
  • Food Crisis Hits Southern Mozambique

    The  Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)funded by the United States has blamed the abnormally high temperatures and late rains for the imminent food crisis in southern Mozambique and parts of the centre of the country.

    According to FEWS NET Report the agricultural season began forty days late, with just 53 per cent of planned planting in the south taking place in December.

     167,000 people benefitted from humanitrain aid in January,this resultedm in several= commmunities in the southern province of Gaza  getting out of the crisis category, whilthe Report stated that  the assistance was insufficient to change the crisis classification in other southern and central semi-arid areas.''

    It also brought to the fore the plight of of people living in the central provinces of Zambezia, Sofala, and Manica where tropical cyclone Desmond caused flooding on 21 January just as the Report maitained that "the storm caused localized flooding, damaged infrastructure, and affected over 1,300 hectares of crops".

    ''In addition, about 6,000 people were displaced from some peri-urban areas of Beira and Dondo cities in Sofala and in parts of Chinde district in Zambezia. Mozambique's relief agency, the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC), has created transit centres to provide shelter, food, and water and sanitation.''

    ''Much of southern Mozambique (in particular, the interior of Gaza and Inhambane provinces) is naturally semi-arid. However, this year the weather pattern has been disrupted by the El Nino phenomenon. El Nino is an anomalous warming of the surface waters in parts of the Pacific, which has a major impact on weather patterns worldwide. In southern Africa, it frequently results in severe droughts, '' the report concluded.

  • Frelimo Excludes Machel's Son from Running in Election

    The son of Mozambique's First President, Samora Machel Junior has said that his name  has  been excluded from the list of candidates to run on the platform of the ruling  Frelimo party for Municipal elections slated for 10 October.

    Machel Junior who made this disclosure during a  press conference, lamented that it was against the ''principles of the party''.

     In addition his bid to run as a mayoral candidate was rejected by the National Elections Commission (CNE) and by the Constitutional Council, while he maintained that a lot of injustice was going on in the electoral process.

    He however called on the electorate to participate in the election saying, "The organs of the Mozambican state are sovereign". "We respect the institutions of the state, even though they do not respect us".

    "Do not stay at home just because AJUDEM and Samora Machel Junior are not on the ballot paper", he urged. "That would not be good for our democracy. We must all vote. We must all comply with the dictates of citizenship. Only by voting can we make a difference".