
  • Corruption in the Civil Service is a Cancer-Lesotho PM

    • On 25/06/2020
    • In News

    Lesotho 1




    Lesotho Prime Minister Dr. Moeketsi Majoro  has expressed worries over the unending  corruption in the country's civil service.

    Dr. Majoro made this know on Monday in a nationwide broadcast.

    "Corruption, especially within the civil service, is a cancer that has been ravaging Lesotho's economy for a very long time... We are determined set a precedent on this matter and His Majesty's cabinet, principal secretaries, senior government officials and heads of procurement and supply chains will have declared their assets in the next 14 days," he stated.

    The Prime Minister assured that the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Offences (DCEO) would be  given all the assistance it needs to perform its statutory functions.

    Dr. Majoro stressed that farming was the mainstay of the country's economy saying ''"This is why food security is every government's obligation to its people. We need to produce food in order for us to win the fight against hunger and poverty.

    "Furthermore, we will ensure a wider access and usage of green houses and shed nets as well as embarking on agricultural technology."

  • All About Equity and Justice

    Quote 4

    Equity and Justice is not a priority in a sizable number of nations. Indeed. 

  • The True Meaning of Peace








    Those in charge  at all levels ought to learn form the above. Prehaps.

  • Workers in Nigeria should resist Salary Cuts and Sack- AWC

    • On 16/06/2020
    • In News

    Fed 1Labor unions in Nigeria have been called upon to resist any attempt by the Federal and State Governments to slash the salaries of workers and retrench.

    This call was made by the All Workers Convergence(AWC) through tis National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ‘’The AWC is calling on labor to immediately wear another toga and resist any attempt to slash workers salaries or reduce the workforce. The AWC suggests that rather than been creative and finding out ways through which the poor can survive the coronavirus crisis, our government is there planning and trying to use clandestine means to sack workers and reduce their salaries that have never been a living wage’’, Comrade Emelieze concluded.


  • Community Policing will work only if…….-Vice President Ezendigbo in Diaspora

    • On 12/06/2020
    • In News

    Eze 2Community policing can only be effective in Nigeria when equity and justice become entrenched in the system.

    This assertion was made by the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, whoa also doubles as the Vice President(South) Ezendigbo in Diaspora, Eze(Dr.)Alex Anozie.

    ‘’Community policing will work out easily if justice and equity reigns in our society. I repeat again, community policing will work out if justice and equity reigns in our society. Why I continue to hammer on justice and equity every time I comment on national issues, is because if people are happy, if Nigerians are happy, if all the ethnic groups in Nigeria are happy there won’t be anything to worry about community policing, there won’t be crisis everywhere. If justice and equity reigns there won’t be the need for community policing.’’

    Eze(Dr.)Anozie maintained that Nigerians were not happy that was why insecurity in the country was on the increase saying ‘’if the people are happy, then if they see anything bad or evil taking place anywhere, they will committedly expose the bad or evil, but when people are not happy and everyday they live in fear, they are apprehensive, bad news is the order of the day, killings, armed robbery, rape and so on, who then are you policing ? The Government still has a lot to do, that is why those elected are in government. Government should try to restore orderliness and fight crime to a standstill, then people can now start talking about community policing and everybody will show interest’’.

    ‘’When people see evil everywhere, from the Government, from the top to the bottom wrung of the ladder, nobody is happy, community policing would be difficult, because everybody is minding his or her business. When justice and equity are in place, everyone would become his or her brother’s keeper. If I see someone from another ethnic group, I would show concern. But when the system is not right everybody is on his or her own. The Goverment is encouraged to do the needful by nipping in the bud the injustice, inequity and injustice that are all over the country presently’’, Eze(Dr.) Anozie concluded.

  • Parenting

    Quote 1As a Father or as a Mother how have you groomed you children, have you groomed them to be assets or liabilities to the society ? You are in the best position to answer this question.

  • The Home, Morality and Religion

    IndexHuman kind will continue to have challenges of discipline and morality when the primary agents of socialization  fail to function to meet the needs of the individual species constituting the society.

    When the parents fail to meet the needs of their children and wards, the home front would suffer from having effective control and management.

    Unfortunately, the products of the home constitute  the elements of the schools, religious bodies and government establishments. Education without discipline may produce a nuisance, who will have a consequent negative impact on the society.

    Let us remember that most of the prominent armed robbers, drug dealers and fraudsters could be rated to be well educated, but with serious lack on the issues of moral discipline, hence their impact will ever be that of serious security risk and a serious barrier in the way of developing the nation. Hence our present decadence.

    Products of the home are the raw materials in the houses of God, expected to be socially and spiritually rejuvenated under their religious leaders. Unfortunately too, most religious leaders are driven into the houses of God not by self interest or true divine call, but by the desire to boost their lust  for ego and to satisfy their economic needs.

    This condition is making religious adherents  to be worse off in character and attitude, when they are challenged  with the responsibilities of office, this has made the Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Institutions to suffer for lack of discipline and moral upbringing from their various homes and houses of God to their various places of work.

    This is why the erstwhile dignity of labor fabric is already destroyed for all organizational ethics to be set aside for a free fraud spree.

