Antecedents: Use and Dump

In a sizable number of states in Nigeria, individuals who presently occupy the Government houses are, perhaps, apostles of the Use and Dump Philosophy.

For the period these individuals have been there, the people are yet to identify the fresh ideas to take the affected states to the next level of development, rather schemings, intrigues, and maneuvres for self perpetuity is the direction.

In these states, it is not about the people not wanting good leaders, but it is all about the imposition of mediocrity.

Sadly, the people never conducted background checks on the antecedents of Those-in-Charge in the states to verify their capacity and capability.


The overbearing influence of the helmsmen in the states is given prominence by the docility and silence of political appointees on the government's unpopular policies and actions.

Indeed, most of the appointees in the cabinets of the affected states are disturbed, but their facial expressions mislead the public to believe the contrary.

Strangely, crime and criminality are now the norms in the affected states, with the helmsmen making feeble efforts to include dialogue as one of the options to put an end to the wasting of human lives and the destruction of properties.


Nigeria Government Governance Politics

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