Posts by solomon2day

  • A Warning about False teachers by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4The whole world is in disarray mainly because it has been overwhelmed by false teachings, whereas only truth can avail a nation.

    The Almighty Allah even said in the Holy Quran 29: 44, ''Allah created heaven and the earth in truth: verily in that is a sign of those who believe.''

    Allusion from that proves that a house with foundations of falsehood through materials of inferior quality will never stand the test of time.

    Any idea, conceived, therefore, through falsehood, may not be able to stand the test of quality and standard certification. This extends to friendship, marriage, business, and the worship of God.

    By extension, appointment into positions of power and governance through faulty electoral processes will never be able to deliver the expected services.

    Religion ought to be the last resort for human healing and salvation, most especially in the area of correcting the aberration in the land. 


    However, the religious sector is now having several self-acclaimed clerics driving the vehicle of divinity through juju or the magical wand. This is why many nations are experiencing injustice, marginalization, insecurity, and poverty.

    The Holy Bible in 1 Timothy 4: 1-2 refers, ''Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

    2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;''

    One can now easily understand while several nations fail in management and administration through poor governance, despite the fact that in such nations they could lay claims to having Doctors of Law, religious leaders, and Professors in various fields of human endeavor and with a countless number of houses of God.

    Unfortunately, false teachers with false adherents will ever mislead the nation and plunge resources into waste because they follow false doctrines driven by satanic influences.

    False teachers abuse the sacredness of knowledge, purity of wisdom and prevent ultimately the intervention of the power of a discerning mind.

    A case study of Moses and Pharoah on false doctrines and genuine tenets refers to the Holy Quran 20: 69-70, ''Throw that which is in thy right hand. Quickly will it swallow up that which they have faked: what they have faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician succeeds not. So the magicians were thrown into prostration. They said we believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses.''

    The above analogy of a case study for a paradigm shift from religious adulteration into accepting the concept of puritanism to be holistic in worship as well as the role modeling of exemplary lifestyles devoid of fraud, corruption, murder, and other satanic symbols of destruction. This is a clear warning for false teachers to pray against deceptive teachings, not to throw the nations into a chaotic situation, and not to render the essence of being alive unrealistic and fatal.

    The Holy Quran 4: 50-52 refers, '' Behold! How they invent a lie against Allah! But that by itself is a manifest sin. Has thou not turn thy thought to those who are given a portion of the book? They believe in sorcery, Tagut, and say to the unbelievers that they are better guided in the right way than believers!''

     They are men whom Allah have cursed: and those whom Allah has cursed, thou wouldst find, have no one to help.''

    The expectation of God of mankind is that we should use religion to detoxify the bad blood and ferocity of character into that of a loving, harmless human being with beneficial peaceful co-existence.

    Stop false teaching and be decisive on the truth in teaching the scriptures to produce good citizens and good governance for the nation. Be just.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    - Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate



  • Nigerians should put their Hopes in God-Cleric

    Hope 3Nigerian have been called upon to put their hopes in God in these perilous times.
    This  call was made by a Christian Cleric, Pastor Opyemi Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.
    ''In these torubled times, Nigerians  should put their hopes and trust in God for divine intervetnion. The restorer of hope is God. When all is not going well palce your hopes on God,'' Pastor Ajayi counseled.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    - Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Hope

    Prof 3Hope is captured in the Scripture as a state that can only be realized through walking the talk of one's chosen faith, but only in an environment of love.
    It, therefore, has a close relationship with one's destiny as a goal of human struggle for survival which can only be realized in part because of the frictions of life against which the energy for the struggle vectorially moves through a relative velocity for one's destiny to be terminated into a destination.
    This is why some scholars see hope as a desire accompanied by an expectation of fulfillment. Hope can be viewed through the perspective of self as an individual and we as a community or nation.
    Hope realization, therefore, is best driven through a self resolution to meet up with all conditions for him or her to be able to blaze the trail.
    This equally subject to the favorable conditions of the 8 pointers of wellness.
    Troubled souls are usually faced with frustrations which if not well controlled may lead to a suicidal note for premature termination of hope, age, and the ultimate, a life of fulfillment. Emotional disturbance is another psychological factor that must be controlled otherwise building of hope would be dashed.
    Finances and physiological needs determine one's access to a better active life upon which hope can be realized when one falls short of this grace, the hope may not materialize in one's desired goal, cutting short one's destiny into a fatal destination.

