30, 000 Naira is not a Living Wage-SWL Chairperson

The 30, 000 Naira new national minimum wage is not a living wage for workers in Nigeria.

This assertion was made recently by the Chair person of the Socialist Workers and Youth League(SWL), Comrade Kemi Afolayan at a symposium titled ‘’LIVING WAGE-MATTERS ARISING’’, organized by the SWL in Ibadan, Nigeria.

‘’There is a clear difference between the new national minimum wage and a living wage. If you look at it critically workers are worse off. 90 per cent of Nigerians are living below the poverty level. After retirement, workers go into depression. A living wage is achievable, but government cannot give workers a living wage on a platter of gold.’’, Comrade Afolayan noted.

In his remarks, Comrade Olaoye Sanda lamented the insincerity of labor leaders in Nigeria, saying, ‘’we have labor leaders who are colluding with Government’’.

For Comrade Andrew Emelieze, the new national minimum wage of 30,000 N aria is unacceptable.

‘’30, 000 Naira is a slave wage. It has brought pains and misery to workers in Nigeria. There should be an immediate review of the national minimum wage. 30,000 Naira is laughable and embarrassing’’, Comrade Emelieze stated.


Nigeria Governance All Workers Convergence Nigeria Labour Congress Trade Union Congress

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