
  • Ugandan Army Set to Take over Govt Funded Projects

    CorruptionThe Ministries of Health and Education in Uganda are set to hand over all government-funded projects to the Ramy's Engineering unit for implementation.
    Before this time,  President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni had directed that the construction projects in the two ministries be undertaken by the National Enterprise Commission, NEC, and implemented by the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) Engineering Brigade.

    Consequent to the President's directive, the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development has now directed the two ministries to implement the directive, which has since been amended in response to concerns from donors and experts over its likely effects.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Communities Urged to Join the Fight against HIV/AIDS

    Communities have been called upon to take active part in the fith against the  Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV).

    This call was made  in a Press Statement by  the The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima.

    “I believe in communities. Communities make change happen. Communities are the best hope for ending AIDS because communities have fought against HIV right from the beginning! As the epidemic raged through our countries, cities, villages, women held communities together and bore the higher burden of care for their families. For far too long we have taken their volunteerism for granted.''

    “Twenty-five years ago, a Burundi woman called Jeanne was the first person to disclose that she was living with HIV. Today, Jeanne is holding leaders accountable and fighting for the right to health care. Pioneers like Jeanne have been joined by younger leaders, like 20-year-old Yana, who was born with HIV in Ukraine. Yana founded Teenergizer, a group bringing together young people across Eastern Europe. In a world where power resides with old men, she wants her peers to have a voice and a choice,”  Byanyima stated.

  • Ugandan Feminine Activist jailed 18 months for criticizing Museveni

    AnyanziFrontline feminine activist and university lecturer, Stella Nyanzi has bagged an 18 month jail term for criticising Uganda's President  Yoweri Museveni.

    Nyanzi had through a facebook post carpeted Museveni's 33 year rule.

    In her reaction Director for East Africa, Amnesty International, Joan Nyanyuki said that “Stella Nyanzi has been criminalised solely for her creative flair of using metaphors and what may be considered insulting language to criticise President Museveni’s leadership''.

    “The mere fact that forms of expression are considered insulting to a public figure is not sufficient ground to penalize anyone. Public officials, including those exercising the highest political authority, are legitimately subject to criticism and political opposition.”

    “This verdict is outrageous and flies in the face of Uganda’s obligations to uphold the right to freedom of expression for all people in Uganda and demonstrates the depths of the government’s intolerance of criticism,”

    “It must be quashed and Stella Nyanzi, who has already suffered enormously for expressing her opinions, left to get on with her life.


    “The Ugandan authorities must scrap the Computer Misuse Act 2011 which has been used systematically to harass, intimidate and stifle government critics like Stella Nyanzi.”

    Anyanzi was arrested and detained in prison on 2 November 2018, two weeks after she posted a birthday poem considered to be abusive against the President.

    The acitivist has already spent 9 months in prison.

  • Laboratory Services Are Crucial in Addressing Health Issues-Uganda Health Minister

    The Minister of  Health in Uganda, Dr. Ruth  Aceng has emphasized the importance of laboratories in addressing health issues.

    Dr. Aceng made this position known on Wednesday  during the dissemination of the Ministry's Laboratorya policy at its headquarters in Kampala.

    ''Laboratory services play a critical role in diseases prevention and effective survveillance laboratory systems help detect early, thereby  massive outbreaks and in the case of outbreaks , to facilitate effective management'', Dr. Aceng stated.

  • Activists Call on Uganda Lawmakers not to Criminalize Prostitution

      Lawmakers in Uganda have been called upon not to criminalize prostitution .

    This call was made by  Human and women rights activists  during an interaction with at the Uganda Museum in Kampala

    The Sexual Offences Bill of 2015  is presently before the Uganda Parliament  for debate and imminent passage. 
    The Sexual Offences Bill 2015, seeks to prohibit prostitution under clause 12 just like the Penal Code Act.
    "It is, therefore, safe to say that the continued criminalization of sex work is doing more harm than good. This provision should be repealed in its totality,
    sex workers deserve equal rights & treatment", "outlaw poverty not prostitution", "sex workers contribute to the country's economy just like any Uganda", "rights not rescue, my body, my business", the activists stated.
    The women rights activists noted  that criminalisation of sex work  would hinder sex workers from accessing the necessary HIV/Aids testing and treatment as they stay in hiding for fear of being arrested and that this has worsened the HIV scourge.

  • Union calls for Collaboration to Boost Coffee Production in Uganda

    The National Union of Coffee Agribusinesses and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE) has stated that Government and all stakeholders in the coffee industry in Uganda must collaborate to ensure sustainability in the industry.

    The NUCAFE made this statement through its Executive Director, Mr Joseph Nkandu at the  handover of equipment worth Shs5.7b donated by the Agribusiness Initiative Trust (aBi) and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation in Namanve, Mukono District.
    "We must work together and seek interventions where possible to create business [coffee production] continuity. We must all seek ways through which we can help to grow the coffee sub-sector into a sustainable business," he told farmers who had turned up for a stakeholders training'', Mr. Nkandu said.

    Uganda's  National Coffee Policy, seeks to enhance coffee production, exporting at least 20 million bags by 2020 from the current 4.5 million bags.

    Coffee is one of the most important agricultural commodities and the major foreign exchange earner and accounts for an annual average of 20 per cent of Uganda's total export revenue.

  • Moral Decadence is the Cause of Sexual Violence-Uganda Education Minister

    The Minister of Education in Uganda, Ms Janet Museveni has attributed the increasing cases of sexual violnece in the country to moral decadence.

    Ms Museveni made this assertion on Tuesday when she appeared  before the country's Parliamentary committee investigating cases of sexual violence in schools and institutions of higher learning to explain policy undertakings and other measures undertaken to curb the vice.

    "Children face sexual harassment at home, in schools and along the roads and since such cases originate from the communities, the MPs are best champions for this fight,"

    "As society, we have such problems; it is larger than the ministry. We shall do what we can but we should all get involved.''

    "It is very difficult to go into names of people but there was a head teacher who was named and he was reported to police which took up the matter and as we waited for what would come out, we were told that there was no case against him,"

    "We find it very difficult to keep such a teacher even when we don't have evidence so what we can do is simply transfer him [but] at times we have nothing to do because where they are transferred there are also people and he will do the same thing,"Ms Museveni.