
  • Idolatry by Prof.Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4There are three types of perception by the divided opinions of mankind about creation and the source of their existence and sustenance. One school of thought believes in the evolutionary trend whereby matters only evolve perhaps from micro to macro size.

    Most of what the almighty God declares in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran in terms of good conduct are usually visibly displaced.

    The only thing left is to identify with the scripture that represents the voice of God. A belief, therefore, not in the existence of God as the source of all power could be described as idolatry.

    Another set of people that display traits of idol worship are the ones who adopt effigy as their God, some of the times they may regard this god as an interventionist between them and the almighty God.

    They would, therefore, resort to worshipping such effigies and mythically animate it as an object that answers their prayers.


    Whenever there is a problem in the land, they would believe in the atonement of preparing propitiation or using fellow human beings to appease such gods, they would believe he is angry because of some human shortcomings.

    Matthew 4: 10 int the Holy Bible states, ''10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.''

    The Holy Quran 16: 51-52, ''Allah said: Take not for worship two gods: for H is just One God. Then fear Me and Me alone. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth and to Him is the religion always: then will ye fear other,-then Allah ?''

    From the religious perspective, idolatry may reflect not only is lesser gods with God but may reflect when the believers depart from the holistic approach of worshipping God the almighty Allah.

    Such believers would not only be regarded as anti-scriptural but as hypocrites or apostates when they exhibit such characteristics as living by falsehood or telling lies, propaganda that may be attributed to deceiving people from the actual truth of nonperformance. Above all, occultic power is an aberration in every religion of God.

    It is pure idolatry, therefore, when believers take to magical practices, witchcraft, sorcery, as well as dining with groups of people who deal with the worship of idols and source power from the principalities of darkness.

    A situation in which the identity of a particular religious persuasion is taken to gain favor other things of interest when in actual fact the culprit's belief in doubt, may result in non-performance in public offices on assumption.

    Identity theft is not only a sin but also a crime.

    The Holy Quran 6: 108 refers, ''Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, revile Allah in their ignorance. Thus, we have made it alluring to each people its own doings. In the end, will they return to their Lord and He shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.''

    Letus remember that idolatry goes beyond erecting effigies and worshipping the same, it also involves human thoughts, words, acts, and deeds in whatever spiritual state of an individual.

    It is, therefore, imperative for every man to, without ceasing, ask God to reveal the truth of any matter to him for the needed conviction to be able to practice a belief in a sustainable realm.

                                                       Who owns the land?

                                                       Who owns heaven?

                                                       Who owns the stars?

                                                       Who owns the people?

                                                        Everybody wants to know

                                                       to be able to worship God

                                                       aright and to be able to do

                                                       things without adulteration

    Just as the almighty God is all-encompassing, with the creation of the heaven, earth, and all that are therein contained even though we are unable to see Him, He is all-seeing and all-hearing.

    Also, reflect and meditate on Psalm 53: 1, ''1(To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.''

       Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                      - Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality  

                      -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach  






  • Former Klamath Falls Police Officer Pleads Guilty for Stealing Methamphetamine and Fentanyl from Evidence Room

    MEDFORD, Ore.—A former Klamath Falls police officer pleaded guilty today in federal court after stealing methamphetamine and fentanyl from an evidence room.

    Thomas Dwayne Reif, 28, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.

    According to court documents, on or about November 27, 2020, Reif is alleged to have entered the Klamath Falls Police Department’s temporary evidence room using an unauthorized key and removed an evidence item containing methamphetamine and fentanyl. Reif briefly left the evidence room before returning the evidence item to the evidence locker and leaving the facility.

    Shortly thereafter, Reif overdosed while operating his police car. The car jumped a median, travelled into oncoming traffic, and caused a multiple-vehicle accident. Reif was rushed to the hospital and successfully revived by medical personnel. Toxicology reports showed that Reif was under the influence of substances including methamphetamine and fentanyl.

    Investigators searched the personal locker assigned to Reif at the Klamath Falls Police Department. Inside the locker, investigators found that Reif had concealed an evidence bag containing methamphetamine.

    On May 20, 2021, a federal grand jury in Medford returned a two-count indictment charging Reif with possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.

    Reif faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison, a $250,000 fine and one year of supervised release. He will be sentenced on November 23, 2021 before U.S. District Court Judge Michael J. McShane.

    Acting U.S. Attorney Scott Erik Asphaug of the District of Oregon made the announcement.

