An Unpopular Govt Has Emerged from the Flawed Presidential Elections -AWC

Nigeria 8The All Workers Convergence(AWC) has declared that the  leadership that  has  emerged from the 23 February Presidential and National Assembly elections in Nigeria would not popular when reference is made to the flawed electoral process. 

This declaration was  made by the AWC through it National coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze in a chat with Poverty Line.

''And if government has risen to power through crooked means via manipulating the electoral process that government will never  serve the public interest. The cloud doesn't seem to be clear as the political atmosphere has brewed so much violence thereby making the elections not to be credible, not to be popular and not also to be legitimate. Therefore any leadership that would emerge from such an election shall not be credible, shall not be popular and shall not be legitimate''.

''By implication workers' fate shall be hanging in the balance and nothing extraordinary, new and spectacular will happen to the Nigerian workers through a government that came to  power through an election that is not credible, Comrade Emelieze stated.


President Muhamadu Buhari Election All Workers Convergence Nigeria

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