No Maternity Leave Benefits for Newly Employed Pregnant Workers In Zimbabwe


The Zimbabwean Government has said that any of its female workers who got pregnant less than a year after employment will not be entitled to maternity leave with full pay.

This disclosure was made by the  Minister of Justice,   Ziyambi Ziyambi when he appeared before Senators in  the Upper House recently.

Firstly, the Government of Zimbabwe does not have a policy of stopping people from getting pregnant," said Minister Ziyambi.

"You can be employed today and you fall pregnant tomorrow. It is your human right to do that.

"Secondly, the Government then regulates to say that should you fall pregnant what should prevail in terms of maternity leave, which is exactly what the Honourable Member has indicated''.

"That is the law to say that after one year of employment, you are entitled to 98 days and you get that but should you fall pregnant a day after being employed, you do not enjoy the benefits of going on maternity leave on full pay for 98 days, Mr. Ziymabi stated.


Government Workers Pregnancy Zimbabwe

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