
  • It is Difficult to Define a Journalist In Nigeria-University Lecturer

    Images 1The journalism profession in Nigeria is under intense siege within and outside the circle of practitioners.Standards have been eroded and it is now an allcomers affair.

    Dr.Francis Amenaghwon who holds a Ph.D in communication, is a former staff member of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria(FRCN).

    Dr. Amenaghwon is presently a lecturer in the Department of Communication and Language Arts, University of Ibadan.

    He opines that sanity ought to be restored in the profession. Excerpt: For me,it is increasingly becoming difficult to define who a journalist is in Nigeria.

    In these days of citizen journalism,I-Reporter,online radio,online radio and television channels.The minimum standards of practice ought to be restored. Every profession has its own minimum requirements. When we have a meticulous registration of members,the problem will have been half solved. This is the way forward. Let's set minimum standards for media organizations and institutions correcting the worrisome situation.