    Hope 2
    Lazy people, therefore, will suffer from dashed hopes, most especially when such a person lacks goodwill and a positive disposition towards others.
    Hardworking people who follow due process in realizing their hopes and aspirations may take some much time to be appreciated in an environment where double-dealing and other forms of illegalities are the order of the day through devilish connections.
    The hopes of any nation and community, therefore, lie in the ability of their leaders to keep a nation or community without fraud in an environment of zero tolerance to corruption and institutional indiscipline. However, the virtues can only be realized when leaders are visionary with the determination to live by a sense of patriotism for a bequeathable legacy.
    It takes two to tango-the government and the people. If leaders are transparent and accountable, they would become dependable and people will overwhelmingly shower such leaders with their trust, sense of patriotism, and unimaginable sense of endurance.

    When there is an economic downward effect on such a nation, people will naturally persevere through the troubled times and keep their hopes alive that there would be a better tomorrow based on their leaders' efforts and assurances.
    Hope, therefore, is a natural in-built characteristic into every mortal which he or she experiences every day based on the events of the time, most especially in his or her growing period, trying period, and when under the fear of not missing the state of equilibrium in wealth and affluence.
    People should, therefore, not lose hope, but make self-adjustment towards having a good disposition, high spirit to supplement the missing pointers in the state of his or her wellness.

  • Last defendant convicted in nationwide synthetic narcotics distribution

                                                                              Press Release

    HOUSTON – A 47-year-old man will forfeit three real properties and pay a $5 million money judgement for running a multi-million dollar synthetic narcotics distribution network, announced Acting U.S. Attorney Jennifer B. Lowery.

    Daniel Bowles, Phoenix, Arizona, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute controlled substances and analogues. He admitted to overseeing call-takers and the operation’s business finances as well as using multiple business entities to conceal the significant amount of its illegal proceeds.

    In 2015, authorities began investigating a smoke shop in Laredo. During that time, they discovered a nationwide mail order business that supplied the shop with illegal synthetic cannabinoid products. Call-takers in several states took orders for the products with names such as “Brain Freeze” and “Death Grip” which was delivered to shop owners from California. Payment was set to Arizona, often into accounts Bowles controlled.

    During the investigation, authorities tracked payments from multiple retail smoke shops throughout the United States and identified several bank accounts involved in the scheme. Financial records show that from February 2012 through 2019, the network received over $15.4 million in illicit proceeds.

    As part of his plea agreement, Bowles also agreed to a money judgment in the amount of $5 million and the forfeiture of three real properties.

    U.S. District Judge George Hanks Jr. accepted the plea and set sentencing for Nov. 16. At that time, Bowles faces up to 20 years in prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine. He was permitted to remain on bond pending that hearing. 

    Six others have also pleaded guilty to their involvement in the organization. Ratchanee McAuley, 50, also of Phoenix; Thirawat Athikulrat, 42, and Chuanphit Srithongrung, 44, both of Downey, California; Frank Gonzalez, 60, and Ernesto Salazar, 34, both of Mesa, Arizona; and Don Jessop, 52, Salt lake City, Utah.

    McAuley, Athikulrat and Srithongrung each admitted to maintaining warehouses to manufacture the synthetic cannabinoid products. As part of their pleas, Gonzalez and Jessop acknowledged being call-takers, while Salazar admitted to assisting with manufacturing the products and travelling across the county to pick up the proceeds.  

