from home always lived by the wise instructions of their parents to always remember the sons and daughters of whom they are. To such children, the change of environment and the peer group effect never had a negative effect on them. 
    However today, the environment of poverty has led to cases of broken homes, single parenting, and orphanages. For example, Nigeria is having challenges such as insecurity and several parents are unable to even feed themselves and their children. There is the issue of Internally Displaced Persons and more than 13.9 million out-of-school children.
    A nation that is yet to find solutions to institutional indiscipline and corruption will ever produce restive youths, who easily would embark on suicide missions to survive. Matters are treated on the surface rather than from the root.
    Drug addicts and drunkards may either have a background that favors such indulgence or they could have been infected through some unwholesome peer group effect.
    The challenge today in Nigeria is in the persistence of the neglected negative habits of children left uncorrected by the parents.
    Unfortunately, when this ugly trend continues, the nation may be heading for the precipe. The Government at all levels must stop chasing shadows, and staring investing in youth education and job creation.
    It is only when the human physiological need is worked on to the realization point that the home can be stable and at rest with good parenting as well as the society with the youth who would be meaningfully engaged.
    This situation will curb the sponsors of militants, insurgents, bandits, and terrorists.
    Nature nurturing in the growth profile of the animal called man to be effective needs to be supported by the physiological needs and managed by role models and counselors for the children and the youth to be amenable to corrections on the issue of habits and a good attitude, otherwise, our education will continue to promote and produce human robots without a human face.

  • COVID 19-Turkey Vaccinates 462,000 Health Workers

    Tu 2Authorities in Turkey have administered COVID vaccines to 462,000 of its health workers.
    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan got the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, as the country commenced the mass COVID-vaccination campaign.
    Furthermore, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca was the first person to receive a Chinese vaccine jab in the country after Turkey’s official drug and medical equipment body Wednesday approved CoronaVac for emergency use against the novel coronavirus.

    Following the minister, members of the Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board were vaccinated as well.

    The Health Ministry stated that  Turkey has 1.1 million health workers who will be vaccinated within a month.
    Two doses of the vaccine shall be administered 28 days apart. Those who recovered from COVID-19 will not be vaccinated in four to six months following their recovery.


  • Distrust, Action, and Inaction

    Dis 2Dis 3

    The Kano State Government has reverted to the N18,000 minimum wage for workers in the state, in these times of inflation, economic recession, insecurity among other several challenges.
    The action of the State  Government is a reflection of the poor state of finances of several state governments in the country and also an indication that workers have real cause to worry and pray.
    Interestingly, good leaders must either intend to produce good results or viable legacies.
    Is this possible in the present dispensation, considering the scheme of things. Nigerians express great doubts. 
    Making promises than what political office holders can deliver is just one of the many tragic mistakes of the people's representatives.
    The crux of the matter is that for Nigerians and the Government at all levels, trust is at a deficit.
    Sadly, in the last five years or thereabout, the country is not better off as it was in 2014 in terms of development-particularly investment, health, and education, although the forces of evil remain unperturbed.
    Surprisingly, in the middle of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, the Government sees nothing wrong in the crowd at the National Identity Management Commission [NIMC] offices nationwide. Obviously,  the National Identity Number(NIN) is more important to the Government than the preservation of human lives.

  • The Restoration of Ethical Practices will Ensure Good Governance-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 1Ethics are crucial to how the manpower in governance shall positively influence the scheme of things. These are principles of morality, the science of the good, and the nature of the right inclusive. The greater satisfaction in governance, except when the consciousness that comes from being good and doing right are in the minds of all those involved-elected, appointed, and employed. 
    The disregard and disrespect for professional, organizational, and institutional ethics have almost brought Nigeria to its knees. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabiut Olagoke says that the restoration of ethical practices is a precondition for ensuring the emergence of good leadership and governance. Excerpts :

    The myriad of challenges confronting the country has been traced to the disregard and disrespect for professional and organizational ethics. Why is this so?

    The fundamental fabric for the reinforcement of human existence work together for the purpose of peaceful co-existence and development could be traced to the organized colonies of the ants, termites, and bees because of the natural respect for divine laws among them, their organized ways of doing things follow the ethical principles which are presently been eroded today by human beings, most especially in areas where underdevelopment characterize the features of their programs and efforts. If to date, observers of the ethical practices remain the secrets of their maintained and sustained organizations, human beings, therefore, must think about their follies in been irrational in doing things by resorting to the learn the lost glory from the ants, termites, and bees. The Nigeria situation was not as bad as it is today because, in the colonial era, that gave us the standard quo of the civil and public service ethics of the technical practice of officialdom, from the secretarial firmness in keeping records and auditing professional ethics emerged for the graduates of our institutions who specialized in various disciplines because they are part and parcel of feeder links for the government activities to be productive without loss of goodwill.

