Speak Out When Sexually Harassed-Liberian Minister to Women

Liberia 1Women have been called upon to speak out when they are sexually harassed at  the work place.

This call was made  recently, by Liberia's Assistant Labour Minister for Labour Standards, Atty. Welma Baye Sampson, 

at the Installation of Officers of the Ministry of Labour Women Association (MOLWA), held at the Ministry of Labour in Monrovia.

“Our workplace should be a safe haven. Sexual harassment should not be the basis we change our career path. When we feel we are being sexually harassed, we should not hesitate to speak about it. We should look in the face of our harasser and say stop. If you are too shy, get a sister involved, share with your network and they will find a decent way to approach the harasser.''.

“People use the internet to degrade women, gossip, throw hints and share degrading articles and nude photos about women. Innovation is shaping and changing the way we live as a people and we have to be intentional about its use to positively impact the lives of women and girls. That means, it is time we got involved in making sure that women and girls are not only consumers of innovation, but take our place as innovators.”

“We have been creating awareness on the rights of women at work including paid-for maternity leave, nursing breaks and flexible work schedule for nursing mothers at work'', the Minister concluded.

Also read : Labour Should Pressure President to Assent to New MinimumWage Bill-AWC-https://bit.ly/2F8EyDA


Liberia Women Sexual Harassment

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