Coronavirus-Lock Down has its Disadvantages-Prof. Olagoke

IndexThe coronavirus has brought in its wake economic, social and religious problems. Reports of crime and criminality, domestic violence inclusive are everywhere in the media space. In this interview the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the restriction of movement by the Federal and State Governments shall result in the spread of other diseases, sexual abuses and other social and economic problems. Excerpts :

What do you think are the problems trailing the coronavirus pandemic in Nigeria ?

The records of the quality of governance has always been tales of woes of declining profile, whereby the quality of life is always on the depletion side. Even till date, Nigeria rely more on foreign aids for its its people to enjoy products of Science, and Technology, making us to believe not in ourselves as a nation and not in our people as instruments of development, that should be encouraged to compete with global best practices. This is a nation wherein employment is based on knowing the people who matter and where most graduates roam about to manage the irritating new national minimum wage. Poverty and hunger are already like plagues in the lives of millions of Nigerians., adding coronavirus to it, would surely make things worse for our social life. The Federal Government took actions when the virus had successfully entered the country and started its damage. Everybody is susceptible irrespective of social status. The Federal Government is expected to look into the areas of weaknesses emanating from lack of ethical ways of doing things to the various instance of under funding characterizing government culture of providing social amenities and infrastructure including Research Institutes which are solutions to alert the nation of the need to take first aid cover up, in order that the spread of the deadly virus is appropriately controlled.

However, wealthy Nigerians must realize that this is not the period to keep their wealth on selfish grounds, but to spend it now in the cause of preventing the spread of COVID 19 and curing the victims now.

Beside this, confining people to their homes and curtailing their movements through curfew as well as preventing interstate entries for a number of days may provide the needed magic.

But we must realize that there would be unnecessarily rowdy effects in the home front, which could result in various other diseases among the people, while at the same time promoting the spread of COVID 19. If there is no way to monitor them on compliance with the rules of hygiene. Idleness on the other hand may breed socio-psychological problems which must be effectively controlled. For example surveillance must be on to prevent pedophilia, sex abuses, incest, isolation that may even breed depression and consequent suicidal attempts must be looked out for. Effective control of these equally depends on the provision of social welfare and financial packages to remove the probable state of hopelessness which may be brought forth through debts by individual. For the purpose of survival, Government’s directive for Houses of God to close up, is in the right direction to prevent the spread of the pandemic. However, at home the culture of doing things aright must be learnt and we must realize that without good attitudinal change no prayer of any adherent can be answered as referenced in Koran 13 : 14 and the Bible James 5 : 16, while at home adherents must turn towards God to help reduce the eight months scourge of COVID 19 as spiritually revealed to the barest minimum for the wholesome cleansing of the lad to be realized and for the right vaccines to cure the victims to be discovered on time.



Nigeria Governance Prof. Sabitu Olagoke coronavirus

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