Activists Call on Uganda Lawmakers not to Criminalize Prostitution

  Lawmakers in Uganda have been called upon not to criminalize prostitution .

This call was made by  Human and women rights activists  during an interaction with at the Uganda Museum in Kampala

The Sexual Offences Bill of 2015  is presently before the Uganda Parliament  for debate and imminent passage. 
The Sexual Offences Bill 2015, seeks to prohibit prostitution under clause 12 just like the Penal Code Act.
"It is, therefore, safe to say that the continued criminalization of sex work is doing more harm than good. This provision should be repealed in its totality,
sex workers deserve equal rights & treatment", "outlaw poverty not prostitution", "sex workers contribute to the country's economy just like any Uganda", "rights not rescue, my body, my business", the activists stated.
The women rights activists noted  that criminalisation of sex work  would hinder sex workers from accessing the necessary HIV/Aids testing and treatment as they stay in hiding for fear of being arrested and that this has worsened the HIV scourge.

Uganda Women Prostitution Human Rights

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