    Synthetic cannabinoids are chemical compounds that mimic the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. These chemical compounds can be applied to carrier mediums such as plant material and ingested using rolling papers, pipes, vaporizers or otherwise taken orally. Synthetic cannabinoids are usually sold in small, foil or plastic bags containing dried leaves (resembling potpourri) and are marketed as incense that can be smoked. It is commonly sold and known on the street as synthetic marijuana, fake weed, legal and by its popular brand names such as Spice, K2, Kush, Klimaxx and many others.

    The Drug Enforcement Administration; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and FBI conducted the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) investigation dubbed Operation Brain Freeze with the assistance of Texas Department of Public Safety and sheriff’s offices in Zapata County and Maricopa County, Arizona. OCDETF identifies, disrupts and dismantles the highest-level drug traffickers, money launderers, gangs and transnational criminal organizations that threaten the United States by using a prosecutor-led, intelligence-driven, multi-agency approach that leverages the strengths of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies against criminal networks. 

    Assistant U.S. Attorneys Graciela Lindberg and Lance Watt are prosecuting the case.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                     -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Utah Real Estate Developer Pleads Guilty to Wire Fraud and Tax Fraud involving Daufuskie Island Resort

    Charleston, South Carolina --- Acting United States Attorney Rhett DeHart announced today that James Thomas Bramlette, 42, of Salt Lake City, Utah, pled guilty to Wire Fraud and Tax Fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343 and 26 U.S. § 7202, before United States District Judge Richard M. Gergel.  Bramlette will be sentenced at a later date.

    The following evidence was presented at the guilty plea:  this investigation involved Melrose Resort on Daufuskie Island, S.C.  Bramlette was a real estate developer in Salt Lake City, Utah.  In 2011, he borrowed $17.5 million from a Dutch investor to purchase the resort out of bankruptcy.  This loan was a short-term bridge loan with high-interest rates.  Bramlette did not put any of his own money into the purchase.  Bramlette thought he could resale the resort soon after the sale, but his attempts to refinance or sell the resort failed repeatedly throughout the case. 

    In addition to the Dutch loan, Bramlette and a co-defendant raised more than $10 million from individual investors by issuing promissory notes with high-interest rates.  The promissory notes were not secured by the resort.  Most of the investors resided in the West.

    The investment in the resort was difficult from the start.  Bramlette could not make the mortgage payments to the Dutch lender, which led to a $27 million foreclosure judgment in 2014.  Bramlette lost further control of the resort in October 2014 when he pledged ownership of the property to secure a separate $700,000 loan, which he later defaulted on.

    Bramlette and his co-defendant struggled every month to raise money from new investors to pay the Dutch lender not to foreclose, to pay previous investors, and to pay employees, utilities, and taxes at the resort.  From 2013 through 2017, Bramlette repeatedly told investors that the resort was on the cusp of being refinanced by a private equity firm.  While several firms considered investing in the resort, none of these deals came to fruition.

    After he lost control of Melrose Resort in late 2014, Bramlette was allowed to remain as manager of the resort due to his operational knowledge of the property.  Part of his duties as manager included paying the property taxes for Melrose Resort. 

    Concerning the wire fraud charge, in September 2016, Melrose Resort owed $502,759 in past due to property taxes to the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office.  As a result of this tax delinquency, the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office notified Bramlette that Melrose Resort would be auctioned at a tax sale if the property taxes were not paid. 

    On September 20, 2016, an employee of Bramlette emailed this notice and stated that “we have a week from this Friday, September 30th, 2016 to pay these taxes, which total $502,759.40 or the properties go up for sale on Monday, October 3, 2016.”

    It was part of the scheme to defraud that, in order to prevent the resort from being sold at this tax sale, Bramlette created a fake wire receipt that falsely represented that Melrose Resort had wired $502,759 to the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office to pay the property taxes.  In reality, Melrose Resort had only $121.07 in its bank account at this time, and these funds were not wired as Bramlette represented.

