Stop Discriminating Policies to ensure National Integration-Prof. Olagoke to FG and States

Prof 1Nigerians have for so long complained of injustice, inequity, discrimination and other related inhuman acts by successive administrations in the country. Sadly, nepotism, favoritism and political patronage have become the order of the day at the Federal and state levels. In this interview the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the present administration in Nigeria should stop implementing discriminating policies to ensure national integration. Excerpts : 

How can the present administration in Nigeria ensure national integration and at the same time eliminate discrimination on the grounds of state of origin, sex, religion, status, ethnicity and language ?

National integration for Nigeria as an entity will promote love, enhance security and accelerate development. However, under the present circumstance, its complexity will require a giant stride of efforts from the present administration to achieve. This is because Nigeria has since by structure and architecture been viewed as a mere geographical contraption by name since the period of amalgamation in 1914.

Unfortunately, our failure to develop the culture of patriotism has been responsible for allegations of marginalization and inequality in having access to our common wealth.

 Nigerians today remain unnecessary heterogeneous because of the discriminatory attitude of our rulers and leaders through biases of differences in state of origin, gender, religion and language. Till date,religion is still a tool to fuel crisis and is a pun in the hands of politicians, not only to have tickets of opportunities to be voted into elective positions, but as a means to be appointed into juicy positions of power.

Discrimination is highly endemic in Nigeria, biases flow continue to stream out the choice of partners in marriages and the girl child and women are equally discriminated against even by their parents in the areas of developing the children.

At the career front, women equally suffer at the entry point of employment as well as at the promotional stage of their development in the establishment. It is unfortunate that our leaders do not see positions of power as an opportunity to serve meritoriously, towards leaving a legacy of good mentor ship by aggressively and seriously working on our weak areas that prove to be the bane of development. For example, the essence of adopting English language as a the lingua franca is to promote national integration, unfortunately, research into cases of fraud and corruption in Nigeria reveal that the majority of those who engage in these evils including the ‘’Yahoo yahoo’’ boys and girls are those ones who are regarded as educated with good diction, phonetics and fluency. Can these people build for us dignity of labor and fraud free society ? How then can we have national integration in the face of all these odds of life. If this government is to achieve for us and the next generation, national integration, there would be the need to overhaul most of our policies that favor discriminating attitudes . To this end, a restructuring agenda that is not based on ethnic coloration or religious sentiments must be effected as the main agenda that must be pursued as a project that must not fail, otherwise the proponents of the fact that Nigeria is a child of circumstance based on the 1914 amalgamation which lives on a document that was only renewable in 2014, that is after 100 years, of the people so wish, may hijack the project. We must not allow national disintegration to replace the lofty project of national integration. The present government must therefore serve the people by satisfying their physiological needs, otherwise the pursuit of the elitist project at the expense of the welfare of the people may be catastrophic in future.


Nigeria Government Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

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