    This case was investigated by the FBI with assistance from Oregon State Police. It is being prosecuted by John C. Brassell, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon. Klamath Falls Police Department cooperated and provided assistance throughout the investigation.


    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                     -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

  • Goal by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 3Goal is a celebrity word that every creature and system must appreciate for the dynamic of their existence.

    In this process value worth comes into being to be able to keep up with the expected standard and quality. This is why improvement is a requisite for every existing value.
    When the expected is achieved the system is progressive and if it is the contrary the system is retrogressive.
    Every curriculum, therefore, sets the goal which the teaching/learning cycle must revolve around.
    The technology revolves around set goals. Research has advanced into various successive improvement methods of collecting data has ensured improved value for goal getting.
    In the religious sphere,  the goal is to build faith for adherents to attain a near-perfect God/man relation while the scripture remains constant in values and goals.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    Goal 1
    Every man, therefore, must strive to identify his goal in life through the readiness to meet up with the goals of integrity as s his or her culture, professional ethics in his or her place of work, Town and Gown pledge is his educational pursuit, God and Godliness spiritual value worth in his religious exercise. In politics, those in positions of authority must vigorously work to better the lives of the people by exhibiting exemplary leadership values of classical and astute management and good governance without blemish.
    In order to avoid failure in life an individual must be humble enough to be rightly guided by mature mentors who believe in the fact that one is not successful until one grooms an outstanding successor who would be able to build upon the set standard.
    The goal is, therefore, a universal concept that applies to values such as growth, child-rearing, courtship, marriage, education, justice dispensation, governing through equity, product development, setting up of institutions, etc.
    When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Develop a positive mindset to achieve your goal as you go about your daily activities.

    Also read-Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality




  • Ezendigbo Title: Allow Igbos to Choose their Leader wherever they reside-Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    • On 19/08/2021
    • In News

    Eze 8A group, Concerned Igbos Forum, recently called on the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Saliu Adetunji, to follow the steps of the Deji of Akure, Deji of Akure, Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi, who abolished the title of Ezendigbo in his domain. However, in this interview with Poverty Line, the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie counsels that Igbos should be allowed to choose their leader anywhere they reside. Excerpts :

    What is your reaction to the call by a group to the Olubadan of Ibadanland to abolish the title of Ezendigbo?
    My brief reaction to that is that the group mentioned is unknown to Igbos in Ibadan and Oyo state. And we are sure that they were sponsored by those who lost out in the court.
    Thirdly, our Kabiyesi, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Saliu Adetunji, is a king whom God has bestowed with wisdom as God bestowed on King Solomon in the Bible. Let us all remember the story of the Bible about the two women who went to King Solomon for the resolution of their problem. The woman with the dead child requested the King to cut both the dead and living child into two equal parts. And God gave King Solomon the wisdom to handle the matter justifiably.
    So, the people behind the call to the Olubadan and their sponsors are assured that the Kabiyesi, Olubadan is very much wiser than them all, and they should be ignored completely. As law-abiding citizens, we have always preferred to patiently abide by the rule of law, hence we have used the court and the court has given several judgments in favor of myself and my people.

    Leader 1
    And very interestingly, Kabiyesi, the Olubadan is a very law-abiding King who believes so much in truth and justice. Also, all the courts' judgments are in his possession. Kabiyesi so much believes in the rule of law. We want to appeal to all Yoruba leaders, Obas inclusive, to remember the very cordial relationship the Igbos and Yorubas have had for centuries. So let them guard against the antics of any group which desperately, out of selfish ambition, seek to cause confusion and misunderstanding between the Igbos and Yorubas. We so much appreciate the cordial relationship that exists between the Igbos and Yorubas and we pray fervently that it shall remain so forever. 
    Igbos should always be allowed to choose their leader wherever they reside.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

  • The Value of Education

    Free and compulsory education from the Primary and Secondary levels is a step in the right direction for those who know the value of education.
    The renovation of dilapidated structures in public schools, the building of new classrooms, the provision of functional toilet facilities, water, and fencing all contribute to ensuring that pupils and students have quality education. 
    Sadly, the stoppage of the payment of WAEC and NECO fees by some state governments, most especially in these times of insecurity and economic downturn, has denied indigent students the opportunity to be educated.

