Psalm 55-22

  • Don't be Discouraged

    Untitled 17Psalm 55-22

    Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.''

    Discouragement is a life threatening state of mind, as it renders an individual vulnerable to attacks by enemies of the soul.

    In most situations, discouragment is inevitable in the life of a believer, however, Jesus Christ is the solution.

    It destroys the faith of a believer and wrecks havoc on an individual's will power to live.

    The enemy always makes use of the weapon of discouragement, but it is left for you to ward off same, by having a mindset devoid of resentment and bitterness.

    The devil makes use of discouragement to destroy initiative and render an individual useless and disillusioned. For these reasons, you must be strong in faith and reassure yourself that all things will continue to be good.