A Viable Condition by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Prof 3Viable condition is necessary for successful restoration and preservation of cultural heritage on core values of integrity would have to depend solely on the understanding and practice of exemplary lifestyles based on values of integrity, otherwise, the system may suffer from unwarranted happenings.
The viable condition of scripture compliance is sacrosanct, the right practice of every religion for ease of adapting and adopting the dictates of God to put up pious and exemplary lifestyles.
A critical study of democracy to energize civil rule rests on the viable condition of justice, deterrence, and equity concept application to avoid the challenges of marginalization and agitations by the people over perceived injustice towards them.
Where such viable conditions are absent there would be system disequilibrium through the heating up of the polity. A further study on the triangle of sustainable development x-rays environment, economy, and the people or society to thrive harmoniously.

Viable 1
The economy and other aspects of society must be viable to ensure streamlined development.
Several nations depend on investments from local and international sources, but no investor will ever come to a conflict-ridden environment to invest. An environment characterized by insurgency,
 natural disasters, violent crimes, dictatorship, and the infringement of the fundamental human rights of the people would never be investment-friendly.
In the final analysis, the viable condition is an index measure of capability where system functionality leads to the development that is sustainable without recourse to parasitic means.

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               -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

               -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

               -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


Viabel Condition Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

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