    Indeed, the educational system in Nigeria is in deep crises, while vital, literacy indicators point to a deplorable condition.
    Most of the schools, in the public and private sectors, have become breeding ground for criminals, trailed by an ever-increasing rate of school drop-outs.
    The quality of education has fallen significantly at all levels, just as cultism, gangsterism, ritual killings, and the use of hard drugs have taken over space.
    A number of teachers have contributed negatively to the sorry situation, even as the absence of adequate teaching aids and recreational facilities have worsened the troubled state of education in the country.
    Poor management, the multiplicity of agencies with duplicated functions, and inadequate coordination are stumbling blocks to available, relevant, accessible, and affordable education, to all irrespective of social and economic status.
    Considering the fact that illiterates constitute the majority of the population, immediate and long-term social and economic returns from education remain a mirage.
    The question Nigerians have continued to ask is-Do state actors know the value of education?

  • Managing Power- A Religious View by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4Every ruler has a ruler he reports to according to Ecclesiastes 5: 8-9,'' 8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

    9Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field.''

    Poor people could be likened to civil servants, if their salary scale is compared to that of the political office holders, most especially in some nations that are underdeveloped amid the abundance of natural and human resources.

    The ratio and the gap are too much between the civil servants and the political office holders creating a social class of dichotomy of kleptocracy for those who are opportune to control the resources of the land and the harsh effects of extreme poverty among the larger number of the population.Transfer Money with Wise

    This situation is usually characterized by institutional indiscipline, corruption, and the emerging state of insecurity.

    To correct the aberration, the relevance of the religious sector must not be undermined.

    This is to promote God and godliness in the lives of the people to be able to do things the right way without having an inordinate ambition to cheat on others.

    Power 2

    The Holy Quran 3: 23 refers, for the consciousness of all rulers and those who are aspiring to hold sensitive positions. ''O Allah! Lord of power and Rule, Thou givest power to who Thou pleasest and thou stripes of power from whom Thou pleasest, and Thou bringest low whom Thou pleasest: In Thine hand is all Good. Verily over all things Thou hast power.''

    The Holy Prophet Muhammad warned that all leaders are not only accountable to the people but their creator, the almighty Allah, so also in Proverbs 22: 22-23,'' 22Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate: 23For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.''

    The Holy Quran 6: 165 refers, '' It is He who hath made you the inheritors of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some others: That He may try you in the gifts (power) He hath given you: For thy Lord is quick in punishment; yet He is oft forgiven, most merciful.''

    Let us use power wisely and dispense power with caution bearing in mind that we shall all be accountable not only to the society we purport to be serving but without a doubt to our creator from whom we are all from and onto whom we shall all return.



  • There is Massive Poverty in Nigeria-Ex-Officio TUC

    • On 22/06/2021
    • In News

    Poverty 5




    Poverty 7


    The World Bank report that 7 million Nigerians are now under the poverty line has only confirmed that there is massive poverty in Nigeria.
    This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze in a chat with Poverty Line.Transfer Money with Wise
    ''The World Bank report that indicates that 7 million Nigerians have fallen below the poverty line in the last 2 years confirms the reality on the ground that there is poverty on a massive scale in Nigeria. The prices and goods and services have gone beyond the reach of poor Nigerians. The insecurity in the land has prompted several farmers to abandon their farmlands, the resultant effect is the high cost of foodstuff all over the country.








  • Criminality as a Way of Life

    Inj 2For over a long period of time the Landlords and Tenants Association, community leaders, criminally-minded residents, some unscrupulous officers, and rank and file of the Police have ensured that various categories of criminals in Molusi, Solanke, Oyegbami, Olorunsogo, Molete, Oshodi, Scout camp, Aluko, Felele straight and Rab, among several other communities in Oyo state perpetrate crime with impunity.
    Cultists, armed robbers, car snatchers, kidnappers, ritualists are just a few out of the long list of criminals, who have perhaps, been motivated by the comments of state actors during the end of SARS protests the previous year.Transfer Money with Wise
    How can accountable and responsible leadership appeal to worried residents to dialogue with criminals?
    The body language of state actors indicates that these criminals not only have their consent but also their blessings.
    Interestingly, these criminals continue to commit heinous and grievous crimes on a daily basis without hindrance.
    Notable among the criminals are one Samba, a barber at the Scout camp junction, linking Oshodi street and Aluko street, one samad, a generator repairer, Lekan and Segun Adewale of 8 Kehinde Aderibigbe Street, Olorunsogo, Molete, one Tobi Adesanya, a.k.a Ijoba, one Akin an electrician, who along with his gang operate from an abandoned building on the same street with the Redeemed Christian Church of God(RCCG)(    Potters house), Olorunsogo, Molete, the Okada riders operating at the Molusi street junction, Molete among others.