
  • Tips with Mrs Hannah Adefunke Mujakperuo

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     Girls in Nigeria have numerous challenges to contend with.

     Poverty, peer pressure, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, negligence, rape, ignorance, lack of parental care. The list is endless.

    Even though leaders at all levels have made noticeable efforts to give girls a future, a lot still has to be done, in terms of guidance, legislation, interventions, funding and monitoring.

    For parents and guardians-''Ensure you groom your children and wards in the proper way, so that they will not soil your name.

    For society-''Do not cover up wrong deeds, rather expose the same for the uplifting of society

    For the Places of Worship-'' Preach and teach the girls all that will mold them to be God-fearing, responsible, reliable and dependable.

    Mrs Mujakperuo holds a master's degree in Security Studies and is also a doctoral student.

  • Girls ought to be Nurtured and Protected not Exploited-Mrs. Mujakepruo

    Dsc 4879As primary and secondary schools in Nigeria prepare to resume for the third term, the Chief Executive Officer of KEAABS Oil and Gas Limited, Port-Harcourt, Rivers state, Mrs. Hannah Adefunke Mujakperuo, a master’s degree holder and doctoral student, in this interview, advised the government at all levels to do all that is necessary for girls to accomplish.


    Schools are about to resume for the third term. What is your advice to the government?

     Girls do not deserve to be exploited, but rather protected and nurtured. 

    The social, economic and political situation in Nigeria has impacted negatively on girls.

    However, it is disturbing to note that parents and guardians are now openly supporting female children to embrace prostitution as a means to an end. This is dangerous for society.

    The government at all levels should do all that is possible to ensure that girls have unhindered access to quality education by making provision for the needed facilities, addressing the issue of shortage of teachers and renovating dilapidated infrastructure in schools.

    It is also very important that counselors are functional in the schools to guide girls on career choices. Girls have a role to play in the future of the nation. Everything must be done for the girls to acquire a quality education.