    It was further part of the scheme that Bramlette emailed the fraudulent wire receipt to one of his employees, and he caused this employee to send the fraudulent wire receipt to the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office, in order to have Melrose Resort removed from the tax sale.  After receiving the fraudulent wire receipt, the Beaufort County Treasurer’s Office removed Melrose Resort from the tax sale. 

    As to the tax fraud charge, Bramlette was required to collect and pay over federal payroll taxes from the wages of all employees at Melrose Resort.  Bramlette collected payroll taxes from the Melrose employees, but he failed to turn over these taxes to the IRS.  In total, Bramlette collected but failed to turn over to the IRS approximately $1 million in payroll taxes.

    In addition to the fraud above, Bramlette used at least $1.8 million from investors for personal use, which was not disclosed to investors.  Bramlette lived a lavish lifestyle, and he spent money on himself even when he failed to pay employees, vendors, and subcontractors.  The accountant at his company urged Bramlette to draw a salary and not use investor money for personal use.  Bramlette ignored this advice and failed to report this income to the IRS or even file income tax returns.

    This case was prosecuted by Acting United States Attorney Rhett DeHart.  It was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Securities and Exchange Commission in Los Angeles.

    Source: FBI

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                     -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                     -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach      

  • Idolatry by Prof.Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4There are three types of perception by the divided opinions of mankind about creation and the source of their existence and sustenance. One school of thought believes in the evolutionary trend whereby matters only evolve perhaps from micro to macro size.

    Most of what the almighty God declares in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran in terms of good conduct are usually visibly displaced.

    The only thing left is to identify with the scripture that represents the voice of God. A belief, therefore, not in the existence of God as the source of all power could be described as idolatry.

    Another set of people that display traits of idol worship are the ones who adopt effigy as their God, some of the times they may regard this god as an interventionist between them and the almighty God.

    They would, therefore, resort to worshipping such effigies and mythically animate it as an object that answers their prayers.


    Whenever there is a problem in the land, they would believe in the atonement of preparing propitiation or using fellow human beings to appease such gods, they would believe he is angry because of some human shortcomings.

    Matthew 4: 10 int the Holy Bible states, ''10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.''

    The Holy Quran 16: 51-52, ''Allah said: Take not for worship two gods: for H is just One God. Then fear Me and Me alone. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth and to Him is the religion always: then will ye fear other,-then Allah ?''

    From the religious perspective, idolatry may reflect not only is lesser gods with God but may reflect when the believers depart from the holistic approach of worshipping God the almighty Allah.

    Such believers would not only be regarded as anti-scriptural but as hypocrites or apostates when they exhibit such characteristics as living by falsehood or telling lies, propaganda that may be attributed to deceiving people from the actual truth of nonperformance. Above all, occultic power is an aberration in every religion of God.

    It is pure idolatry, therefore, when believers take to magical practices, witchcraft, sorcery, as well as dining with groups of people who deal with the worship of idols and source power from the principalities of darkness.

    A situation in which the identity of a particular religious persuasion is taken to gain favor other things of interest when in actual fact the culprit's belief in doubt, may result in non-performance in public offices on assumption.

    Identity theft is not only a sin but also a crime.

    The Holy Quran 6: 108 refers, ''Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, revile Allah in their ignorance. Thus, we have made it alluring to each people its own doings. In the end, will they return to their Lord and He shall then tell them the truth of all that they did.''

    Letus remember that idolatry goes beyond erecting effigies and worshipping the same, it also involves human thoughts, words, acts, and deeds in whatever spiritual state of an individual.

    It is, therefore, imperative for every man to, without ceasing, ask God to reveal the truth of any matter to him for the needed conviction to be able to practice a belief in a sustainable realm.

                                                       Who owns the land?

                                                       Who owns heaven?

                                                       Who owns the stars?

                                                       Who owns the people?

                                                        Everybody wants to know

                                                       to be able to worship God

                                                       aright and to be able to do

                                                       things without adulteration

    Just as the almighty God is all-encompassing, with the creation of the heaven, earth, and all that are therein contained even though we are unable to see Him, He is all-seeing and all-hearing.

