
  • Rejection of Electricity Supply by DISCOs calls for Concern-Ex-Officio TUC

    • On 08/06/2021
    • In News

    ProbThe rejection of electricity supply from the Transmission Company of Nigeria(TCN) by the Distribution companies in Nigeria calls for great concern.
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union, Comrade Andrew Emelieze. Transfer Money with Wise
    ''The rejection of electricity supply from the Transmission Company of Nigeria(TCN) by the Distribution companies calls for great concern. It is worrisome and most unexpected that our people are not enjoying the services they paid for despite the so-called privatization of the distribution of electricity. It is equally unfortunate that an apartheid regime was introduced in the billing and supply of electricity, a situation in which some people can have electricity for longer hours than others, with annoying estimated billing. For how long will Nigerians continue to pay for a dysfunctional system. The only option is for Nigerians to cease to pay for darkness and decide that the payment of electricity would be subject to the availability of electricity,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Most State Govs have surrendered to Fate-Ex-Officio TUC

    • On 04/06/2021
    • In News

    GovThe inability of most State Governors in Nigeria to turn around the fortunes of their states has occasioned the involvement of the private sector.
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.                                         Transfer money with Wise
    ''Most State Governors in Nigeria have surrendered to fate as a result of their inability to turn around the fortunes of their states. They are now running from pillar to post, suggesting that they have turned governance into a private business. Since this is the case, they should hand it over to the private sector to govern their states. It is not possible for the State Governors to climb on the backs of the people to get to power and thereafter sell the people to the private sector'', Comrade Emelieze noted.

  • The need for Accountability

    Govt 6The discussion on the lip of every Nigerian, presently, is the embarrassing absence of the visible impact of the government at all levels on their lives.
    It is not, definitely, the vision of the elected and appointed, to provide basic amenities-water, electricity, and health facilities-rather the preference is for white elephant projects.
    The monetary value of projects embarked on, is on the high side, while such projects have in no way empowered the youths.
    In the place of future leaders, Nigeria is presently grooming future criminals.
    The only way that governance can be felt by the people, is for Those-in-Charge to initiate and execute projects that meet their needs and aspirations.
    The resources of the states are been managed by manpower, who lack commitment, determination, and prudence, while too much focus is on the borrowing and servicing of bank loans revolving around an inefficient and ineffective cash flow management system.
    Modalities for the award of contracts in most states are devoid of transparency, accountability, and due process, even as consultants have finally become an integral part of governance in several states.

    Govt 2
    Since the criminal elements among the commercial motorcyclists(Okada riders) are crucial to the success of Those-in-Charge in the affected states and are significant factors in their investment, banning them is not on the cards.
    Interestingly, the pace of governance is very slow, corruption has hit the rooftops and poverty has taken root in all the nooks and crannies of Nigeria.
    Perhaps, the only way forward is to ensure that individuals who occupy executive positions are made to be more accountable.

  • Information Leakage : Govt Official Arrested in Sudan

    • On 27/05/2021
    • In News

    Govt 4The Director of Information, Khartoum State, Sudan, El Tayeb Saad Eddin, has been arrested for leaking classified information to unauthorized persons who took an active part in the immediate past administration of Al Bashir.

    According to the Sudan News Agency (SUNA), Saad Eddin's arrest was ordered by the Committee for Dismantling the System of 30 June 1989 and Restoration of Public Funds.

    The News Agency also stated that investigations and charges are being drawn up in line with the Dismantling Act and the Public Service Act.

    The allegation against the Director revolves around the fact that he has ''continued to communicate actively with elements in the dissolved National Congress Party”.




  • PMS- FGs Assurance A Warning Signal to Nigerians-Ex-Officio TUC

    • On 24/05/2021
    • In News

    Govt 1The assurance by the Federal Government that the price of the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS) shall not be increased in the month of June has been described as a warning signal to Nigerians to brace up for terrible times.
    This assertion was made on Monday by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC)Comrade Andrew Eemelieze in a chat with Poverty Line.
    ''I think Nigerians should start preparing for the worst in July because we have been told that the pump price of the PMS shall not remain the same after June. Nigerians have been deceived. The assurance of the Federal Government should be seen as a warning signal to Nigerians to prepare for the worst after June'', Comrade Emelize concluded.





  • All must Join Hands to Produce Future Leaders-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 18/05/2021
    • In News

    Respect 1All stakeholders  must play positive roles for the society to produce the desired future leaders.

    This assertion was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in a statement titled ''Walk The Talk''.

    ''Good parenting must be worked on to produce real future leaders for the society. The traditional rulers must resuscitate our culture of self-esteem and integrity. Religious leaders need to live exemplary lifestyles and teach the scripture on peace, justice, equity, security, sustainable development, and peaceful co-existence. Academic institutions and professional bodies must be engaged in research for the restoration of lost values while the Government and the rich must institutionalize the concept of philanthropy and inclusive society for a better social order of peace, security, and wellness of the people and tranquility



  • Antecedents: Use and Dump

    In a sizable number of states in Nigeria, individuals who presently occupy the Government houses are, perhaps, apostles of the Use and Dump Philosophy.

    For the period these individuals have been there, the people are yet to identify the fresh ideas to take the affected states to the next level of development, rather schemings, intrigues, and maneuvres for self perpetuity is the direction.

    In these states, it is not about the people not wanting good leaders, but it is all about the imposition of mediocrity.

    Sadly, the people never conducted background checks on the antecedents of Those-in-Charge in the states to verify their capacity and capability.


    The overbearing influence of the helmsmen in the states is given prominence by the docility and silence of political appointees on the government's unpopular policies and actions.

    Indeed, most of the appointees in the cabinets of the affected states are disturbed, but their facial expressions mislead the public to believe the contrary.

    Strangely, crime and criminality are now the norms in the affected states, with the helmsmen making feeble efforts to include dialogue as one of the options to put an end to the wasting of human lives and the destruction of properties.

  • NNPC : Investigate Corporation's Claim-Ex-Officio

    • On 07/05/2021
    • In News

    Corr 1The Federal Government has been called upon to carry out an investigation into the claims of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC)that its revenue goes into the subsidization of the cost of producing the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS).

    This call was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
    If such pontification is coming from the NNPC, perhaps, there is a need to investigate the age-long corruption in the Corporation. The vituperation of the NNPC is an indication that lawlessness has taken over the country. It also means that the NNPC is being run like a private business concern under the command of a dangerous cartel. Nigerians did not vote for the NNPC to direct the affairs of Nigeria, we expect such information to come from the executive,'' Comrade Emelieze concluded.