The Urgent Need for Sound Health shall Determine the Voting Pattern of Nigerians in Future Elections-Prof. Olagoke

IndexThe unfortunate happenings in the health sector has become a source of concern for every Nigerian, access to basic health care is now almost an impossibility, this is in addition to the proliferation of fake drugs and the increasing rate of quackery in the sector. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the need for sound health is one of the major factors that would determine the voting pattern of Nigerians in Future Elections.

The health sector is in a very bad state, and there is the issue of the proliferation of fake drugs to contend with in addition to the unabating rate of quackery in the sector, all these combined makes it difficult for Nigerians to access basic health care delivery service. What do you think can be done to salvage the situation ?

Of all the fundamental essence for the survival of human beings the health sector takes an important position. Besides the provision of food, clothing and shelter, upon which the health of everybody depends to be sustained. Unfortunately, Nigeria is short of all these physiological needs demanding the urgent need to visit health care centers and hospitals regularly.

The dire need for sound health is one of the major factors that would ever propel the people to vote and give their mandate to those who will rule them in future elections.

Government service on provision of basic amenities and functional infrastructure that are adequate to serve the overwhelming population of over 200 million are yet to be achieved.

The question arising from this ought to have been a very good guide for government. Such questions should include :

Against the backdrop of the world’s standard rating of personnel/people to serve ratio, what is the position of Nigeria ?

Considering the Number of certified hospitals in the country based on state by state account and ward by ward record, what is the record and where is the evidence ? If they exist , what is their status ? In terms of structure, personnel , drugs and percentage efficiency.

All these data are expected to be on government lines of action for effective and adequate planning.

Against the backdrop of the World Health Organization(WHO) stipulations, how far has Nigeria fared ? For example, the WHO stipulates 15 per cent minimum benchmark of the annual national budget on the health sector but Nigeria sways between 3.95 per cent and 4 per cent.

This may be the reason why Government personnel and those who belong to the elite class in Nigeria, have had cause to run abroad for mere ailments which ought to have been attended to in Nigeria.

This is another reason why many Nigerians prefer to avoid hospitals in the country, until the ailments afflicting them becomes uncontrollable and unmanageable, which could eventually result in permanent infirmity or sudden death.

This may be the major reason why most health professionals seek to work abroad, where the environment is conducive.

The most worrisome aspect of the health sector challenge is the emergence of unregulated and not certified health establishments.

The general challenge for the nation, is therefore that of lack of quality healthcare from those certified government establishments and those supposed to be certified in the private sector.

Government at all levels, therefore need to be challenged on when Nigerians would begin to have adequate number of hospitals, with sufficient number of health professionals and the right type of equipment to treat various health conditions. Nigerians should be conscious of the fact that every profession has its code of conduct, ethics and rules and regulations.

To this extent, Government regulations and controls would only become effective, when we all stand by the concept of zero tolerance for corruption and institutional indiscipline which by right extends to the wholesome rejection of fake drugs and quackery. Let the whole country wake up from the long slumber.


Government Privatization health Nigeria

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