The Long Wait for Answers

GovtA number of Those-in-Charge in the states, run these states like personal fiefdoms. Corruption is commonplace while monetary allocation from the center is the major focus.
Several questions without answers have continued to trail the award of contracts to proxies of Those-in-Charge, with the choice of, but not limited to, infrastructure, rehabilitation, renovation, and road construction as the signposts of good governance in this dispensation.
In some states where constructed street light poles only need repairs and refurbishment, preference is given to the award of contracts for the construction of new ones.
The thousands of Nigerians who benefit from the daily feeding programs in this month of Ramadan fast in several states is a reflection of the deteriorating state of governance. Indeed, a particular number of helmsmen, at all levels of government have failed to conduct themselves in ways that suit the various offices they hold in trust for the achievement of peace, law, and order, security, and good governance.
Unfortunately, today's elected officials and political appointees did not pass through diligent background checks, because the profile of the leadership is questionable.
As the debasing and defrauding of the resources of the state of the federation continue unabated, criminally-minded entrepreneurs, consultants, estate developers, and cultists feature prominently in governance, just as distraught and impoverished Nigerians continue to ask: What was the growth rate of the economy at the federal and state levels, before those in the saddle came on board? What is the growth rate of the economy at present? What percentage of the population have the policies of government at all levels empowered economically?


Nigeria Governance Government

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