We are not Beneficiaries of 40 Per Cent Increase in Allowances-NASU UCH

Members of the University College Hospital(UCH)branch of Ibadan,Nigeria of the Non-Academic Staff Unionand AssociatedInstitutions(NASU) have declared that they are not among the beneficiaries of the 40 per cent increase in the allowances of civil servants in the country.
They made this declaration through the union's chairman,Comrade Kehinde Abiona.
''The issue has been put to rest with the payment of April salaries,then we discovered that UCH and other teaching hospitals in the Consolidate Health Salary Scale(CONHESS) were not captured. The only respite we have in the health sector for now, is the latest video released by the Minister of Labor and Productivity,Dr. Chris Nigige wherein he promised that some category of us would enjoy a 25 per cent increase,''Comrade Abiona disclosed.



University College Hospital Ibadan Nigeria Non Academic Staff Union

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