    The process of electing and appointing people into various positions of power is characterized by sentiments of ethnicity, nepotism, tribalism and the goal of business as usual in offices, in place of service in office and selfless service  to humanity.

    It is another institutional indiscipline to have records of non-credible election exercises to have our leaders in place.

    Vote buying and a scenario of juicy positions going to the highest bidder constitute the formation of government, the consequence is the two extreme regimes of kleptocracy by the few and destitution and abject poverty for the largest population of voters with the consequence of government inability to create  or generate employment, provide basic amenities and to facilitate  infrastructural development. Are these environment of poverty not enough to generate a state of insecurity, institutional indiscipline and abuse of opportunities , when impunity dominate our  general attitude to the level of sinful acts and flood of criminality.

    If we are to use the factor of religion to revive education in comatose, raise the hope of the people already distressed, frustrated and depressed, the parents and the clerics need  to work together by agreeing to implement the provisions of the scripture, monitor adherence attitude and develop a mechanism to estimate and evaluate individual understanding and spiritual progress development. Religion presently is too naked to have reasonable impact on the adherents because the divine design of the goal has been trivialized into a poor state of entertainment, false miracles and commercial enterprise against the tenets of free spiritual healing(Matt10 : 7-13, Quaran  11 : 51-52). With these tenets followed, there won't be any need for anybody to dilute the sacredness of religion through unnecessary magical wands.

    Besides this, charity  begins at home, hence there is  the need to work on the provision of  of Quaran 16 : 90 to build a strong base, '' Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and giving to kith and kin, and He forbids all indecent deeds and evil and rebellion : He instructs you, ye may receive admonition.''

    Let this apply to all facets of our lives including the systems of all agents of socialization-home, school, faith based organizations, various associations and unions, Ministries, Departments and Agencies and government as a whole. Let it start from you and  from me.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Parents and Child Rearing

    • On 02/06/2020

    IndexThe issue of institutional discipline rectitude need to span through the phases of the home, school, houses of worship, places of work, the society at large for the nation to benefit.

    This is why moral instruction must be stressed an entrenched part of our curriculum of formal, informal and non-formal education which are highly essential to the sociological interactions of humans.

    At the domestic front, child custody must be within the ambit of safe and secured environment that would make the child to be free from all forms of abuse-sexual and otherwise.

    Parents must give credence to the values through which the want the society to respect their children beyond the mere rhetoric of passing instructions.

    Children must be valued through love, care, respect, attention, protection, with the need for parents to meet up with their physiological needs of shelter, food and clothing. Children must not be left to the mercy of neighbors, who must have to be tested and trusted for appropriate additional guides to be in place. The custody of the child must see him or her through the developmental stages of teething, crawling, walking and the trouble shooting phases of the dental setting(growing of the teeth). Appropriate vaccines against the killer diseases right from the weeks of birth, with the continued attendance of the pediatrics to help him or her avoid the menace of infant mortality. The are of moral instruction largely depends on the integrity of the parents for them to be able to bring out of the best from the child/children.

    All these are functions been responsive to the needs of the child and been responsible in caring for the child by the parents.

    The routine feeding, birthing and other psychological therapy for the child’s relaxation and well being are the very kind of gratitude, the almighty Allah expects from all parents as summarized in the referential example of Luqman, defined as a fountain of wisdom based on the parental roles offered in rearing his won children-Quaran 3 : 12 refers ‘’We bestowed in the past wisdom on Luqman : ‘’Show thy gratitude to Allah’’, Any who is so grateful does so to the profit of his own soul : But if any is ungrateful, verily Allah is free of all wants, worthy of praises.’’

     The emphasis from the above passage is on the fact that a show of gratitude or praise to Allah must go beyond been a matter of carrying out the expected responsibilities, in this case of matters of child rearing. The implication of doing things correctly, most especially following due process is that one remains as an image in a photograph forever, to either regret or appreciate his or her past actions or inaction in the future, so is the case in investing in our children through what it takes to groom future leaders.

    For example, at the awareness level of the child’s impressionable age, it is better to sow a good seed of good character for the child to be permanently be the best in the nearest future even if one is no more around him or her because discipline is the bedrock of exemplary lifestyle.

    However, two things are fundamental in rearing good children. His or her high recognition of Allah to live a Godly life and his or her reverence for parents, who are expected to be role models for the child to learn correctly through good instructions. For example, the provisions of the Holy Quaran 31 : 13–14 are sufficient case studies on this matter.

    ‘’Behold Luqman said to his son, Oh ! my son, join not in worship Allah with any others : For false worship is indeed the highest wrong doing’’.’’ And we have enjoined on man to be good to his parents : In travail upon travail did his mother bear him. And in years twain was weaning, so hear this command. ‘’Show gratitude to Me and the parents. To Me is thy final word.’’

    It is important that parents must communicate effectively with their children, to be able to know their nature for appropriate and timely corrections to be given. Proverbs 27 : 23 equally emphasizes on this. ‘’ Watch your sheep and goats carefully. Be sure you care for them the best you can.’’ Be sure that you care for them the best you can.’’ Let us all are responsible parents to produce reliable future leaders from our homes for the society ,and the nation.

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria