
  • 30, 000 Naira is not a Living Wage-SWL Chairperson

    • On 17/02/2020
    • In News

    The 30, 000 Naira new national minimum wage is not a living wage for workers in Nigeria.

    This assertion was made recently by the Chair person of the Socialist Workers and Youth League(SWL), Comrade Kemi Afolayan at a symposium titled ‘’LIVING WAGE-MATTERS ARISING’’, organized by the SWL in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ‘’There is a clear difference between the new national minimum wage and a living wage. If you look at it critically workers are worse off. 90 per cent of Nigerians are living below the poverty level. After retirement, workers go into depression. A living wage is achievable, but government cannot give workers a living wage on a platter of gold.’’, Comrade Afolayan noted.

    In his remarks, Comrade Olaoye Sanda lamented the insincerity of labor leaders in Nigeria, saying, ‘’we have labor leaders who are colluding with Government’’.

    For Comrade Andrew Emelieze, the new national minimum wage of 30,000 N aria is unacceptable.

    ‘’30, 000 Naira is a slave wage. It has brought pains and misery to workers in Nigeria. There should be an immediate review of the national minimum wage. 30,000 Naira is laughable and embarrassing’’, Comrade Emelieze stated.

  • Nigeria does not need more than Five Political Parties-Prof. Olagoke

    IndexThe Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC) has de-registered 74 out of the 92 political parties in Nigeria.

    The Inter party Advisory Council(IPAC) insists that the INEC’s action is at variance with the rule of law, while insisting that Nigerians have since lost confidence in the electoral body.

    However, a sizable number of Nigerians argue that INEC ought not to have registered such a high number of political parties in the first instance,just as they also opine that INEC is only playing out a script written by its paymaster.

    In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke insists that Nigeria only need five political parties to ensure national unity. Excerpts :

    Do you think INEC is right to have de-registered 74 out of the 92 political parties in Nigeria ?

    The decision of INEC that led to the de-registration of 74 out of the 92 political parties in the country is a scenario of relieving the electoral process of been too cumbersome. Ab initio, Nigerians are divided over the outrageous number of registered political parties which in the last general elections made the exercise to be worrisome, misleading and embarrassingly made the ballot paper unnecessarily colorful and artistically confusing. It made some voters to become mere robotic objects relying on the remote control of some vote merchants.

    A critical assessment of the 92 political parties raised some questions that probed into how some people got their certificates in school.

    When one compares the performances of such graduates in their places of work to their activities in the wider society, the credibility of the universities which awarded the certificates would be at stake.

    The INEC now has to prove its capability and credibility to de-register what it earlier approved because some schools of thought are of the opinion that the de-registered political parties are victims of circumstances because they have every right to exist even without impact of the society, provided they did not turn their parties into violent or terrorist groups.

    However, a critical look into the competence test for parties already registered was based on their performances in the 2019 general elections. On this account the affected parties failed to meet the requirements of the INEC.

    On a scale of fairness, Nigerians cannot confidently say that those who triumphed actually won the elections justly. The challenge before all of us is on how to tackle the issue of vote buying and the highest bidder syndrome, campaign expenses limit compliance and internal party Democracy to choose the right and popular candidate, rather than those who are imposed. This category are aided by crooked means to win elections.

    The de-registration of 74 political parties would have been a good riddance, if not for the fact that there are still pending applications of the registration of political parties with INEC.

    Nigerian politicians and the political parties have had a negative impact on the economic and security well being of the nation, when one considers our situation of death without war and destitution in the midst of plenty.

    This is so because the existing political parties were not established to salvage the cause of the country, but for the participants to have their own share of the national cake, with a very good opportunity to loot the treasury and earn special packages as salaries, bonuses and allowances.

    This is why the rat race by politicians to get into positions of power threw the Holy Bible into the ocean and the Holy Koran into the lagoon and in the process shunning all cultural values of integrity to toil with the lives of Nigerians who they are supposed to work for and to deplete the resources of the land at the expense of the people’s welfare and national development.

    Our political parties small or big, are bereft of ideological goals and one can hardly differentiate, in terms of values, one from the other.

