NNPC : Investigate Corporation's Claim-Ex-Officio

Corr 1The Federal Government has been called upon to carry out an investigation into the claims of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC)that its revenue goes into the subsidization of the cost of producing the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS).

This call was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
If such pontification is coming from the NNPC, perhaps, there is a need to investigate the age-long corruption in the Corporation. The vituperation of the NNPC is an indication that lawlessness has taken over the country. It also means that the NNPC is being run like a private business concern under the command of a dangerous cartel. Nigerians did not vote for the NNPC to direct the affairs of Nigeria, we expect such information to come from the executive,'' Comrade Emelieze concluded.


Nigeria Government

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