
  • Stop your Evil Acts to Avoid the Wrath of God-Cleric to kidnappers and other criminals.


    Evil 1







    Kidnappers and other categories of criminals in Nigeria have been advised to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God.
    This advice of given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi.
    ''My advice to kidnappers, terrorists, and other categories of criminals is for them to desist from their evil acts to avoid the wrath of God. They should turn a new leaf, if not the wrath of God would eventually consume them. If history is anything to go by they are already treading the path of destruction.
    Also, the Government at all levels should make life more meaningful and bearable for Nigerians'', Pastor Ajayi concluded.

  • Resist Evil and Abnormalities-Pastor Ajayi to Nigerians

    Evil 4Nigerians have been called upon to resist all the evil and abnormalities that have characterized daily living by putting their hopes in God. 

    This call was made by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with Poverty Line.

    ''Nigerians must be upright by resisting all the evil and abnormalities in everyday living. Don't join the abnormalities. Evil is increasing by the day, but we should not lose hope. No matter how the evil planters press on with evil and diabolism, there shall soon be a total cleansing. Nigerians should not despair,'' Pastor Ajayi stated.