    Also, reflect and meditate on Psalm 53: 1, ''1(To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.''

       Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                      - Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality  

                      -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach  






  • Former Klamath Falls Police Officer Pleads Guilty for Stealing Methamphetamine and Fentanyl from Evidence Room

    MEDFORD, Ore.—A former Klamath Falls police officer pleaded guilty today in federal court after stealing methamphetamine and fentanyl from an evidence room.

    Thomas Dwayne Reif, 28, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.

    According to court documents, on or about November 27, 2020, Reif is alleged to have entered the Klamath Falls Police Department’s temporary evidence room using an unauthorized key and removed an evidence item containing methamphetamine and fentanyl. Reif briefly left the evidence room before returning the evidence item to the evidence locker and leaving the facility.

    Shortly thereafter, Reif overdosed while operating his police car. The car jumped a median, travelled into oncoming traffic, and caused a multiple-vehicle accident. Reif was rushed to the hospital and successfully revived by medical personnel. Toxicology reports showed that Reif was under the influence of substances including methamphetamine and fentanyl.

    Investigators searched the personal locker assigned to Reif at the Klamath Falls Police Department. Inside the locker, investigators found that Reif had concealed an evidence bag containing methamphetamine.

    On May 20, 2021, a federal grand jury in Medford returned a two-count indictment charging Reif with possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge.

    Reif faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison, a $250,000 fine and one year of supervised release. He will be sentenced on November 23, 2021 before U.S. District Court Judge Michael J. McShane.

    Acting U.S. Attorney Scott Erik Asphaug of the District of Oregon made the announcement.

    This case was investigated by the FBI with assistance from Oregon State Police. It is being prosecuted by John C. Brassell, Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon. Klamath Falls Police Department cooperated and provided assistance throughout the investigation.


    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                     -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

  • Goal by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 3Goal is a celebrity word that every creature and system must appreciate for the dynamic of their existence.

    In this process value worth comes into being to be able to keep up with the expected standard and quality. This is why improvement is a requisite for every existing value.
    When the expected is achieved the system is progressive and if it is the contrary the system is retrogressive.
    Every curriculum, therefore, sets the goal which the teaching/learning cycle must revolve around.
    The technology revolves around set goals. Research has advanced into various successive improvement methods of collecting data has ensured improved value for goal getting.
    In the religious sphere,  the goal is to build faith for adherents to attain a near-perfect God/man relation while the scripture remains constant in values and goals.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    Goal 1
    Every man, therefore, must strive to identify his goal in life through the readiness to meet up with the goals of integrity as s his or her culture, professional ethics in his or her place of work, Town and Gown pledge is his educational pursuit, God and Godliness spiritual value worth in his religious exercise. In politics, those in positions of authority must vigorously work to better the lives of the people by exhibiting exemplary leadership values of classical and astute management and good governance without blemish.
    In order to avoid failure in life an individual must be humble enough to be rightly guided by mature mentors who believe in the fact that one is not successful until one grooms an outstanding successor who would be able to build upon the set standard.
    The goal is, therefore, a universal concept that applies to values such as growth, child-rearing, courtship, marriage, education, justice dispensation, governing through equity, product development, setting up of institutions, etc.
    When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Develop a positive mindset to achieve your goal as you go about your daily activities.

    Also read-Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality




  • Ezendigbo Title: Allow Igbos to Choose their Leader wherever they reside-Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    Eze 8A group, Concerned Igbos Forum, recently called on the Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Saliu Adetunji, to follow the steps of the Deji of Akure, Deji of Akure, Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi, who abolished the title of Ezendigbo in his domain. However, in this interview with Poverty Line, the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie counsels that Igbos should be allowed to choose their leader anywhere they reside. Excerpts :

    What is your reaction to the call by a group to the Olubadan of Ibadanland to abolish the title of Ezendigbo?
    My brief reaction to that is that the group mentioned is unknown to Igbos in Ibadan and Oyo state. And we are sure that they were sponsored by those who lost out in the court.
    Thirdly, our Kabiyesi, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Saliu Adetunji, is a king whom God has bestowed with wisdom as God bestowed on King Solomon in the Bible. Let us all remember the story of the Bible about the two women who went to King Solomon for the resolution of their problem. The woman with the dead child requested the King to cut both the dead and living child into two equal parts. And God gave King Solomon the wisdom to handle the matter justifiably.
    So, the people behind the call to the Olubadan and their sponsors are assured that the Kabiyesi, Olubadan is very much wiser than them all, and they should be ignored completely. As law-abiding citizens, we have always preferred to patiently abide by the rule of law, hence we have used the court and the court has given several judgments in favor of myself and my people.

    Leader 1
    And very interestingly, Kabiyesi, the Olubadan is a very law-abiding King who believes so much in truth and justice. Also, all the courts' judgments are in his possession. Kabiyesi so much believes in the rule of law. We want to appeal to all Yoruba leaders, Obas inclusive, to remember the very cordial relationship the Igbos and Yorubas have had for centuries. So let them guard against the antics of any group which desperately, out of selfish ambition, seek to cause confusion and misunderstanding between the Igbos and Yorubas. We so much appreciate the cordial relationship that exists between the Igbos and Yorubas and we pray fervently that it shall remain so forever. 
    Igbos should always be allowed to choose their leader wherever they reside.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

  • Success by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 3Success is a measuring parameter to assess the impact of the expended energy against the backdrop of the expected outcome. Success as a tool could be likened to virtue which could be applied to sharpening any object into the desired form.

    Success is the ultimate level of achievement whereby destination would be equated with destiny in the lifetime of a man, most especially in the cause of his struggles to make it in life.
    In marketing, the packaging is an essential tool for the successful sale of goods and services.

    Hard work is a major requirement for success.
    At the homefront, success depends on how both parties are able to administer it. Success revolves around happiness and fertility. The success of a  marriage may be determined by so many factors such as infidelity and domestic violence. The efforts to sustain a marriage are, therefore, hinged on premarital counseling and the intervention of the  almighty God in the affairs of the couple.

    Success 1
    The culture of respect and avoidance of abuses or despicable attitude is sacrosanct to the success of the home. In the area of childrearing, parents must ensure that they bring up their children in ways that are morally and religiously acceptable. 
    In the work environment, success depends on productivity, dedication, and efficiency for the employer and the employee.
    Leadership and management would be regarded as successful, when the impact of governance and administration is felt, through a high index of the people's welfare ins reference to their basic needs, amenities, and functional infrastructure.

    The government would only be described as a success when all that makes life bearable for the people are provided.
    Above all, mentorship plays a pivotal role in the quest to attain success. It is only a good leader that would sustain and improve on his predecessor's performances.
    A favorable or desired outcome of any action or process attempted, is, therefore, a good measure of success if it is advantageous and  beneficial to others as well as making the people be prosperous.
    Success is usually arrogated to every human who is able to pursue a cause through a positive concept and mindset.

  • Greed by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke


    Prof 3Greed is an innate characteristic usually exhibited by people with excessive lust and a craze for materialism.
    Psychologically, it is viewed as hereditary. In this wise, if not curbed at the early stage of childhood, it could become a biological fluid for impunities.
    The affected individual grows up to become greedy by acquiring wealth beyond the fundamental needs of man to live in affluence or an ostentatious manner. This is known as Timocracy.
    This is a state wherein every available opportunity to serve becomes a golden opportunity to accumulate wealth illegally, without recourse to transparency and accountability.