    Politicians in Nigeria live three lives, when not yet in government they brand themselves as our messiah, when in government they resort to self-enrichment, build egos and castles around themselves to become untouchable, while presenting administration as one for the most difficult and complex Mathematics to solve through protocols and bureaucratic means, using the media to their advantage.

    When they are in opposition they play the holier than thou script and pretend as if they are ready to fight for the masses, the whole exercise is to pull down perceived enemies.

    In these three lifestyles none is exemplary and the truth about Nigerian politicians is that of unpatriotic elements, who only scavenge about to accumulate wealth.

    Nigeria would be better off, when our religious systems focus on the emancipation of humanity and our politicians, who claim to be products of this socio-divine substance would be able to uphold the concept of sacrifice in service, selfless service to others through the principles of philanthropy.

    When political parties are formed through algebraic equations of the democrat on the one hand and the conservative on the other, the ideological goal would be to evolve, while voters would be able to identify with the kind of lifestyles they desire for the nation in the next four years of the new political dispensation which may extend to another four years of grace willingly by the people who may want to appreciate beneficial good governance from party A or party B. Suffice it to now say that political parties performances and impact in the positive direction needs to dwell on respecting people’s fundamental human rights to all good things of life, including education, health, infrastructure and employment, in an atmosphere of the promotion of inclusive society.

    Good governance in which everybody benefits through a people oriented political party is far better than the proliferation of political parties in which many of them would become mere buffer solutions for the bigger ones to win elections.

    Nigeria does not need more than five political parties, each of these political parties must respect religious differences, ethnic and tribal spread in the country and in the general geographical contraption to promote the unity of the country.

    In terms of population strength and geographical spread therefore, a party of national status is needed with distinct ideological goal to market itself.

    The voters themselves would be able to identify lairs among them, this is because in a situation in which oppressors dominate a party, people must not expect development, zero tolerance to corruption, but institutional discipline that usually promote agitation, impoverishment and man made security challenges such as terrorism, kidnapping and banditry.

    The INEC should therefore make use of the National Orientation Agency(NOA) and the Media to sensitize Nigerians on the need for the five political parties that would be competitive enough to address the issues of fundamental human rights and inclusiveness, to be able to achieve in the area of good governance, while the INEC itself need to strategically put up an electoral process that would be free of abuse, but fair and just, in order that Nigeria is able to have in place a good government.

  • Nigerians want Good governance-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 03/02/2020
    • In News

    Good governance has been identified as the only means to meet the expectations of millions of Nigerians at all levels of government.

    This assertion was made recently, by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in his keynote address at the Annual Shafaudeen-in-Islam and Center for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance stakeholders conference in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ‘’Every Government including Nigeria must offer good governance that will satisfy the needs for the present population without compromising or endangering the possibilities of future generations to satisfy their needs’’.

    ‘’For ease of implementation, the youth must be carried along to be responsible to raise awareness, develop empathy and solidarity, embrace global best practices to be adapted for local needs, as well as motivating other youth to take action’’, Prof. Olagoke stated.


  • South West Governors Ought to take Road Rehabilitation and Electricity Supply as Priorities-Prof. Olagoke

    • On 27/01/2020
    • In News

    Only  focused  and incorruptible leadership shall emancipate the Yorubas from their current travails and  ensure good governance.

    This assertion was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafuadeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in a lecture titled ''Enhancing Economic Development in Yorubaland'', at the 20th year remembrance anniversary of the late Comrade Ola Oni in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''It will take a credible leadership and good governance to faciliate and activate opportunities on the ground for the Yorubas. Most of  our roads are in a state of disrepair. Governments at all levels should take it as a matter of priority to rehabilitiate and construct new roads especially those that link the farms/villages to the cities. Transportation of agricultural produce to the towns from the farms/villages will be easy if  our link roads are in good condition. This will in trun enhance economic development  in Yorubaland''.