    The laws of the land, based on our culture were respected by all even before the intrusion of religions such as Christianity and Islam. Nigerians who accepted these religions then were happy to discover in the Holy Bible and Quran based on their chosen faith; that they had been following the right path in their culture, at least in the area of the culture and tradition, with respect to good character and the best attitude. For example, there had been keeping of good neighborliness on the ground as well as a high-level power of accommodating visitors. The dignity of labor was part of our grandparents and society will never condone any form of laziness from people. The Hard work principle was their watchword. This was the reason why it was easy for them to be good Christians and Muslims, after accepting Jesus Christ and Allah respectively.
    The only snag with people then was idolatry which could be encouraged to be discouraged because of the fatalistic consequence whenever occasion warranted abuse or misuse of power for those who could not manage their anger or control their temperament.
    One now wonders why the present-day educational rejuvenation and evolution of the emerging houses of God are unable to tame the weirdness of the present time that is dirt-filled of all who had condemned by the tow Holy books, our religious adherents who dominate the entire population is following.
    Today, there is moral disintegration among the people who claim to uphold our culture and traditions.
    There is a need to challenge the relevance of the Mogajis, village heads, and traditional rulers such as the Obas, Emirs, and Obis, on the need to restore human dignity through effective sensitization of the people for the essence of integrity in the society and purposive leadership.
    If this can be achieved, it would be a matter of shame to the adherents of Islam and Christianity, who are used to claiming the superiority of their religions over others, if they cannot restore for us the sacredness of the Bible and the Quran as relevant articles of faith for human survival.
    For in these books or curricula, attitudinal values dominate the subject matter to be instilled in the adherents to be thoroughbred professionally,  with role modeling characteristics of been ethically responsible to save the places of work and the society at large.
    Corruption and institutional indiscipline are now the order of the day, not only among the politicians but also among civil and public servants, religious leaders, and the elite with good academic background and certain traditions, such people must have passed through some schools to attain some degree of educational relevance.
    Each one of them equally must have faith-based organizations he or she attends in the name of religion before finding themselves in any political party or as technocrats in the civil or public service and must have belonged to particular professional bodies before been appointed or elected into various leadership positions to manage in trust our sovereign wealth.
    Lack of ethical practices will ever lead to a loss of goodwill in industries, Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, and the government as a whole for the nation to bear the brunt of underdevelopment.
    It is, therefore, a common problem of monstrous dimension for the nation to have clusters of frivolous and wayward people as the best of citizens.
    This is because all problems emanating from murdering merit will bounce back to undermine the need for excellence in our various efforts-be it the community or the nation.
    We must equally remember that character attestation and our acquired aptitude determine our altitude or height of desires in life.
    If we, therefore, continue to make money or create wealth through fraudulent practices, Nigerians will not be able to meet up with global competitiveness or global best practices which may make us be species of inferior quality, who will ever be found wanting outside the shores of Nigeria.
    Equally, when we have defective clusters of agents of socialization the wherewithal to effect changes would be very much difficult starting from the perspective of our culture and tradition, our traditional rulers must embrace merit, good attitudinal values, and value-laden records of antecedents as primary considerations to anybody they want to recognize by giving chieftaincy titles.
    Religious people must teach the scriptures and role model the best characters and moral excellence to their adherents and in society as their contributions to the restoration of ethical practices by all and sundry. The educational pedagogues must live by the behavioral objectives of what they teach, while the government must for effectiveness, fund our education appropriately and accordingly in line with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) and United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) recommendations. The institution of marriage must promote good parenting of responsible biological and social responsiveness for the children's wellness to be sustained in an environment of sustainable marriage.
    The issue of fidelity and increasing profile of love must be primary in the areas of managing proposed couples by the counseling psychologists, these are the only way e can have credible people in government who will rather shun business as a usual syndrome in governance, but uphold credibility in leadership, the sacrifice of personal pleasure for the success of the state and proactive measure in policy formulation and implementation.
    The focus of the government must therefore be on the promotion of an inclusive society in an environment of social justice, for the nation to progress and produce strong institutions rather than strong individuals and people of high intellect, who are disciplined.
    The restoration of ethical practices at the individual, organizational, and professional levels are sacrosanct to achieving the leadership desires and the people's expectations in governance.



