The Long Road to Rail Transportation

N13In 1898, the then administration in Nigeria commenced the construction of the railway and between 1901 and 1909, the railway line had been constructed up to Niger at Jebba-302 miles from Lagos to Jebba.

This was followed by the Western line running from Lagos to Kano, which was constructed between 1898 and 1913.

In addition, the River Niger bridge, the major link  between Lagos and  the North, was constructed and opened for traffic by Lord Lugard in 1916, while a railway line from Port-Harcourt  to   Enugu was also constructed in the same year.

It is to be noted that the railway was extended to Kaduna in 1926 and Nguru in 1`936. Also, the River Benue bridge was constructed and opened for use in 1932,  while the railway lne from Jos to Maiduguri was constructed and opened for use in November, 1964.

In all, during this period there were 2,500 miles of railway in the country.

Interestingly, the discovery of mineral resources in the different locations greatly influenced the construction of the railway lines. Today, the debate among Nigerians is the failure of the present administration to justify the rationale behind the humongous amount of money collected as loans from China and the issue of invisible projects all over for the benefit and well being of the people. 



Debts Railways Nigeria

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