    Greed 4
    The greedy individual eventually becomes selfish by violating the fundamental rights of others to access good life.
    Low Human Development Index in several nations is a fallout of the activities of such nations' greedy leaders.
    Such nations become overwhelmed by various forms of crimes such as pick-pocketing, terrorism, ritual killings, armed robbery, car snatching, kidnapping among others.
    The solution to this is Psychological  Counseling Therapy at the formal and informal educational levels.
    The cultural setting must not compromise the need for every person to uphold the principles of self-esteem and integrity.
    Our value system must not condone vices such as greed, covetousness, and avarice.
    Again, in a sizable number of nations, political office holders who attained positions of trust through the assumption that they are competent and fit to occupy such offices, have proved that the basis of their election and appointments revolved around false premises. Their acts of commission or omission plunged their countries into multifaced economic problems such as unemployment, hunger, and poverty.
    In the final analysis, when we live as solutions to other people's concerns, worries, or problems, we would not be lured into the temptation of greediness, selfishness, and the grasping desire to possess material things.
    Above all, firmness or deterrence is always an effective mitigating tool to reduce or curb vices such as greed or avarice.




  • Be Prayerful

    Pray 1

    Pray 2


    Prayer 3James 5: 14

    14 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.


  • Kenyan Bakers Reduce Price of Bread

    Bread 2
    Bakers in Kenya have embarked on a downward review of the price of bread.
    Their decision revolves around the decreasing demand for the commodity.
    The review would be the second this year.
    At the beginning of the year, a tonne of wheat rose up by 30 percent from Ksh25,300 to Ksh30,000. Also, the prices for both bakery and flour supplies experienced a surge. 
    This prompted the price of bread to go up for the first time in the last four years.

  • Govt not sincere on Insecurity-Sen. Ladoja

    Corrupt 1A former Oyo State Governor has called on the Federal Government to be responsive, responsible, and accountable to end the insecurity in the land.
    According to Sen. Rasidi Ladoja in interaction with Journalists led by the Chairman of the Oyo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists(NUJ), Comrade Ademola Babalola, '' It doesn't seem that the Federal Government is sincere in fighting insecurity, maybe now they are waking up. You told us that you are for everybody and no one, but now you are for some people. Most of the time the President waits too much before he talks to Nigerians maybe he should talk to us more to reassure Nigerians that he means well,'' Sen. Ladoja concluded.

  • Refrain from Sins-Prof. Olagoke to Nigerian Leaders and their Followers

    Trust 1The government at all levels has been called upon to refrain from sins to ensure the promotion of a sanitised and secured society.
    This call was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke contained in his Eid 'L Kabir message.
    ''As we celebrate Eid 'L Kabir, let the Government at all levels and its people refrain from sins but focus on the onerous task of restoring sanity, security, and sustainable development in Nigeria,'' Prof. Olagoke counseled.

  • The Value of Education

    Free and compulsory education from the Primary and Secondary levels is a step in the right direction for those who know the value of education.
    The renovation of dilapidated structures in public schools, the building of new classrooms, the provision of functional toilet facilities, water, and fencing all contribute to ensuring that pupils and students have quality education. 
    Sadly, the stoppage of the payment of WAEC and NECO fees by some state governments, most especially in these times of insecurity and economic downturn, has denied indigent students the opportunity to be educated.

    Indeed, the educational system in Nigeria is in deep crises, while vital, literacy indicators point to a deplorable condition.
    Most of the schools, in the public and private sectors, have become breeding ground for criminals, trailed by an ever-increasing rate of school drop-outs.
    The quality of education has fallen significantly at all levels, just as cultism, gangsterism, ritual killings, and the use of hard drugs have taken over space.
    A number of teachers have contributed negatively to the sorry situation, even as the absence of adequate teaching aids and recreational facilities have worsened the troubled state of education in the country.
    Poor management, the multiplicity of agencies with duplicated functions, and inadequate coordination are stumbling blocks to available, relevant, accessible, and affordable education, to all irrespective of social and economic status.
    Considering the fact that illiterates constitute the majority of the population, immediate and long-term social and economic returns from education remain a mirage.
    The question Nigerians have continued to ask is-Do state actors know the value of education?