  • High cost of Cement a Threat to Homeless Nigerians-AWC

    Quote 9The All Workers Convergence(AWC) has declared that the increase in the price of cement poses a great threat to homeless Nigerians.
    The AWC made this declaration through its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
    ''It is quite unfortunate to note that 2020 has been a year of endless torture for workers and Nigerians generally. There is definitely no reason for a bag of cement to be sold for about 4,00 Naira. The high cost of a bag of cement constitutes a great threat to the millions of Nigerians who are yet to have their own homes.''



  • Greed is the Major Cause of Poor Governance-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 1Greed is a vice that has brought in its wake unpleasant situations of damaging consequences.

    The insatiable appetite of the actors in Government-appointed, elected and employed-has resulted in underdevelopment, stagnancy, and retrogression. Greed has prompted those in power to involve private hands in governance under various guises. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke insists that greed has resulted in failure governance in most countries, Nigeria inclusive. Excerpts :

    Greed has been identified as a major catalyst for underdevelopment and retrogression? Do you agree?

    Ther success recorded by the lesser animals and insects in their kingdoms is usually traced to be based on collective responsibilities and division of labor with sincerity of purpose and due process.

    This is most observable in the ways the dogs of the hunter kill their prey without devouring them but delivering the dead prey to the hunter. This action is expected from the leader or the boss and his or her subordinates in dispensing services for the purpose of building themselves and the institution they represent. The dog will rather go hungry than consume the prey, in addition, it would be patient until it is fed by its owner.

    In the kingdom of the termites, the tradition is that the Queen is worked for and passionately protected by the soldier ants, while the workers with consistent efficiency work for the Queen and will never take anything out of what they produce without been instructed to do so.

    Among the bees, honey is produced in the built honeycomb by the collective responsibility of the scavengers, workers, and soldiers in the areas of protection and production activities ensuring that quality and standard are maintained at a sustainable level, interestingly humans search for the products of the bees with a lot of risks involved.

    When the production ability of the Queen is noticeably low, as a result of aging, the insemination of other females occurs and eventually they replace the Queen, not for the purpose of ambition but for the purpose of keeping up with continuity in production.

    The question now is, for humans endowed with superior faculties of reason and with all the guides from their chosen Scriptures, this is aside from their educational advantages, why do humans hate instead of love, backslide in place of obedience and impoverish others when offered opportunities to be in positions of power making the system to retrogress.

    Leadership essence depends on professional capability before been entrusted with to be in charge of positions of responsibility. It equally depends on one's loyalty to the establishment in question offering the opportunities to serve as well as to protect the image of one's alma mater and the name of the family.

    he reason behind records of failure in countries in Africa, Nigerian and Ghana inclusive, have always been traced to greed in power and greed among aides which by implication usually leads to the impoverishment of the people and kleptocracy by the few in government, hence, the present culture of corruption and indiscipline that is already endemic. It has made the sacred valued of education to be eroded, whereby people seek education for money rather than to acquire knowledge and wisdom.

    This situation has created an environment of anti-societal behavior and the desperate drive towards quick money-making initiatives.

    The dignity of labor has been sacrificed for ritual killings, known as Yahoo plus, with kidnapping and banditry as other means to ends.

    For a solution to the present worrisome state of things, all spheres of human endeavor should be overhauled completely, the houses of God inclusive.

    Greed 2
    Greed 3

    Greed is usually exhibited by people who have the blood of Timocracy running through their veins, such people usually go beyond what they need to survive, to the level of having what they will keep for their next generation. This is in contrast to the teachings they received from the Scriptures,. that upholds their chosen religion, that we must be modest, decent, disciplined and non-destructive to any system we work in and the society that produced us, in order to leave a bequeathable legacy to our children and the future generation.

    Nigeria is not making use of religious houses to be relevant in the scheme of nation-building while the government equally underutilize the potentials of our universities and the experts already produced in the areas of intervention need to choose leaders and help the government achieve maximally, to provide the home ned to stem down over-reliance on foreign people and goods with the consequence of our low human development index and continuous devaluation of the Naira to an embarrassing state.

    For the culture of greed to give way for development, there is a need for the government to respect the professionals in promoting organization and professional ethics, in addition to ensuring that the Ivory Tower, has the freedom to intervene in training and choosing leaders at all levels of governance.

  • Show Love to Nigeria-Cleric to Nigerian Leaders

    Nig 2The leadership at all levels in Nigeria have been advised to show love to Nigeria as a step towards salvaging the country.
    This advice was given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.
    ''Deceit and treachery is the order of the day, our leaders at the Federal and state levels should first show love to the country. Our leaders should love Nigeria, if they do not want the nation to be ruined, our leaders must salvage the country from collapse, by showing love to the country,  this will make Nigerians show love to one another'', Pastor Ajayi stated.

  • Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



                                                                   This is wishing you a merry christmas  and a prosperous new year