
  • The Desire to Hold on to Power is the Basis for Violence and Corruption in Developing Countries-Sir Ayaz

    Ahamadiyya conference 1

    The love for power and the desire to remain in power by African leaders has been identified as the reasons why violence and corruption have become the vogue in developning countries.

    This assertion was made recently,  by the Consul-General of Tuvalu in the United Kingdom (UK), Sir Dr Iftikhar Ahmed Ayaz, while delivering his keynote address  at the Ahmadiyya Peace Conference in Accra, Ghana.

    "This one word, power, sums up the ordeal of most developing countries. It is the struggle for power, the seizure of power, the concentration of power in the hands of one individual or group, and the subsequent refusal to relinquish or share power that has sucked these countries into a vortex of violence, repression, tyranny and corruption," Sir Ayaz declared.

    "Africa's progress will depend on development that truly lifts everyone from poverty to prosperity, however, this progress will depend on the prevalence of social and economic justice for all,"

    Sir Ayaz emphasized the need for equality to be the watch word of all and sundry, saying "It is my belief that if the rest of the world continues to act unjustly, usurping the rights of others and interfering in other nations, the will destroy themselves. It is only through the recognition that all men are equal creatures of the same benevolent God and they must constantly seek His pleasure through the discharge of both the rights due him and His creation that can bring about universal brotherhood,"