Information and Communication Technology

  • In the Interest of Digital Literacy

     Untitled 10In Nigeria, millions of citizens, most especially the poor and vulnerable, remain without internet access. 

    For a long time, internet users have had to put up with very substandard services. 

    This is as a result of inefficiency and inadequate infrastructure. 

    Sadly, most of those who are fortunate to have internet access use it negatively. 

    Indeed, digital literacy is a major challenge across the country and this has translated to limited internet use in most sectors of the economy.

     Youths have taken to crime due to the attitude of the leadership at all levels of government, while pornographic content has exposed minors to immoral acts.

    Of worry, is the lack of funding for research and infrastructure for Information and Communication Technology(ICT) by today's leadership. 

    The Backbone

    The Nigerian youth involved in crime is not acting alone, some of those in positions of authority are his or her backbone.

    This becomes glaring when an individual takes a keen interest in unfolding events.


  • Be in Control of Information and Communication Technology(ICT)

    Tech 1 1Be conscious and discretionary in the use of Information and Communication Technology(ICT). The prospects are wide.

     Ensure you devote just enough time to sorting out your emails, but do not allow this task to overwhelm you. Be in control by fashioning out time for every task.

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