  • COVID 19 Delta Variant-Govt not doing Enough-Ex-Officio TUC

    Govt 8The Government at all levels is not doing enough to preventing the third wave of the deadly coronavirus(Indian variant) from causing avoidable havoc.
    This assertion was made in a chat with Poverty Line on Monday by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the union, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
    ''Considering the devasting effects of the coronavirus, the Indian variant, the government at all levels in Nigeria has not been proactive by ensuring that enough is done to avoid a crisis situation of casualties. Similarly, Nigerians are also complacent by refusing to abide by the stipulated protocols, we must change this attitude and guard against the fatal health condition'', Comrade Emelieze warned.


  • Togo Increases Grains Output

    AgricThe grain output in Togo in 2020 was 1.26 million metric tons.
    According to the Central Bank of the West African States (BCEAO) the figure covers corn, millet, and sorghum.
    The corn output rose by 7% between 2018 and 2020 - from over 886,000 Mt to nearly 950,000 Mt (it passed 900,000 Mt in 2019). Corn, it should be noted, is the most consumed crop in Togo. 
    For millet and sorghum, which are mainly sown, harvested, and consumed in the northern part of the country, growth their combined output was less significant than corn but noticeable. From about 303,000 Mt in 2018, the figure increased by around 5% to 318,000 Mt in 2020 (and around 309,000 Mt in 2019). 

  • Stop your Evil Acts to Avoid the Wrath of God-Cleric to kidnappers and other criminals.


    Evil 1







    Kidnappers and other categories of criminals in Nigeria have been advised to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God.
    This advice of given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi.
    ''My advice to kidnappers, terrorists, and other categories of criminals is for them to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God. They should turn a new leaf, if not the wrath of God would eventually consume them. If history is anything to go by they are already treading the path of destruction.
    Also, the Government at all levels should make life more meaningful and bearable for Nigerians'', Pastor Ajayi concluded.

  • Religious Intervention to Resolve Crisis By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 4When one accepts a faith, it is for one to be submitted to the will of his or her creator for the purpose of destiny realization.

    This is because in every religion there is always a mechanism to regulate and control all affairs, most especially in the area of personal rule, social and spiritual control for all activities to be duly regulated in the line with the upheld scripture which must be the supreme consultation by which adherents are supposed to live their lives because all scriptures are considered to have a divine construct, religious curriculum, therefore, is expected to be more superior in value and potency, than the social construct we call the nation's constitution.

    Religion and those who symbolize its existence usually play the tertiary fiddle and are classified into the poor second to the fourth estate of the realm of the government-the Media, which is but equally abused into the poor state of a watchdog for the government to play around most of the time as a pun in the hands of the powerful.

    1Corithians 6: 5-10 alludes to the above observations. ''I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?

    6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.

    7Now, therefore there is utterly a fault among you because ye go to law one with another. Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?

    8Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren.

    9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be Not Deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.''

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    This is why in clear terms the Almighty Allah admonished the Muslims not only to be true believers but to truly resolve conflicts through the process of Mediation, Conciliation, and Arbitration and at the utmost level to use the Scripture to adjudicate on any ensuing matters. The Holy Quran refers, ''To thee, we send the Scripture in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: So judge between them by what Allah hath revealed(the Jews through the old Testament, the Christians through the New Testament and the Muslims through the Holy Quran to avoid sentiments or bias for a religion other than that of our faith, with a clear purpose to respect individual fundamental human rights), and follow not their vain desires diverging from the Truth that hath come today to each among you have we prescribed the law and an open way. If Allah has so willed, He would have made you a single person, but His plan is to test you in what He hath given you: So strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah. It is He that will show you the Truth of the matters in which He disputes.''

    For the above reasons, let us all put on the armor of prayer and the virtue of patience, perseverance, and tolerance in our homes, large compounds, communities, and the society as adherents of our faiths that have learned sufficiently enough in the houses of God to the benefit of self and the society through settling conflicts without external intervention.

    The best option to keep up with amity in the home and peaceful co-existence in the society is to live by the Scripture for the benefit of others. Do not allow sins to develop into crimes. They are preventable