False Doctrines

  • False Doctrines

    Untitled 201 2The devil is at work when a believer does not follow Jesus Christ. Most people tell so many lies to cover single lies.

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    That is the situation in Nigeria today.

    The church knows the truth and the word of God, but so many refuse to follow the truth. So many have failed to live righteous lives.

    The trend now is to brainwash and cajole people into slavery through signs, wonders, and miracles shown to them.

    This replaces the word of God they ought to have been taught. They cajole and brainwash people to part with all they have through false doctrines.

    The Local Scene

    The mysterious deaths and killings that have become part of daily living in different parts of Nigeria call for concern.

    Those in charge carry on as if all is well. But this is not the case.

    Efforts should be made to reverse this ugly trend, while citizens embrace self-preservation as the most reliable rule.