
  • Before it is too late

    Images 12The use of alcohol, illicit substances and hard drugs by students and youths has reached an all-time high in different parts of Nigeria. 

    It has in fact become a social problem and menace.

    Indeed, in states where Those-in-Charge generate revenue from illegal structures, illicit substances and alcohol are sold in makeshift kiosks along the road, under bridges and motor parks.

    The insinuation is that the cream in society may be benefiting from the sales.

    That is why it goes unabated.

    These hard drugs have negatively affected the behavior and appearance of students and youths.

    Of worry are the grievous and heinous crimes that are committed on a daily basis under the influence of alcohol and hard drugs.

    It is high time the government at all levels take decisive steps to salvage those affected before it is too late because it has started having adverse effects on the socio-economic fortunes of the giant of Africa.


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  • Mind your Utterances-Onyendu to Igbo Splinter group in Oyo

    • On 31/07/2024
    • In News

    Untitled 8The Onyendu Ndigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state High Chief Alloy Obi has cautioned a splinter Igbo group led by one Chief Emmanuel Nezakor to desist from making inflammatory statements that could breach the peace among Igbos in Oyo state.

    Chief Obi gave this warning on Wednesday in a chat with The New Federation.

    ''They are free to express their opinions, but they should mind their utterances. If they are dissatisfied by the judgment of the Appeal court, they know what to do, they should consult with their lawyer. They should not attempt to breach the prevailing peace in the Igbo community in Oyo state. I am not forcing them to support me. I have tried my best as a man. They should not provoke us. How can Chief Emmanuel Nzeakor say he is representing their legal team? When he is not a lawyer, in fact, it is a shame for they claim that they were not aware of the judgment date. It is in their best interest to stop making noise. However, I am happy that in their press conference, they disclosed that I sent my people to them to embrace peace./ Once again, I am advising them to embrace peace, ''Chief Obi stated.



  • Hunger Protests-Watch out for Criminals-Onyendu to Security Agencies.

    • On 31/07/2024
    • In News

    Untitled 8The Onyendu Ndigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state High Chief Alloy Obi has warned against the hijack of the impending nationwide protests against hunger and bad governance by criminals.

    Chief Obi gave this warning on Wednesday in a chat with The New Federation.

    ''We are in a democracy, Nigerians are free to protest. However, the security agencies should not allow criminals to hijack protests against hunger, poverty and bad governance. It is high time government at all levels cut down th costs of governance. Millions of Nigerians are finding it difficult to feed themselves, even once a day. All those in public office should sit down and find solutions to the multiple problems confronting th country. When the center is weak and all regions manage their resources, then we will get it right,'' High Chief Obi stated.


  • Wishes and Expectations

    Govt 20The key elements of tyranny include, but are not limited to, insensitivity, brutality, random arrests, incarceration and unresolved cases of killings.

     Curiously, the prohibitive price of the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS) is already having multiple negative effects on the economy, even as Nigerians persist in their daily lamentations of the unbearable hardships that have been their lot in recent times.

    Indeed, governance on the platform of deformed democratic institutions attracts tyranny, which is not in tandem with the wishes and expectations of Nigerians.

    Interestingly, the people are yet to identify any conceivable reason for the policy direction of Those-in-Charge towards the worrisome and disturbing situation that called for urgent deliverance.

    The cost of living is on the rise on a daily basis and Those-in-Charge continue to appeal and cajole citizens to take their sufferings as sacrifices that must be made for the anti-people policies that are ravaging the land. 

    Self Preservation in the Midst of Evil 

    These are very dangerous times in so many states in Nigeria, which have, long before now, become the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. 

    Indeed, the overlords in the states have succeeded in remodeling their domains into havens of all that defies morality and decency. 

    Of worry is the increase in the cases of death revolving around drink and food poisoning, in addition to sexually transmitted diseases. All the afore mentioned are weapons of destruction by those obsessed with temporal power. 

    Curiously, the services of migrants from other states are engaged to carry out the unthinkable and unbelievable. The only option now open to Nigerians is to adopt measures that would ensure self-preservation in the midst of evil by Those-in-Charge.


  • Worship God with Hymns

    Untitled 7Worship God through hymns of praises.

    You express your faith in God and His son through hymns.

    By singing the hymns, you bring out the thanksgiving of your heart to God for His abundant blessings on you.

    Hymns are reflections of your redemption and victory through Christ.


    Take not to avoid :

    1)Using hymns to insult people. Singing to abuse and degrade others is common place in society, most especially when there is rancor or conflict.

    2)Using hymns to express non-existent feelings of the heart.

    3)Using hymns hypocritically.

    Hymns must reflect the sincerity of your heart as a Christian, to God. Through these hymns you can be blessed abundantly by God.

    Learn to use the hymns as a means of comfort and hope in times of despair and as an assurance of salvation in Christ.

    Always sing of love, peace, joy and hope, as you strive to avoid depriving yourself of what is beneficial to all.

    John 4 : 23-24

    23 : But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

    24 : God is a spirit and all who worship Him, must worship him in spirit and in truth.


  • The Housing Problem

    Download 12Download 1 6Nigerian workers are increasingly giving up hopes of owning their own homes, as issues of poor salaries, unfavorable working environment and conditions linger.

     Most workers have for long contended with the exploitative tendencies of house owners, who increase rents randomly.

    This is in addition to the soaring cost of land and building materials.

    Indeed, the workers have taken their destinies into their own hands when it comes to the fundamental issue of housing.

     The beauty of working is to retire into one's own home, with the assistance of the government.

    The provision of housing loans to be paid back installmentally is desirable, but this is not the case. 

    Interestingly, the National Housing Fund(NHF) seems to be a method the government introduced to evade its responsibilities.

    The housing fund without doubt is an imposition by the Federal Government of Nigeria, in a bid to run away from its responsibilities to provide either affordable housing schemes for Nigerian workers or giving out housing loans to the workers. 

    The NHF is used to scooping cash from already impoverished workers because the deductions are mandatory and almost non-refundable until probably after retirement.

    The interest on the deductions collected from the workers is equally ridiculous. 

    More painful is the fact that the process of obtaining housing loans is very cumbersome and workers are usually frustrated, making them resign to fate and allow the deductions to continue  without attempting to take the loans.

     Workers feel cheated and, due to the fact that they have no options, and are not transparently represented by their industrial unions, have resigned to fate.

    Sadly, the NHF has never given an account of the contributions and balance of workers on a monthly basis for a long time.


  • Growing in the Word of God

    Download 2 7Let us grow in the grace and knowledge of the word of God.

    Titus 2: 11-14

    11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.

    12 Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world.

    13  Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

    14 Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.


  • The Precarious Situation

    Images 11Robertkiyosaki1Lawlessness is now the way of life in Nigeria, due to the lingering poverty and hunger in the land.

    A review of the economy and security architecture will unravel the untold story, only if a transparent probe is conducted in the days to come.
    A number of the crises in the last eight years have generated revenue for a few pockets, with millions of Nigerians always contending with the sufferings and hardships during such crises.
    Indeed, the interests of Nigerians have been undermined or destabilized based on ethnic, religious and gender considerations.
    Sadly, the political leaders in the states, have failed to convincingly ensure a conducive environment, but are in the nick of time, seeking direct investment.
    Investors can only develop confidence in the economy when there is regular electricity supply, free flow of potable water, good and motorable roads, security of lives and property, skilled and trained power and favorable incentives for startups.