    Most of our stadia are begging for repairs. Liberty stadium in Ibadan has become a shadow of itself among others. Power supply has also become an albatross to our economic devlopment in Yorubaland. Governments in all the states in the Sout West have a responsibility to find a lasting solution to the epileptic power supply from the Electricty Distribution Companies. In the absence of corruption, there will not be any need for 5-7 per cent tariff increase on electricity bill in the tax regime. Even borrowing may not be necessary to fund projects'', Prof.Olagoke stated.

  • Increase in Electricity Tariffs-People are Suffering Govt Should have a rethink-Pastor Ajayi

    • On 20/01/2020
    • In News

    The Federal Government has been advised to consider tha harsh economic climate in the country before facilitatin g the increase in electricity tariffs.

    This advice was given by Pastor Opeymei Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ''Government should consider the masses and have a rethink by not increasing tariffs on electricity. The economic crunch is biting very hard, people are finding it very very difficult to feed. Food items are now beyond the reach of millions of Nigerians. Government should have pity on the masses'', Pastor Ajayi advised.


  • Onitsha Traders Protest Demolition of Market by Anambra Govt.

    • On 10/01/2020
    • In News

    Oni 2




    Traders  in Onitsha have condemned the decision of the Anambra state Government to demolish their shops at  Modebe Shopping Plaza, Madueke street.

    The traders, in their hundreds  protested the demolition at the Government House, Awka.

    The shops of the traders were demolitioned by the state government while they were away for the Christmas and New year hoildays.

    The card carrying aggrieved traders, lamented that in the course of the demolition, goods worth millions of Naira were looted by the agents of the state government.

    The state government's  Task Force comprising a  joint security team of the  Police, Army, Civil Defence and Vigilante group had stormed the plaza around 4.00 am one morning during  the holidays with bulldozers and demolished  structures in the market.

    The traders appealed to Government to consider the harsh economic climate and the fact that most of them were petty traders  as good reasons for it to rescind its decision.


  • To Avoid A Stalemate in Nigeria’s Democracy in the Year 2020 By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    For every prophecy is limit of time (for its manifestation), and soon shall ye know it.(Q.6 vs 67). For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one little will by no means pass from the law(prophecy) till all is fulfilled(Mathew 5 vs 18).


    A. The Executive summary of incidence of probable events :

    • There shall be security challenges as usual.
    • Some projects shall receive favorable attention for completion.
    • The usual spate of decamping shall lead to some politicians falling by the way side.
    • Education shall remain relevant and receive some attention despite a lot of challenges against it.
    • There shall be need for conscious and tight security need for surveillance and vigilance.
    • Height of deceit and persecution in religious houses shall be reported.
    • There shall be a clog in the wheel of progress in sporting activities.
    • Pray against road accidents involving heavy duty vehicles.
    • Climate challenge shall make air travel a cautious one.
    • Pray against fire outbreak and unwarranted air attack.
    • Trials in the areas of secession bid shall be met with resistance into fruitless efforts in the Year 2020.


    January, 2020 :

    • This month shall record little impact of government’s efforts.
    • Wrangling in the political circle among the politicians shall be recorded.
    • Under funding effect shall make the education sector a distressed zone.
    • People shall be security conscious.
    • There shall be a need to rescue religion from its ridiculous comatose state.
    • There shall be conscious efforts to resolve issues in sports.
    • Pray and guide against fire outbreak.

    February 2020 :

    • Favorable month of discoveries and development in politics and education but there shall be the need for security beef up in this month.
    • Education shall be revisited for improvement by Government.
    • Pray and avoid stray bullets syndrome or sporadic shootings not to be victim of the circumstance.
    • This is a favorable month for religion to regain its prominence and relevance.
    • Pray against sports management in disarray for things to work.
    • Rehabilitation work om some roads shall be effected.
    • Pray against air mishap.
    • This is a favorable month to douse fire out break.

    March, 2020 :

    • This is a favorable month for effective planning on physiological needs through agriculture.
    • There shall be wranglings among politicians over the sharing of economic booties.
    • Education shall receive funding boost from Government.
    • Security alertness, consciousness and awareness shall be rife.
    • Religious objectives and focus shall slippery in practice.
    • Favorable month to resolve conflict and avoid stalemate in sports to have a breakthrough.
    • Work on roads may be retarded due to some challenges.

