
  • Guard against Grooming 'Monsters'-Prof. Olagoke to Parents and Guardians

    Download 1Parents and guardians have been called upon to guard against grooming their children and wards  from becoming threats to them and society at large.

    This call was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Isalam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in his address titled, Good Parenting: An Antidote to Wasted Generation Syndrome at the Shafaudeen Group of Schools Inter House Sports day and the Opening of the Ishrat 2024 at Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''We are celebrating God for giving us children. Wasted generation are products from bad homes. When you produce a wasted generation, they will kill you. Monsters you call children. Is your child in danger because you are too indulgent? When you spoil your child, you send him/her to early grave. When you don't discipline, you are preparing for a monumental shocker. May the true God not let us know the grave of our children. May we not be victims of our child's early or sudden death. Ameen!'' Prof. Olagoke prayed.

  • All must Join Hands to Produce Future Leaders-Prof. Olagoke

    Respect 1All stakeholders  must play positive roles for the society to produce the desired future leaders.

    This assertion was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke in a statement titled ''Walk The Talk''.

    ''Good parenting must be worked on to produce real future leaders for the society. The traditional rulers must resuscitate our culture of self-esteem and integrity. Religious leaders need to live exemplary lifestyles and teach the scripture on peace, justice, equity, security, sustainable development, and peaceful co-existence. Academic institutions and professional bodies must be engaged in research for the restoration of lost values while the Government and the rich must institutionalize the concept of philanthropy and inclusive society for a better social order of peace, security, and wellness of the people and tranquility



  • Proper Upbringing of Children A must for Credible Leadership and Good Governance-Prod Olagoke

    ProfThe proper upbringing of children is essential if parents and guardians hope to groom the youth to provide credible leadership in future.

    This assertion was made by the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke  on Saturday, in an address he delivered at the opening ceremony of the Ishrat  2019 and Kiddies sports in Ibadan, Nigeria.
    ''Infant mortality and maternal mortality rate must reduce, adequate funding and scripture compliant religious exercise must be sought, while Government, Society and Parents must uphold the culture of observing the seven codes of child rearing-Value, Protection, Safety, Respect, Inclusion, Hearing or giving attetnion as well as giving freedom to manage the growth of children from infancy to adolesence. This is to produce virile and versatile youth that will be capable of offering service, direction and sacrifice in leadership for good governance''.

    ''It will make children to know and uphold their rights and would avail them the opportunity to relate even theoretical lessons in school, to real life situations as expected of funcitonal education and good citizenry. Government, the Media, Parents, Institutions of learning, Professional bodies, Security agencies, Sports Administrators and Voluntary organizations must adopt and adapt it as a culture to be able  to bring out the best out of children for future credible leadership and good governance for sustainable development'', Prof. Olagoke stated.