Disloyalty Breeds Corruption and other Vices-Prof. Olagoke

Prof 1Disloyalty has resulted in countless incidents of unimaginable situations. Self and pecuniary interests in a sizable number of individuals have brought about the unthinkable. Disloyalty seems to be the order of the day in all spheres of human endeavors as people strive to make a living. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that corruption and other practices are products of disloyalty. Excerpts :
Disloyalty has now taken over space in all spheres of human life, why is this so?

The word loyalty is an active ingredient for system dynamics in any administrative setting and strategic management structure.
It is expected to have been learned from one's father/mother relation in the home for a proper child-rearing process to take place, demanding the undertone of Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties.
When disloyalty happens in a working environment the hierarchical order is disturbed, while charges of insubordination between the boss and his working partners, senior or junior, are alleged with resultant insinuations of disaffection and distrust.  The lessons on loyalty and the implication of disloyalty equally ought to have been learned even by intuition in the cultural environment under which we grew up.
Like in Yoruba land, age is a critical factor to command others respect, so also are the positions of power, wealth, and acquired influence and affluence. When there is disloyalty in this line of hierarchy, selfless service may be denied to those people that may need it.
It is then we talk of affront and arrogance. In the house of God, the issue of loyalty and the implication of disloyalty, ought to have been taught and learned through the Scriptures.
So also in the institutions of learning-Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions, our conduct towards obeying the command of the teachers or lecturers matters most,  otherwise, arrogant students may reap the bitter fruit of the allegation of bad conduct.
Courses such as Citizenship Education, Religious Knowledge, and General Studies are expected to be dedicated to the issue of loyalty and the implication of disloyalty.
Nigeria's case in managing our democratic dispensation for governance, whereby the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies are regulated and controlled by the civil and public service rules, in order that the due process of officialdom is enhanced to disallow remote and primitive interventions of unskilled interactions among working groups.
MDAs harmed by the civil and public service rules have all the wherewithal to regulate and control governance activities through the dynamics of political parties.
However, they are feeders to government activities. Sanity must prevail based on the golden principle of loyalty.
Whenever there is an occurrence of disloyalty in the system leakages and fraud become the penalty and political interference to defraud the nation may be very, very easy.
Disloyalty at this level, therefore, has the implication of insubordination to the immediate boss or leader who is expected to hold forth the reign of ground rules for the political class.

Offenders in this realm, therefore, are not only been rebellious to the management of the institution but also rebellious to the state and the nation at large. This is what is responsible for system failure, as it manifests in the way the government believes in seeking for training abroad, rather than making use of the knowledge potentials we have at home.
Disloyalty to the constituted authority is regarded as a grievous sin in religious and spiritual parlance, this comes with very terrible consequences.
In social parlance, disloyalty is a criminal activity as it can disrupt the system dynamics. Disrespect for the constitutional provisions on issues is a grievous form of disloyalty against the state.


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Governance Nigeria

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