    April, 2020 :

    • This is a month for economic boost for Nigerians.
    • This is a favorable month for political activities and boost for Education and Security.
    • Unification and peaceful co-existence efforts for religions shall face purity issue challenge.
    • Some sports shall rise in performance while others shall drop into coma.
    • Favorable month for free accident wish.

    May, 2020 :

    • Favorable month to beam a searchlight on fraudsters and corrupt people-freshly fresh issue and old changes.
    • Political wranglings shall snowball into whirlwind of problems in some quarters.
    • Education shall receive attention to dividend level.
    • Favorable month of exposure and divine sanction of criminally minded purported people of God.
    • Records of sad news on sporting activities performances.
    • Pray against fire outbreak, threat of air mishap and traffic logjam.

    June, 2020 :

    • This is a favorable month for economic buoyancy but we need to guide against emerging sharp practices and corruption.
    • Pray against wastage and sharp practices in politics and governance.
    • Pray against reckless destruction of farmlands and property by hoodlums and sudden death of a religious icon.
    • Hope shall rise on sports for unrestricted activities.
    • Pray against fire outbreak in this month. Be safety conscious and guided.

    July, 2020 :

    • This is a month of peace but pray against jail break.
    • Favorable month for Education, Security and Sports rehabilitation programs but the month shall be harsh on religious sectors.
    • Favorable month for free or minimal accident.

    August, 2020 :

    • Government activities shall have hope of giving worthwhile dividend.
    • Pray against Government project collapse.
    • Education sector shall receive attention for improvement.
    • Pot holes in religious zones shall be visited to restore sanity on roads, water and air to be accident free shall be noticed.
    • This is a clearing period of debris of past fire out break.

    September, 2020 :

    • This is a favorable month for reconstruction exercises and a dousing period for political imbroglio.
    • Pray to avoid clashes among security agencies. Note, far reaching implications for this.
    • Waning glamour of religion shall be experienced.
    • Avoid shattered hope in sports.
    • Pray against occult plan for road accident and hgih rise building fire out break.

    October, 2020 :

    • Favorable month to harvest dividend of Democracy and realize economic buoyancy for the nation.
    • Pray against clashes between two political giants and their followers.
    • Pray against ploy in the education sector to avoid sabotage.
    • Pray against infighting in the house of Islam.
    • Favorable month for the houses of sports to be revisited for conflict resolution.
    • Conscious efforts shall be rife to make an accident free month.

    November, 2020 :

    • Favorable month for economic dividend of Government activities and Democracy.
    • Pray against fire outbreak and unwarranted discord in the political circle.
    • Favorable month for the improvement in education, security and sanity restoration into religion.
    • Avoid sabotage in sports and its administration.
    • Favorable month for reconstruction and rehabilitation work in the Houses of God.
    • Pray and avoid fear on the road in relation to kidnappers’ rampage and fire out break occasioned by heavy duty vehicles, oil tankers inclusive.

    December, 2020

    • Finishing touches to projects completion shall be rife.
    • Some political parties shall become mere remnants.
    • Leakages in the Education and Security sectors shall be acknowledged to be fraud free.
    • Fake security threats shall be recorded. Exposed fraudsters in religion shall face sanctions and embarrassment.
    • Pray against fatal road accidents.


    Re branding for proper socialization and correct cultural and ethical value orientation for promotion of integrity and discipline for all, must be in place, to allow divine intervention to revamp our economy, promote health and stable polity as well as principle of equity.

    Good governance is a function of Godly leadership, therefore, the essence of this revelation is for the political class to imbibe the culture of tolerance, focus on the issue of the importance of welfare.

    The religious sector must therefore imbibe the spirit of religious harmony to promote peace and be more dedicated to the service of God to save the Nation through their prayers, while all Nigerians must uphold discipline, love and culture of patriotism to move the nation forward. With all these, we may avoid a stalemate in our Democracy.

    — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

    Rasool, Shafau, Imtizaala Mohammed(SAW)

    Alhaji Engr. Prof. S.A Olagoke, JP, Ph.D FNSE, FNATE, FNIM,FAES

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen In Islam Worldwide